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< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: Just saw the table and the room. Looks fantastic!
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< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: yeah, the mentor summit is a really cool event and I'm glad that they put it on :)
< rcurtin> but I forgot to take a picture with atharva this year :(
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< Nakul> Hi all !
< Nakul> please help me with this i am tired of this error
< Nakul> i tried stackoverflow but did not get any solution
< Nakul> ```collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit statussrc/mlpack/methods/cf/CMakeFiles/mlpack_cf.dir/build.make:99: recipe for target 'bin/mlpack_cf' failedmake[2]: *** [bin/mlpack_cf] Error 1CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1928: recipe for target 'src/mlpack/methods/cf/CMakeFiles/mlpack_cf.dir/all' failedmake[1]: ***20:19 < Nakul>
< Nakul> [src/mlpack/methods/cf/CMakeFiles/mlpack_cf.dir/all] Error 2running buildrunning build_pycopying /home/knakul853/Desktop/Gsoc2020/mlpack-3.2.1/build/src/mlpack/bindings/python/mlpack/ -> build/lib/mlpack[ 10%] Built target python_copyMakefile:138: recipe for target 'all' failedmake: *** [all] Error 2```
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< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: :)
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< zoq> Nakul: Hm, can you tell us more about your system, looks like this is related to the python bindings. You could use -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF in the cmake step to turn the bindings off.
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< Nakul> zoq sure i am using ubuntu 16.04 ,python 3.7.3 here is the output of the make -j4 and sudo make install
< Nakul> i upgraded and removed all the installations and tried again but getting the same error
< zoq> Nakul: Do you use anaconda?
< Nakul> yes
< zoq> can you update your LD_LIBRARY_PATH env?
< zoq> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/abc/libs:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
< zoq> where /home/abc/libs is the path to
< Nakul> After doing this do i need to buld again from start ?
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< zoq> Nakul: unfortunately yes
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