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< rcurtin> zoq: I think I don't have permissions to add new repositories to AppVeyor... I think you have those permissions. any chance you can add the mlpack-wheels repo? :)
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< ankit369972> Hello! I am Ankit Lade, 2nd year EECS student from IISER-Bhopal, India. I have some experience in MATLAB and C++. Currently, I'm working under a professor on a project of collecting data from video using MATLAB. I would like to be a part of this organization by contributing wherever possible. May I know which repos are active so that I can start
< ankit369972> contributing there? Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
< Nakul[m]> Hey ankit369972 you can start with these issue
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #550: FIXED in 3 hr 7 min:
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< zoq> rcurtin: I've updated the permissions, let me know if that works, also maybe we should use azure?
< zoq> ankit369972: Hello, anything you see here: is on active development, also might be helpful.
< zoq> rcurtin: Added mlpack-wheels, just in case.
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< Harsh> Hi, I am Harsh Shukla, Master's Student working in Robotics Research Center from IIIT-Hyderabad, India. I have experience of working in C++ and python. I would like to contribute in this organization's work wherever possible. Please suggest me how should I start and which repositories I should look into so that I can start contributing there. Thank
< Harsh> You.
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< zoq> Harsh: Hello, in case you checkout the logs, have you seen:
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< rcurtin> zoq: thanks :) I'm mostly just copying the NumPy AppVeyor build for Python wheels
< rcurtin> so I want to keep it as simple as possible, instead of trying to adapt to Azure :)
< rcurtin> I'll merge ensmallen#145 later today and then release a new version
< rcurtin> 2.10.5 I guess, since there is no new added functionality, just bugfixes
< zoq> sounds good
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< sreenik[m]> I am trying to build mlpack from source to get the latest updates, but the build fails because of the error ```fatal error: stb_image.h: No such file or directory
< sreenik[m]> 25 | #include <stb_image.h>``` in some files (core/data/load_csv.hpp, etc.) seeing which I installed stb and realised that stb headers can be successfully included in my system with the statement for eg: ```#include <stb/stb_image.h>```. Can I get some help on how to proceed so that I can get it work. I have two options in mind, either change the source code of the mlpack files, or reinstall stb in such a way so that
< sreenik[m]> ```#include <stb_image.h>``` works. Is there a better method, like doing something from cmake itself? Or is there something wrong with my configuration itself?
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< Nakul[m]> freenode_sreenik[m]: there might be path error , i had the same error when i installed few days back but after reinstallation i get it working..
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< zoq> sreenik[m]: What OS did you use, think debian installs stb in stb/stb_image.h, but looks like some systems use another path?
< zoq> Here we check both paths.
< zoq> sreenik[m]: Did you start with a clean build?
< sreenik[m]> zoq: You are right. The clean build fixed it. When I realised I didn't have stb installed after a ```make``` command I installed it and did a ```cmake``` and ```make``` instead of cleaning up the build directory. Thanks :)
< sreenik[m]> Build successful!!
< zoq> sreenik[m]: Great :)
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