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< yashwants19[m]> Hey [zoq]( if you have some bandwidth can you please take a look at
< jeffin143[m]> Now suddenly all pr are having
< jeffin143[m]> Style checks broken
< jeffin143[m]> 161 warnings
< jeffin143[m]> That's a lot
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< zoq> yashwants19[m]: For some reson the schedule job sends out a bunch of mails.
< yashwants19[m]> For this PR i have created branch on mlpack repo.
< yashwants19[m]> Is this a reason for the mails?
< zoq> I think so, I guess in the last 2 minutes we send like 100 mails.
< zoq> still sending
< zoq> same thing happend some hours ago
< yashwants19[m]> I am really sorry did I broke something.
< zoq> nah
< zoq> I mean we say the git-commit mailinglist can be noisy :)
< yashwants19[m]> As i push something to the PR those mail start sending.
< yashwants19[m]> And the branch for this PR is on main mlpack repo.
< yashwants19[m]> For installing the app properly.
< zoq> Yeah, Ryan installed gitdub (I think that is the name) to send out mails for commits, maybe we can set a filter or so.
< zoq> So I guess let's wait before pushing anything new?
< yashwants19[m]> [zoq]( [rcurtin]( i am closing #2692 and #2691 which was created by github action bot after detecting version bump for those headers.
< yashwants19[m]> Is that will also create those mail.
< yashwants19[m]> ?
< zoq> Closing, no.
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: There was a bug in the style config job configuration, so the job didn't run for some days -
< yashwants19[m]> Closed :)
< zoq> yashwants19[m]: great :)
< zoq> yashwants19[m]: So #2689 is working?
< yashwants19[m]> Yes it is working fine
< zoq> Nice, I'll take a look later.
< yashwants19[m]> PR was created by github actions bot only
< yashwants19[m]> Catch PR
< zoq> This is super cool.
< yashwants19[m]> CLI11 PR
< yashwants19[m]> Thanks :)
< zoq> Can we do another one for boost as well?
< yashwants19[m]> Yes I think so.
< yashwants19[m]> But in boost i think so the main challenge will be to install/use that particular bumped version for mlpack.
< yashwants19[m]> I guess remove boost(if present) before installing new will work fine.
< yashwants19[m]> If you, Ryan and others agrees for providing copy of cereal with mlpack then we can also do this for cereal also.
< yashwants19[m]> As we are facing R-bindings issue with cereal on windows, we may have to provide cereal copy with the package as suggested by Ryan.
< zoq> For bosst is just adding the version to - so that cmake can find boost.
< yashwants19[m]> We can do this.
< yashwants19[m]> <yashwants19[m] "We can do this."> I guess 😅
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< shrit[m]> Just a question, what is the emails sent by gitdub?
< zoq> shrit[m]: Yashwant configured a GitHub Action to open an automatic PR for Cereal and Catch2 if there is a new version.
< zoq> shrit[m]: I think he solved the mail problem.
< jjb[m]> zoq> yup, it auto-opens a new PR. Those actions are based off of RcppEnsmallen’s upstream refresh action: <
< jjb[m]> Not sure if dependabot could be setup to handle the upstream check though. I think it’s limited to python/npm libraries.
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