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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #584: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 19 min:
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< rcurtin> something's gone wrong with Jenkins... it seems like the entire configuration got lost somehow
< rcurtin> luckily, I have a backup, which I'm getting into place now
< rcurtin> the backup is very big, so this might actually take a day or so to tar up the backup and move it
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< zoq> rcurtin: Strange, but good thing there is a backup.
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< NitishChaturvedi> Hello everyone! I'm new here. I want to start contributing to mlpack. Can someone guide me please?
< zoq> NitishChaturvedi: Hello, so a good starting point is the getting involved page (which is currently down), but I can link you to the document -
< zoq> NitishChaturvedi: Also might be helpful as well.
< zoq> rcurtin: I thought this only effects Jenkins, but looks like as well.
< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, I am really confused what happened here
< rcurtin> no signs of foul play
< rcurtin> my network is not very fast, so copying the backups back into place could take a while
< rcurtin> I'll prioritize the websites, hopefully only a couple hours for those
< zoq> I think it's not super critical.
< zoq> I wondering are the files gone?
< rcurtin> well the websites are pretty critical I think :)
< zoq> Or is this some configuration issue?
< rcurtin> the directories /var/www/ and /var/www/ are empty
< zoq> ohh
< rcurtin> but I don't know why---none of the other websites had this issue, only the ones controlled by jenkins
< zoq> Did we enable the jenkins auto update?
< rcurtin> for jenkins itself, it shouldn't be enabled
< rcurtin> but for the plugins maybe
< rcurtin> ok, got back online
< zoq> nice
< AlexNguyenGitter> @zoq Thabks for the answer the other day, I can find the command through 'mlpack_test --help' now
< AlexNguyenGitter> And also I have a small question, when I write test case or new method, how should I debug it (i.e. Print the current generated matrix) ? Is there any flag to show debugging printing?
yac87 has joined #mlpack
< yac87> Hello o/
< zoq> yac87: Hello there.
< yac87> I'm trying to figure out howto serialize mlpack::gmm::GMM - when I use cereal Archive ar(gmm,1) I get "cereal found more than one compatible output serialization function for the provided type and archive combination"
< zoq> AlexNguyenGitter: To print Log::Debug you need to set mlpack::Log::Debug.ignoreInput = false; e.g. at the start of the test.
< yac87> even when I specialize like this: CEREAL_SPECIALIZE_FOR_ALL_ARCHIVES(mlpack::gmm::GMM, cereal::specialization::member_serialize);
< yac87> to clarify I just want to save/load GMM to file and I noticed it has serialize() method which looks like what I want but I don't know how to invoke it properly /o\
< zoq> yac87: data::Save("model.xml", "gmm", gmm, false); should do the trick
< zoq> yac87: data::Load("model.xml", "gmm", gmm); to load
< yac87> Oh I though it only works for arma data types... thanks ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
< yac87> BTW is down for me... or rather it's up but serving 404 and weird half-loaded pages. I assume it's known, but just to be sure...
< zoq> Yes thanks for the info, Ryan is currently working on getting it back online.
< yac87> zoq oh it's so nice... modern C++ isn't even that bad with beautiful libs like this <3
< zoq> True :)
< yac87> hehe, True (python) vs true (c/c++) is costing me extra typing :-p Anyway, thanks a lot for the help and for the library itself, it's awesome!
pradkrish has joined #mlpack
< RishabhGarg108Gi> Hey all, I wanted to know if there is any facility to freeze the weights of some layers in mlpack, if we don't want them to get changed during backpropagation. For example, like we freeze the weights of the top layers in transfer learning.
< zoq> RishabhGarg108Gi: There is no such option, but would be interesting to have.
< abernauer[m]> Yeah that would be a solid featur to implement agree.
< abernauer[m]> * Yeah that would be a solid feature to implement agree.
< RishabhGarg108Gi> Yes, It would be a big step. This can also open doors and we can provide ready to use implementations of various state of the art CNN models like Inception, Residual networks etc.
< rcurtin> yac87: zoq: yeah, restoring from backups right now... the backup should be transferred over within 30-45 minutes
< RishabhGarg108Gi> I think I will open an issue for it.
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< AakashkaushikGit> Hey I am stuck at the copy_visitor and i can't actually understand what `CopyVisitor<CustomLayers...> ` is i looked at `layer_types.hpp` but i can't understand what that means in the context of `LayerTypes`
< AakashkaushikGit> Basically I want to implement the same without using boost visitors.
< AakashkaushikGit> in the ffn class
< rcurtin> ok, got the website back up...
< yac87> \o/
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< zoq> rcurtin: Nice!
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