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< avikantsrivastav> Hello everyone,
< avikantsrivastav> I am Avikant Srivastava from India
< avikantsrivastav> I am 3rd year undergrad student.
< avikantsrivastav> I mainly work on deep learning projects. I am excited to join this org and contribute.
< avikantsrivastav> I have been working on a personal project that is implementation of neural networks from scratch in c++.
< zoq> avikantsrivastav: Hello, looks interesting, let us know if you have any question.
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< iamarchit123Gitt> i had to build it by configuration from source and then shared library appears in /usr/local/lib so seems strange am i the only one who experienced this
< iamarchit123Gitt> Hello everyone i had one doubt dont know if it's know issue on page it's written that sudo apt-get install libmlpack-dev will install mlpack on system but i see only my includse paths having header installed but so file is not copied into /usr/local/lib is this know issue?
< iamarchit123Gitt> (edited) ... but so file ... => ... but .so library file ...
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< zoq> iamarchit123Gitt: No, it should be there, did you search for maybe it's in another directory like lib64?
< iamarchit123Gitt> my OS is Ubuntu 20.04
< rcurtin> if you installed `libmlpack-dev`, it should put in /usr/lib/, not /usr/local/lib/
< rcurtin> CMake installs by default to /usr/local/, but only if you built and installed from source (and didn't change CMake's default installation directory)
< iamarchit123Gitt> i can see libarmarmadillo there but not libmlpack is /usr/lib :( in fact find on terminal is not able to find it anywhere. It must be only specific to me then if no one reported this.
< rcurtin> oh! I think that libmlpack-dev only installs the headers---if you want the library, too, install libmlpack3, and if you want the command-line programs, install (I think) mlpack-bin
< abernauer[m]> Yeah that sounds right rcurtin
< iamarchit123Gitt> Then in that case shouldn't the build.html page change to provide this extra information? The link is giving little wrong info right because what is the use of installing headers if you cant link to the library? Please take this and all my future comments as a novice as I am new to using open source or mlpack
< rcurtin> iamarchit123Gitt: it's possible to write header-only programs that don't need, but you're right---if the documentation doesn't also suggest installing `libmlpack3` when on Ubuntu or Debian, do you think you could add that (and maybe `mlpack-bin`?) and open a PR?
< rcurtin> alternately we can open an issue for it and maybe someone will interested in handling it
< rcurtin> (I'd do it but I'm pretty swamped)
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< iamarchit123Gitt> I'll do it sir
< rcurtin> awesome, thanks!
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< rcurtin> zoq: I'm trying to load some notebooks via binder (from the link in ) but I see "failed to connect to event stream"; any idea what I should do here?
< abernauer[m]> rcurtin: that reminds me I will push some commits addressing your comments on my PR. Taking it a bit easy this week.
< rcurtin> no worries, there is no hurry at all :)
< zoq> rcurtin: Sometimes a restart helps, let me do that.
< zoq> rcurtin: Okay, restarted and it now rebuilds the image.
< rcurtin> same thing, maybe I should use a different link or something?
< rcurtin> anyway, dinnertime now, I'll come back to this when I have a chance :)
< zoq> rcurtin: everytime there is a new commit, binder has to rebuild the image; also sometimes the binder instance just hangs for whatever reason.
< zoq> rcurtin: now there is some problem with xplot ... I'll solve the problem tomorrow
< outmanipulateGit> Hey! I checked the pull requests and I don't see a BCE loss function being implemented. I would like to take this up if it's alright with the community. I find these resources given by @ojhalakshya to be helpful and would be using them for my implementation. Any tips and advice is more than welcome as I am new to mlpack and this will be my first issue.
< outmanipulateGit> Thank you
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #586: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 35 min:
< zoq> rcurtin: looks like dot is missing on pretzel