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< unworthyprogramm> I am not able to find the definition of lambda in the mlpack code base , they are inheriting lambda function in many constructors
< unworthyprogramm> please someone guide me
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< shrit[m]> zoq: I thought the meetings are on Friday rather than Thursday?
< zoq> Yes, missed to update the notifier.
< zoq> It's tomorrow.
< shrit[m]> Ok, no worries,
< zoq> unworthyprogramm: Hello, I'm not sure what you mean, can you elaborate?
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< NippunSharmaGitt> (edited) ... bool intercept = ... => ... bool loaded = ...
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: Do you link against mlpack, when you compile your test program?
< NippunSharmaGitt> sorry I am not able to understand, I use this command to compile:
< NippunSharmaGitt> `g++ code.cpp -o code -fopenmp`
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: You also have to link against mlpack, g++ code.cpp -o code -lmlpack ...
< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: Depending on your configuration you also have to link against armadillo so you have to add -larmadillo.
< NippunSharmaGitt> This error is thrown:
< NippunSharmaGitt> `error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory`
< NippunSharmaGitt> when I run:
< NippunSharmaGitt> `g++ code.cpp -o code -lmlpack -larmadillo -fopenmp`
< zoq> I guess you skipped the make install step? in this case you can also use the exact path so path/to/
< zoq> instead of -lmlpack
< zoq> also in this case make sure to set the include search path as well
< zoq> so -I/path/to/mlpack/include/
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< travis-ci> mlpack/ensmallen#1098 (2.15.1 - 59288c6 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< NippunSharmaGitt> @zoq Thanks! issue is solved.
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< zoq> NippunSharmaGitt: Great :)
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< pradkrish> I am currently trying to install mlpack on Ubuntu 20.04. Running "cmake -D DEBUG=ON -D PROFILE=ON ../" gives the following error (just showing the trimmed version of it)
< pradkrish> CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:146 (message): Could NOT find cereal: Found unsuitable version "0.0.0", but required is at least "1.1.2" (found /usr/bin)Call Stack (most recent call first): /usr/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:391 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
< pradkrish> CMake/Findcereal.cmake:51 (find_package_handle_standard_args) CMakeLists.txt:416 (find_package)
< pradkrish> I do have libcereal-dev already installed. Thanks.
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< shrit[m]> pradkrish what version do you have of libcereal-dev instaleld?
< shrit[m]> installed*
< shrit[m]> Can you specify the path where you have libcereal-dev?
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< pradkrish> I installed it through "sudo apt-get install libcereal-dev" and "which cereal" ==> "/usr/bin/cereal"
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< pradkrish> Also, I am building the package inside a python virtual env, is that the recommended way?
< zoq> pradkrishCan you check the version as well, 'cereal -v' should work.
< pradkrish> @zog are you sure that's a valid option? I get Unknown command: '-v' :(
< zoq> pradkrish: Actually, I'm wondering what that binary is, because libcereal-dev should only install the lib.
< zoq> pradkrish: One option that you could try is to install cereal manually.
< zoq> tar -xvzpf v1.3.0.tar.gz # Unpack into cereal-1.3.0/.
< zoq> and than add DCEREAL_INCLUDE_DIR in the cmake step
< zoq> so something like cmake -DCEREAL_INCLUDE_DIR=path/to/cereal-1.3.0/include/ ..
< zoq> that should work as well
< zoq> but on my system libcereal-dev installs cereal 1.3.0
< pradkrish> how did you get that info, as in what version libcereal-dev points to?
< pradkrish> is it by cereal -v?
< zoq> apt-get -s install libcereal-dev
< pradkrish> libcereal-dev is already the newest version (1.3.0-2) ..... that's my version number
< zoq> pradkrish: hm, can you test to build outside the env?
< pradkrish> yeah, I was surprised about that. I don't think using a venv is mentioned anywhere in the build instructions, is it?
< zoq> Right, would be a good idea to change that, I used conda in the past, instead of venv.
< pradkrish> do you currently develop in a venv?
< zoq> Personally no, but maybe others do; will test it out at some point, I guess people use venv quite a lot.
< pradkrish> I am usually quite hesitant to build such packages outside of venv, since I contribute to other projects and I don't other things to get messed up.
< pradkrish> *don't want
< pradkrish> well, they won't but ....
< zoq> Yeah, understandable.
< pradkrish> I am sort of confused how to proceed now ... without doing it outside of venv
< pradkrish> okay, let me try outside of venv ....
< zoq> you can do the steps I mentioned above
< zoq> they should work inside a env
< pradkrish> do you mean installing cmake directly from the source
< pradkrish> sorry, cereal not cmake
< zoq> yes, it's a header-only lib so just unpack the archive
< pradkrish> fudge, the same problem
< pradkrish> after doing this cmake -DCEREAL_INCLUDE_DIR=path/to/cereal-1.3.0/include/
< zoq> but with the correct path right, I just use an example
< pradkrish> I went back to mlpack and tried running building again .... I see the same error. Somehow it is unable to find the path
< pradkrish> I did --> cmake -DCEREAL_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/(MYNAME)/repos/cereal-1.3.0/include/
< zoq> okay, that looks correct
< zoq> I'm not sure if this is a problem with your venv setup or if that is something else.
< pradkrish> I tried once outside of venv and I get the same error.
< pradkrish> So this is probably not related to venv
< zoq> yes
< pradkrish> will you be able to do a quick within venv installation at your end?
< pradkrish> with the latest on master
< pradkrish> I know this is too much to ask, feel free to ignore this plea :)
< zoq> Nah, I'm interested to see if that works as well, but that probably has to wait until tomorrow.
< zoq> pradkrish: Do you mind to open an issue on GitHub and post the error you get?
< pradkrish> can you do which cereal ?
< pradkrish> "which cereal"
< pradkrish> sure, I will open an issue tomorrow, pretty late for me here.
< pradkrish> which cereal --> /usr/bin/cereal
< pradkrish> that's what I get
< zoq> I don't have the cereal package installed, it's some kind of automation framework -
< zoq> libcereal-dev is a C++11 library for serialization
< zoq> so it's not the same thing
< pradkrish> aah, good to know
< pradkrish> the difference
< pradkrish> I will open a PR tomorrow, thanks very much for your engagement.
< pradkrish> not a PR, sorry, an issue :)
< pradkrish> quite late and my words are slipping
< zoq> Hopefully we can figure this out :)
< pradkrish> thanks mate ... cheers
< zoq> Yeah, it's getting late here as well.
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