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< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, ensmallen is a little weak on the other stuff though :-D
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< rcurtin> abernauer[m]: not sure, not familiar with it unfortunately
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< abernauer[m]> It's not a theoretical text and has C pseudocode.
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< RohitKartikGitte> both these books are really great.
< rcurtin> I'm definitely familiar with the CLRS algorithms book, and that one is definitely good :)
< rcurtin> sounds like I should add The Algorithm Design manual to my list
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< RohitKartikGitte> cool :)
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< RohitKartikGitte> which sem are you currently in rcutin?
< RohitKartikGitte> (edited) ... in rcutin? => ... in rcurtin?
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< rcurtin> I defended my PhD four years ago, so not currently a part of any semester :)
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #567: NOW UNSTABLE in 3 hr 1 min:
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< ShikharJaiswalGi> @aberbauer Steven Skiena is a very skilled problem designer and problem solver as well. If interview prep is your goal, there isn't a better text available than this. Some people suggest Cracking The Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell, but that is too easy in my opinion (the last section on hard problems is good though).
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< RohitKartikGitte> nice @rcurtin
< RohitKartikGitte> @ShikharJ that's great advice. would Cracking the Coding Interview be of help in case of FANG?
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< ShikharJaiswalGi> @OO7kartik AFAIK Netflix doesn't hire people straight out of schools. Amazon's process is by far the easiest out of the four, you probably wouldn't even need CTCI. I have given Google's snapshot coding sample (which is the standard interview qualifier for North America) and the questions were simply chapter exercise level problems. I have no experience of interviewing with Facebook, but I have a number of friends who
< ShikharJaiswalGi> did, and they don't think of the process being wildly different from Google. Hope this helps.
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< Nakul[m]> i noticed here ```Automatic bindings to new languages``` the link is broken
< Nakul[m]> it would be nice to update
< zoq> Nakul[m]: We will update the ideas pages in the next days/weeks.
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