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< techhoovees[m]> anyone need a python and c# web dev
< techhoovees[m]> flask
< techhoovees[m]> and asp.ent
< techhoovees[m]> html css
< techhoovees[m]> experiecne
< abernauer[m]> rcurtin: I have a first round interview with EY tomorrow morning.
< rcurtin> shrit[m]: I'll open a PR with it tomorrow :)
< birm[m]> abernauer: good luck! Bring open source to the world :)
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< zoq> abernauer[m]: Best of luck.
< rcurtin> abernauer[m]: agreed with zoq; good luck!
< abernauer[m]> thanks for the best wishes everyone
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< rcurtin> looks like mlpack-bot *would* have worked right except for a misspelling :) so I had to finish the job for it
< rcurtin> now the website is rebuilding on Jenkins automatically... it takes a lot longer than though, because we have to build the doxygen documentation and markdown bindings
< zoq> Nice!
< zoq> Looking at the latest website diff, I guess we could use stable instead of the latest version for some of the links.
< rcurtin> yeah, that could make it a little easier too; right now my post-update script just does some regex to various sources
< rcurtin> (I'm about to open a PR with those two scripts)
< abernauer[m]> zoq: Should I add a commit removing the install.packages(mlpack) line in that PR I opened?
< zoq> abernauer[m]: Yes, James opened a PR for r-rcppensmallen on conda forge - once that one is merged we shoul dbe aable to build the conda mlpack conda package with R bindings enabled.
< abernauer[m]> Ok I will add the commit to my to do for the day. The interview went well btw.
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< zoq> abernauer[m]: Nice, btw. are we talking about Ernst & Young?
< rcurtin> great to hear, hopefully it moves forward! E&Y is a big firm; actually, interestingly, they are one of the first customers of my company :)
< abernauer[m]> Yeah they switched a lot of their marketing materials to just EY acronym.
ImQ009 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
< abernauer[m]> * Yeah they switched a lot of their marketing materials to just the EY acronym.
< zoq> Nice that they got the domain as well :)
< rcurtin> zoq: do you have permissions to restart this build?
< rcurtin> I don't seem to be able to
< zoq> rcurtin: Maybe now? I also restarted the build.
< rcurtin> ah, now I have permission, thanks!
< zoq> Just resetted the permissions.
< zoq> Everyone in the Contributors Team shoul dbe able to restart/stop etc. jobs.