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< Ayush_NLP> Hi All, My name is Ayush Singh and I really appreciate the work done by mlpack and would love to become a part of it.
< Ayush_NLP> I came to know about mlpack via its past GSOC projects. Can anyone please guide me upon how can I start contributing?
< Ayush_NLP> I am interested towards NLP and would love to take the project "Transformer and BERT in mlpack" further.
< zoq> Ayush_NLP: Hello there, for a first starting point you can checkout the get involved section on
< zoq> Ayush_NLP: Also since you mentioned GSoC - might be helpful as well.
< zoq> Ayush_NLP: Ohh and might be helpful as well.
< Ayush_NLP> Thank you so much zoq!! Looking into the links and then shall look up the issue.
< zoq> Ayush_NLP: Sounds good, let us know if you have any question.
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< pradkrish> I am trying to run mlpack test suite. Running the entire test suite by supplying the command "bin/mlpack_test" works but if I try to run individual test suite, like how it's described in the documentation, "bin/mlpack_test -t KNNTest" fails.
< pradkrish> It fails with the following error "Test setup error: no test cases matching filter or all test cases were disabled"
< zoq> pradkrish: We are switching from boost to catch2; the way to run tests is somewhat different.
< zoq> that one should be helpful
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< pradkrish> so if I run ./bin/mlpack_test "[CVTest]" , It runs all 321 cases after giving this warning [Boost.Test WARNING: token "[CVTest]" does not correspond to the Boost.Test argument and should be placed after all Boost.Test arguments and the -- separator. For example: mlpack_test --random -- [CVTest]]
< pradkrish> and when I changed to bin/mlpack_test --random -- [CVTest], the warning disappears but it still runs all 321 tests.
< pradkrish> How can I make it run individual test suite?
< zoq> pradkrish: Ahh right, you have to use mlpack_catch_test until the PR is merged.
< pradkrish> ah, that does it, thanks.
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< RishabhGarg108Gi> Hi all, I was looking at the bindings folder and I discovered that we are using cython for python bindings and probably some different tools for other bindings as well. So, just being curious here, why are we not using something like SWIG here so that we don't have to write bindings for all those languages separately. Isn't it cumbersome to write bindings for each of them separately ?
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< RishabhGarg108Gi> Or am I missing something here ?
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< jeffin143[m]> @zoq : how is data uploaded to ??
< jeffin143[m]> Like there are examples where we are downloading the dataset from
< jeffin143[m]>
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #583: FAILURE in 1 hr 17 min:
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Manually, if you have a dataset that you like to see let me know and I can upload it.
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