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< rcurtin>
ack, unfortunately for this quarter I now have meetings scheduled during the mlpack video meetup time every week... maybe we should find a different day or time?
< zoq>
Yes, I wanted to send out another poll, will do that later.
< rcurtin>
awesome, sounds good :)
< sreenik[m]>
Anyone in one of the mentor summit breakout sessions? I am in the second one right now
< sreenik[m]>
Also, I was out of sync for a while, probably missed out on a lot of discussion here
< rcurtin>
it has been a super busy day for me, I haven't escaped my work meetings :(
< sreenik[m]>
< rcurtin>
and since it's only until 1900 UTC, today's sessions will be over before my meetings are
< rcurtin>
but I think maybe I can make some tomorrow... assuming nobody schedules more meetings for me :-D
< rcurtin>
how is it so far?
< sreenik[m]>
Tomorrow? I don't this this is continuing into tomorrow :(
< sreenik[m]>
The beginning talk was great by Stephanie
< rcurtin>
oh, the email I had said it was both today *and* tomorrow from 1500-1900 UTC; maybe I missed something?
< sreenik[m]>
In fact I got to know something funny (you might know this already)
< sreenik[m]>
Umm, I think there was another mail which said that it is only for today. I'll have to check which one was the later one
< rcurtin>
ohh, crap :(
< sreenik[m]>
About the funny thing though, I realised how Stephanie and team work quite independently w.r.t. Google as a whole and what's important for Google is if the programme is meeting its objectives
< sreenik[m]>
For example, GCI wasn't exactly meeting objectives, so it got discontinued :(
< rcurtin>
huh, I wonder what the "objectives" are?
< sreenik[m]>
Yup I'm coming to that now (:D)
< rcurtin>
< sreenik[m]>
And with GSoC's primary objective being retaining students in open source, umm...uhh..
< sreenik[m]>
They are going to conduct a survey and take a look at how successful that has been
< rcurtin>
I guess they can measure that based on repeat participation? I seem to remember filling out surveys regularly that would have me indicate if I was a GSoC student (I never was)
< sreenik[m]>
Because that is stats that Google wants if it is to continue funding this programme :)
< rcurtin>
I think we do pretty awesome retaining students in open source here :-D
< sreenik[m]>
rcurtin: Haha
< rcurtin>
hopefully Google agrees :):)
< sreenik[m]>
Yup, because Google does have a nice name due to this programme, so it is very unlikely for Google to practically discontinue Summer of Code :)
< sreenik[m]>
rcurtin: Yeah, for mlpack, we do retain a lot of students
< rcurtin>
yeah, after 15 years, there is a lot of momentum (actually I guess it is 16 years now)
< sreenik[m]>
Yes, 16. Got the sticker last year due to it being the 15th year :)
< rcurtin>
< sreenik[m]>
You're supposedly quite engaged today. I'll let you know if I hear something interesting :)
< rcurtin>
well, just sitting through boring meetings... I need to sort of stay engaged with the discussion so I can't write code, but the discussion is often redundant so I can look at other things like IRC :)
< sreenik[m]>
Ahh, got it
< sreenik[m]>
I can see birm now :)
< birm[m]>
Hahaha. I didn't look at the participants enough! Sorry to have missed you!
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< bubbac>
Hello, everyone
< bubbac>
You're probably wondering why I've brought you here
< bubbac>
Does anyone have any questions before we get started/
< bubbac>
[ RY ]
< bubbac>
[ BRAR ]
< bubbac>
[ LI ]
< bubbac>
[ TAKE ]
< rcurtin>
bubbac: are you sure you have the right channel here?
< bubbac>
[ OUT ]
< bubbac>
I'm relatively certain.
< bubbac>
Are you in the right channel?
< jeffin143[m]>
Oh I missed the meet
< jeffin143[m]>
Is anyone there still ???
< sreenik[m]>
mlpack Video meet? I don't think we are having one his week
< jeffin143[m]>
< jeffin143[m]>
Just misread
< sreenik[m]>
< bubbac>
It's in-person this week, Hooters on 37 West.
< rcurtin>
bubbac: how many people showed up? send a picture!
< rcurtin>
actually, maybe I shouldn't ask for a picture
< sreenik[m]>
< sreenik[m]>
By the way, 2021 is going to see only 175-hour GSoC projects over a period of 10 weeks (instead of 350-hour over 12 weeks)
< sreenik[m]>
Stipends halved as well :)
< rcurtin>
oh, interesting, that's a big change
< rcurtin>
I guess this makes it easier for students to do internships *and* GSoC simultaneously
< sreenik[m]>
Certainly, and there's a sad news as well
< sreenik[m]>
We will probably have a virtual summit next year again, not an in-person one
< rcurtin>
< rcurtin>
a year is so far away, maybe they will change their mind? depends on COVID I guess
< sreenik[m]>
Yea, I was thinking the same thing but the overall discussion is going in a direction that looks like GSoC is taking a backseat in Google's priorities (I mean, something tells me from the tone)
< AakashkaushikGit>
That was a lot to take in, as i do have intentions to participate in gsoc and contribute here.
< sreenik[m]>
Hey don't worry. Ahh, I didn't realise I might have scared people
< HavshxjdnaggzGit>
Hi, I want a dataset to run KNN. I know iris_train but I want bigger data.
< rcurtin>
HavshxjdnaggzGit: maybe covertype? you can download lots of datasets from the UCI dataset repository
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< AakashkaushikGit>
@sreenik[m] haha, sure did.
< AakashkaushikGit>
looks like i tagged someone else.
< HavshxjdnaggzGit>
@matrixbot, Yes, thank you.
< AakashkaushikGit>
Ok now we are going on a streak.
< shrit[m]>
@rcurtin AppVeyor is still failing. However, I suppose it has failed after the installation have finished.
< rcurtin>
shrit[m]: looks like it's trying to upload the test results, but we don't build the test anymore
< rcurtin>
so I think that you can remove the `test_script` section entirely
< shrit[m]>
Also R build on windows is failing for no reason