ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< RishabhGarg108Gi> Hey @rxng8 , I am also pretty new to mlpack but from my limited experience of working on it, I would suggest that one way to get familiar is to literally open different directories and see what types of files are in there. The name of the directories are itelf very intuitive. This way you can understand where to find some particular file. Also the implementation of all algorithms is inside the src/mlpack. You can
< RishabhGarg108Gi> start from there :)
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< AlexNguyenGitter> That's great advice, thanks!
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< pradkrish> is it possible to register my username with a password here, in that way I am not a guest every time I log in?
< rcurtin> pradkrish: yeah, it sure is, if you're connecting via IRC you can follow these directions:
< rcurtin> that's for the entire freenode network, not just this room
< pradkrish> are there in any benefits in doing that? Like if I were to have private chats with people, I would like to have it saved and I would like to be able to read messages sent to me when I was not logged on.
< pradkrish> is that even possible?
< zoq> pradkrish: gitter might be better in this case, unless you like to setup a relay or run the irc client 24/7 on some system.
< rcurtin> pradkrish: the IRC protocol itself won't do that for you, but you could set up a client like irssi to do that
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< pradkrish> rcurtin is that how do you do it?
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