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< JaskaranKalra[m]> Hello everyone! I want to contribute towards mlpack and I have a basic Deep Learning understanding and a minimal C++ coding background. Where should I start with?
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #107: ABORTED in 2 hr 30 min:
< ShikharJaiswalGi> @rcurtin I think that form needs to be filled on a organizational basis, and not by individual contributors, so I don't think I'll be comfortable with asking for a free license on behalf of mlpack.
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #548: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 59 min:
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< abernauer> JaskaranKalra[m]: Building mlpack on your machine is a good start. Then look at this
< rcurtin> @ShikharJ: ah, ok, got it, I'll take a look into it later today then
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< abernauer[m]> Jaskaran Kalra: Accelerated C++ is a good fast paced book to get more proficient.
< rcurtin> there are 14,000 people at NeurIPS this year. I can't even comprehend how large this conference has gotten
< rcurtin> did I overlook something obvious? as far as I can see it's the same computation
< abernauer[m]> That's a large number for a technical conference.
< birm[m]> zoq Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but I think that using a namespace directly isn't usually recommended where not needed.
< rcurtin> abernauer[m]: yeah, 14k is utterly insane. when I first started coming here I think attendance was under 1k
< metahost-> rcurtin: I saw a video of the queue for registration spanning multiple floors. That's insane!
< metahost-> also aside: I'm new to the channel :)
< rcurtin> metahost-: hello and welcome! :) yeah, I missed the bad registration line yesterday---today it only took 15/20 minutes (which in my view is still insane)
< zoq> rcurtin: You are right, just rechecked.
< zoq> birm[m]: What question, not sure I can follow.
< rcurtin> yeah, I will see why the test is failing though; maybe it's random (in which case I'll adjust tolerances to try and help)
< zoq> Sounds good.
< birm[m]> I think I'm reading the logs incorrectly on slack. My bad!
< zoq> Does the bridge work, not sure I see every message.
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< ryan[m]1> it all seems to show up from Matrix at least
< birm[m]> I think it is, I just misunderstood who was talking to who.
< zoq> Maybe I should use @ in irc as well?
< birm[m]> I don't think so, I just misread 🙂
< sreenik[m]> freenode__slack_mlpack_UQNDZN7FD[m]: I got to know from the chat logs that your username is birm[m], but from matrix (I use riot as the client) I am getting a very obscure code-like username starting with "freenode_slack_mlpack_". I'm not too familiar with bridges and all seems like there is something wrong somewhere.
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< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: agreed, maybe something is wrong, but I see "birm" from the Riot android client
< rcurtin> the bridges are definitely not perfect :(
< zoq[m]> Can you see me (this is from slack)?
< sreenik[m]> No I'm seeing the same thing I saw earlier
< sreenik[m]> Like, an absurd username
< birm[m]> Let me just install and set up riot
< abernauer[m]> It shows a string with the service you're using after your username. Not perfect , but functional.
< zoq> Right, slack shows "freenode_sreenik[m]".
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< birm[m]1> Is this any better?
< sreenik[m]> Yes, I see "freenode_birm[m]" now
< abernauer[m]> Installed riot, earlier today and seems good reminds of an open source discord. Yes slighlty.
< birm[m]> I remember using an android irc client a few years back that just keep announcing me coming and going as I went on and off of wifi.
< sreenik[m]> freenode_abernauer[m]: It's good, just a little heavier than normally clients are
< abernauer[m]> rcurtin: Almost done with that initial templates post
< zoq> abernauer[m]: Nice!