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< rcurtin> zoq: should be fixed now
< zoq> rcurtin: Great, let's restart the git commit job
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #587: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 35 min:
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< iamarchit123Gitt> hey one more doubt on running doxygen Doxyfile should be enough to generate the html amd latex right?
< iamarchit123Gitt> because i am seeing a error while running this command
< iamarchit123Gitt> /home/iamarchit/open_source/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/amf/update_rules/svd_complete_incremental_learning.hpp:72: error: The following parameter of mlpack::amf::SVDCompleteIncrementalLearning::Initialize(const MatType &, const size_t) is not documented:
< iamarchit123Gitt> parameter 'size_t' (warning treated as error, aborting now)
< iamarchit123Gitt> Exiting...
< iamarchit123Gitt> is this a known issue?
< iamarchit123Gitt> or Doxyfile is not the configuration file that is present in top level directory of mlpack
< rcurtin> iamarchit123Gitt: hmm, we have a check so that doxygen errors shouldn't happen, but you can change the setting of WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS in the Doxyfile
< rcurtin> (I forget what that setting is called, but it is something like that)
< iamarchit123Gitt> ty
AvikantSrivastav has joined #mlpack
< AvikantSrivastav> Where is the test file for GRU layer?
< AvikantSrivastav> I couldn't find it in
< RishabhGarg108Gi> @AvikantSrivastava you can find them inside ann_layer_test.cpp, recurrent_network_test.cpp and rnn_reber_test.cpp.
< zoq> Hello everyone, mlpack meeting in about 20 minutes.
< rcurtin> awesome, see you then
< zoq> AvikantSrivastav: Let me find the test for the copy constructor
< zoq> AvikantSrivastav: Alright here is a PR that implements copy/move constructor tests:
onur has joined #mlpack
< onur> hi
< zoq> onur: Hello there.
< onur> while try to build mlpack on linux, I realize doxygen is mandotary.
< onur> Yet I couldn't find an option to CMAKE to disable the documentation build
< onur> Do you think the doxygen(for docs only) is required to build?
< zoq> onur: doxygen is not mandotary, cmake should just print a warning, which you can ignore.
< onur> It's giving error
< onur> -- Not building Julia bindings.
< onur> /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindDoxygen.cmake:447 (message):
< onur> Unable to generate Doxyfile template: No such file or directory
< rcurtin> do you have Doxygen installed on your system?
< rcurtin> maybe remove `CMakeCache.txt` and try configuring again?
< onur> I already did with no chance
< rcurtin> I don't know what you mean by that?
< onur> I deleted all build directory and try again
< onur> It didnt work
< rcurtin> ok, but is doxygen installed on your system?
< onur> not right now
< onur> when I install and try again it complains about missing dot component
< onur> which I couldnt figure out either
< zoq> onur: graphviz should install dot
< onur> -- Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen (found version "") found components: doxygen dot
< onur> I've tried that also
< zoq> onur: The only solution I have right now is to remove the lines:
< onur> Thanks zoq, I got another error after removing the doxygen part in CMakeList.txt file
< onur> It was about CXX standard
< onur> I set FORCE_CXX11=ON
< onur> It's building now, I'll let you know the result
< zoq> I could see the same issue on my machine, but removing the build folder solved the issue for me.
< onur> [ 11%] Building CXX object src/mlpack/CMakeFiles/mlpack.dir/methods/matrix_completion/matrix_completion.cpp.o
< onur> /home/onur/download/mlpack-3.4.2/src/mlpack/methods/matrix_completion/matrix_completion.cpp:58:5: error: ‘Log’ has not been declared
< onur> declared
< onur> [src/mlpack/CMakeFiles/mlpack.dir/build.make:574: src/mlpack/CMakeFiles/mlpack.dir/methods/matrix_completion/matrix_completion.cpp.o] Error 1
< onur> Could it be and old gcc error?
< onur> gcc (SUSE Linux) 7.5.0
< onur> I'll try with a more recent version of gcc
< zoq> Yeah, good idea.
< zoq> So I can see the "is not documented: parameter 'size_t' (warning treated as error, aborting now)" issue on pretzel as well, which uses doxygen 1.8.18.
ryan[m]1 has joined #mlpack
< ryan[m]1> Hello from mlpack slack!
< zoq> I can't reproduce the issue with 1.8.13, and looks like the "LaTeX Documentation Checks" job which runs on master and uses doxygen 1.8.13 as well.
< onur> I couldn't understand
< jeffin143[m]> Hello Ryan of slacke
< zoq> onur: It's not realted to your problem.
< iamarchit123Gitt> @zoq rc/mlpack/methods/amf/update_rules/svd_complete_incremental_learning.hpp:72: error: The following parameter of mlpack::amf::SVDCompleteIncrementalLearning::Initialize(const MatType &, const size_t) is not documented: so you mean for this
< iamarchit123Gitt> we need to install doxygen 1.8.13
< iamarchit123Gitt> i am using 1.8.17 with which issue is coming
< zoq> iamarchit123Gitt: I looked at the error and it makes no sense.
< iamarchit123Gitt> ya why its treating size_t as parameter
< zoq> iamarchit123Gitt: Yeah, not sure yet.
< iamarchit123Gitt> maybe doxygen bug with newer veersion?
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< zoq> iamarchit123Gitt: Building doxygen 1.8.18 to test this out.
< shrit[m]> :+1
< shrit[m]> :+1:
< rcurtin> that came across as text in my IRC client but a thumbs up in slack
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< rcurtin> :+1:
< rcurtin> :slightly_smiling_face:
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< zoq> alright, now I can reproduce the issue
< onur> hi all
< onur> I'm getting this error on building mlpack
< onur> Building CXX object src/mlpack/CMakeFiles/mlpack.dir/methods/matrix_completion/matrix_completion.cpp.o
< onur> /home/onur/download/mlpack-3.4.2/src/mlpack/methods/matrix_completion/matrix_completion.cpp:58:5: error: ‘Log’ has not been declared
< onur> has not been declared
< onur> ^~~
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< onur1> ewqewq
< onur1> sorry
< rcurtin> zoq: iamarchit123Gitt: yeah I think it is a bug; birm[m] spent some time looking into this but I can't remember the outcome
< rcurtin> if you searched Github you *might* be able to find something (it could be difficult to locate the right issue)
< rcurtin> what I remember is that he came up with some workaround that managed to make the doxygen issue not trigger
< onur1> Ok, thanks
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< vivek_> Hello i just build mlpack today what is required to start contribution
< zoq> vivek_: Hello, that sounds great; there is some info about how to get started on the community page -
< zoq> vivek_: See the "Getting Involved" section.
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