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< jeffin143[m]> ryan would next release be 4 ?
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #590: STILL FAILING in 3 hr 0 min:
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #591: STILL FAILING in 3 hr 0 min:
< shrit[m]> @jeffin143 Yes
< zoq> rcurtin: Looks like the last git commit build timed out, but I can't increase the build time, some random Jenkins error; maybe it works for you?
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< rcurtin> jeffin143[m]: yep, next release will be 4.x. I think there are a few PRs linked to mlpack 4.x that can be finished and merged now too
< rcurtin> I guess, at some point someone (usually it is me but it doesn't have to be :)) should think about the minimum we need for a 4.x release
< rcurtin> now we are done removing the linked boost dependencies, but the other boost header dependencies would be harder to remove so probably that is infeasible for 4.0.0 at least
< rcurtin> zoq: strange, I got a random Jenkins error too
< zoq> rcurtin: Maybe a restart helps, I guess easy to test?
< rcurtin> I have our workspace backed up (as of about a week ago, at least), so let's see what a restart does
< rcurtin> hopefully it won't nuke the entire configuration
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< rcurtin> same thing...
< rcurtin> I'll try upgrading all the plugins and handling all the warnings on the "manage jenkins" page and see if that makes things better
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< NippunSharmaGitt> Hi, I have a question. If I make some changes to the `ann` codebase then I am not able to find anything to just make the ann code again (something like `make mlpack_ann`). How can I do this ?
< NippunSharmaGitt> Like there is `make mlpack_pca` for the `pca ` codebase
< NippunSharmaGitt> Is there something I am ignoring that already exists ?
< zoq> rcurtin: fingers crossed
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: That only applies to executables (*_main), since there is no executable for the ann code there is no make ann
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: But make will only build changes, and not the whole codebase again, if you are worried about that.
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< rcurtin> zoq: ok, I upgraded some stuff... but I ended up setting the timeout to 300 by manually modifying the config.xml file for the job
< rcurtin> I think, if I wanted to debug further, I might consider deleting the job entirely and recreating it with the same configuration
< rcurtin> I can't seem to find anything in the logs
< zoq> Strange, I was able to modify the satic analysis job config.
< zoq> I guess, no need to recreate, since it's working for now?
< rcurtin> yeah, strange... if it's working for now, I wasn't going to mess with it further :-D
< NippunSharmaGitt> @zoq So after I make changes to ann there is no need for me to make again (apart from the tests) ? Is this because all files in ann are .hpp or header files ?
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: Not quite, you still ahve to call 'make' but if you run make again you will see that it will only build changed files, or files that include them
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< NippunSharmaGitt> Okay thanks. Is there any way in which I can prevent making mlpack tests (because they take too long) ?
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: If you want to disable all tests you can add -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF to the cmake command.
< NippunSharmaGitt> (edited) ... thanks. Is there any way in which I can prevent making mlpack tests (because they take too long) ? => ... thanks.
< zoq> If you want to build specific tests, you can remove the ones you don't need from -
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< NippunSharmaGitt> @zoq Thanks for clearing
< NippunSharmaGitt> One more question I have. So, just to check I added a member function to `ffn.hpp` named `getNum()` that returns a random `int` (I did that to just check that the changes are reflected in my main program). After that I did `make` (without the tests). But when in a separate .cpp file which I made to check the `getNum()` I always receive an error saying that `getNum()` is not a member function of FFN class.
< NippunSharmaGitt> Is there anything I might be missing here ?
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: THat that's like the correct approach, I guess what you can do is delete just to make sure it was updated?
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: Also the function is public right?
< NippunSharmaGitt> I tried deleting and then running `make` again but it still shows the same error.
< NippunSharmaGitt> Yes, the function is public
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: Maye there is another version of mlpack installed, or are you directly passing the patht to the generated lib?
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< extrowerk> Hi!
< zoq> extrowerk: Hello there.
< extrowerk> This is the season of mlpack-port-update, so lets do this.
< extrowerk> How is there so many nicks? What happend?
< rcurtin> extrowerk: we added bridges to matrix, gitter, and slack :-D
< extrowerk> ah, i see
< extrowerk> how doing nowadays? is there any big happening on mlpack front?
< NippunSharmaGitt> @zoq I am manually passing path to lib folder
< rcurtin> extrowerk: I would say so, we're refactoring to remove dependencies and make mlpack more useful for embedded applications
< rcurtin> zoq worked hard getting C++ notebook environments working, so this makes a really nice use case for mlpack, where you can be a data scientist and do prototyping directly in a notebook, and then turn around and deploy that code exactly, since it's C++
< rcurtin> much easier than the deployment process with python or other tools
< extrowerk> nice
< extrowerk> was mlpack always so small? it is just ~5 mb tarball.
< rcurtin> it's only small until you compile it :-D
< extrowerk> Also cmake seems to be auto-downloading some stuff.
< rcurtin> you can disable that, if it makes your packaging job easier
< rcurtin> we did split out our optimization toolkit into the "ensmallen" package, and CMake will automatically download that if it's not available on the system already
< extrowerk> This is actually not ideal for us, a program should not download things during the compilation process, we want to build them in isolated environment
< extrowerk> is it possible to build ensmallen separately?
< extrowerk> if so i can create a recipe for that too.
< extrowerk> also it seems it will be again a rabbit hole, i have to update hdf5 first
< rcurtin> yes, I just mentioned, easy to disable; just specify -DDISABLE_DOWNLOADS=ON in the CMake configuration
< rcurtin> then just make sure that ensmallen is available as a dependency, and also the STB image header files
< rcurtin> (you can package mlpack without that, but it won't have image loading functionality)
< rcurtin> for version 3.4.2, there's no longer a dependency on boost::program_options, but for that version there was still a dependency on boost::serialization and boost::unit_test_framework
< rcurtin> the upcoming version 4.0 release (not sure when) removes those two dependencies too
< rcurtin> (though boost headers will still be needed)
< extrowerk> thanks for the hint, deps removed
< extrowerk> i don't have to make a separate port for ensmallen/stb if i can download them and put them in the correct place manually
< shrit[m]> @extrowerk ensmallen and stb are header only, doing make will build to tests, and then you can also use make to install them directly
< rcurtin> extrowerk: it might be nice to make separate ports for those, since it's possible to use both STB and ensmallen outside of mlpack---but up to you
< rcurtin> they should be much, much simpler packages than mlpack to package :)
< rcurtin> like shrit[m] pointed out, they're just header-only C++ libraries with nothing to install but sources
< extrowerk> i found the url for ensmallen, but it seems cmake download .h files for stb, is that right?
< rcurtin> yeah, STB is not an mlpack-associated project, it is just some header files
< extrowerk> i mean 307th line in cmakelist.txt: file(DOWNLOAD
< rcurtin> yes, but you can disable the download and CMake will use stb_image.h found on the system if it exists
< rcurtin> for Fedora I actually bundle stb_image.h and stb.h as part of the mlpack package, because it would be too much work to create a package just for two header files (lots of bureaucracy)
< extrowerk> rcurtin: i see, but look:
< extrowerk> line 307: file(DOWNLOAD
< extrowerk> line 312: file(DOWNLOAD
< extrowerk> is this really the best way to do this?
< rcurtin> I'm not sure what you're getting at
< extrowerk> hunting .h files from different folders?
< rcurtin> you don't have to use the automatic downloader
< rcurtin> STB may or may not be packaged on a user's system
< rcurtin> I'd really prefer if it was available in all package managers, but it's not
< rcurtin> if it *isn't* found on the user's system, then we have an option to automatically download a version that we control where we know that it works
< extrowerk> but mlpack depends on stb2.22 or on stb1.13? or which version?
< jeffin143[m]> <rcurtin "you don't have to use the automa"> rcurtin (
< rcurtin> and yes, those two files are in different directories, because stb_image.h is versioned differently (!) than stb_image_write.h
< extrowerk> ah
< jeffin143[m]> Yes exactly that's what I was going to point out
< rcurtin> sorry, I think I misunderstood the point you were making so I wrote a lot :-D
< jeffin143[m]> Probably initially we planned to just
< jeffin143[m]> Load images
< NippunSharmaGitt> @zoq it seems to be working now. I had to remove previously installed mlpack from /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/include, /use/local/bin and then installed the one with code changes. Is there any other way that I can do this without installing mlpack ?
< jeffin143[m]> And rather implemented Saving option too
< jeffin143[m]> So we had to use write.h too
< jeffin143[m]> > And rather implemented Saving option too
< jeffin143[m]> Later*
< rcurtin> jeffin143[m]: yeah, I think you are right about that. I don't like STB's "distribution model", where it's just a bunch of differently versioned header files in a repository
< rcurtin> but, the functionality is really useful for us, so, we chose to go with it despite the difficulty of packaging STB
< jeffin143[m]> rcurtin : True , it gave us nice features :)
< jeffin143[m]> So it's ok to dodge it
< rcurtin> yeah, we made sure because of this situation that you can compile and use mlpack *without* STB, for situations where it would be too difficult
< jeffin143[m]> rcurtin ( time for new release may be 😉
< rcurtin> perhaps, we need to figure out if there are any other "big" things to get in before 4.0 :)\
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #592: STILL FAILING in 3 hr 20 min:
< extrowerk> oh, i forgot how slow is to build mlpack
< rcurtin> extrowerk: yep, patience is key :-D
< rcurtin> (or lots of processor cores :))
< extrowerk> i'm watching xfiles so it is ok
< rcurtin> :)
< extrowerk> and got beer
< rcurtin> zoq: figured out why Jenkins deleted itself
< rcurtin> it's this line in
< rcurtin> rm -rf $REPORT_DIR/*
< rcurtin> REPORT_DIR is unset :)
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #593: ABORTED in 40 min:
< extrowerk> rcurtin: nice!!
< zoq> rcurtin: woops
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> good thing jenkins doesn't run as root :-D
< zoq> yep :D
< extrowerk> i found the following notes in the Haiku mlpack recipe, i think i wrote it: "# mlpack easily eats up all your ram, so don't do parallel jobs!"
< zoq> extrowerk: haha, that didn't change.
< extrowerk> i noticed
_slack_mlpack_U7 is now known as ronakypatel[m]
< ronakypatel[m]> Anyone tried saving the GRU model (data::Save in txt/bin format) on disk and then reloading (data::Load) to use for prediction (model.Predict)? I keep getting matrix multiplication error. I am able to save and retrieve model for prediction with LSTM/FastLSTM but not for GRU. GRU model works fine, if I use the model.Train and model.Predict in the same go (like the one given in RNN test to predict next
< ronakypatel[m]> alphabet in Reber). Likely there is some small issue in saving or loading GRU model in text/bin format.
< ronakypatel[m]> (edited) ... text/bin format. => ... text/bin format.
< ronakypatel[m]> Any help or guidance will be appreciated.
< shrit[m]> What version of mlpack are you using?
< ronakypatel[m]> mlpack-3.4.2
< shrit[m]> Thanks, can you put the full error message here, please?
< ronakypatel[m]> "error: matrix multiplication: incompatible matrix dimensions: 0x0 and 4x1"
< shrit[m]> When you try to save model, is the file empty? did you tried to see of there any thing inside?
< ronakypatel[m]> This is the output model file, if it helps.
< shrit[m]> in .txt
< ronakypatel[m]> Sent you the file already!
< ronakypatel[m]> I don't see any problems in the file. File has content and somewhat in the similar format as LSTM/FastLSTM
< shrit[m]> When you have incompatible matrix, one of the matrices is empty
< shrit[m]> even not initialized, so either there is an issue when loading the file, or there is nothing inside this file
< ronakypatel[m]> The file has content as I said. So issue with loading the file.
< shrit[m]> Can you print the content of the model? after it has been loaded?
< ronakypatel[m]> Sure like model.Parameters()
< shrit[m]> Of course
< shrit[m]> Did you check the features? provided to Predict() function?
< ronakypatel[m]> Do you mean the test data points.
< shrit[m]> Yes
< ronakypatel[m]> Yes I guess, and note that the prediction works if the model is build in the same go.
< ronakypatel[m]> Train Model and use immediately for prediction
< ronakypatel[m]> The feature set is same
< shrit[m]> So where is the issue, you mean if you change the file?
< ronakypatel[m]> Save the file on the disk, then load and then predict.
< ronakypatel[m]> I need to use the model for future predictions
< shrit[m]> I see, did you use the same model name used when you tried to load the file?
< ronakypatel[m]> Yes, note LSTM/fastLSTM works fine.
< ronakypatel[m]> Same code.
< ronakypatel[m]> Just GRU
< rcurtin> I would bet here that some member of GRU isn't being serialized in serialize(), but I'm not sure which one (currently underwater with some other things otherwise I'd dig in)
< ronakypatel[m]> It's a beautiful implementation, with this minor issue.
< rcurtin> ronakypatel[m]: if you're willing to get your hands dirty, you could try using GDB to catch the exception when it's being thrown, and see which matrices in the GRU class are being multiplied
< ronakypatel[m]> Do you need to serialize to store in txt, bin format
< rcurtin> ronakypatel[m]: right, each member of the GRU class that we need to persist needs to be serialized explicitly in the GRU::serialize() function
< ronakypatel[m]> Digging deeper is the plan, if no help is there.
< ronakypatel[m]> I mean if I can get help from the experienced people, I can use it. Otherwise will try to dig in.
< rcurtin> ok, up to you :) I would love to help, but at least for now I don't have the spare cycles to dig into the issue more than just guessing :-D
< shrit[m]> @rcurtin, also these data member are from 3.4.2,
< ronakypatel[m]> I totally understand. Let me see if I can find from where the exception coming from. I will keep posted here.
< shrit[m]> I give a look at GRU implementation
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: true, maybe something has changed there since then since it now serializes via cereal, but I'm not sure
< rcurtin> ronakypatel[m]: if you use gdb as a debugger, you can just type `catch throw` before you run the program and it will hit a breakpoint at the first thrown exception
< shrit[m]> Yeah, I see, hopfully (if there is any bug) it did not passe the transition
< ronakypatel[m]> I will try with the catch/throw, but it may take some time, the build process takes time.
< rcurtin> ronakypatel[m]: yeah, it can take a little while---also be sure to compile your program with `-g` so it has debugging symbols :)
< shrit[m]> @rcurtin there are some data members from the GRU classes which are intialized in LSTM,
< shrit[m]> sorry
< shrit[m]> I mean there are some data member are not serialized in GRU, that are intialized in LSTM,
< shrit[m]> but I am not sure which of the data memeber need to be serialized
< shrit[m]> in GRU
< shrit[m]> serialized
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #594: FIXED in 3 hr 16 min:
< ronakypatel[m]> Here is the relevant stack Ryan Curtin , Let me know if you are looking for something different.
< rcurtin> ronakypatel[m]: yeah, you'd want to take a look at stack 11 to see what two members of GRU were being multiplied, and figure out which one is empty
< rcurtin> in this case it looks like the program was compiled without debugging information
< ronakypatel[m]> Looks like I need to recompile entire mlpack with -g?
< ronakypatel[m]> Not just my code.
< rcurtin> I would think just your code would be fine, since basically everything in the ANN code is header-only, but perhaps not
< rcurtin> if you need to recompile mlpack, and you already built it by hand, you can just use CMake to adjust the options:
< rcurtin> $ cmake -DDEBUG=ON ../
< ronakypatel[m]> I guessed so too
< rcurtin> (from your build directory)
< rcurtin> then just `make mlpack` (and that step should be pretty quick---building the tests is what takes a long time)
< ronakypatel[m]> OK, lets see, will post the finding
< ronakypatel[m]> Ryan Curtin I updated the stack file. I did not recompile whole MLPACK yet, but in previous debug session, some of the object files were carry over from previous build. I recompile the my program and the stack looks complete.