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< kris1> lozhnikov: i made the changes and i compared with both the scikit learn and deep learning frame work. I even added support for batch but still the training is not going well could have a look at it
< lozhnikov> kris1: ok, I'll take a look
< kris1> Thanks, the unit test can only be written once the rbm is trained. So i think i will write them once we figure out how the training part
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< sgupta> rcurtin: I'm trying to build boost from source. So, when run and do all the steps, being the root user, I'm able to build mlpack. But if I change my user to non root, I get a cmake error (unable to find requested boost libraries) while building mlpack.
< sgupta> rcurtin: boost is installed to /usr. Any clues?
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< rcurtin> sgupta: can you show me both Dockerfiles and the error output?
< sgupta> rcurtin: I'm in a cab right now. Will mail you those.
< rcurtin> sure, sounds good
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< ironstark> virtual memory exhausting while building mlpack
< ironstark> i am using the script provided in the benchmarks folder
< ironstark> *libraries folder
< rcurtin> how much RAM do you have?
< zoq> and did you configure swap?
< ironstark> I have 4GB RAM
< ironstark> on my system
< ironstark> and 8 GB swap space
< rcurtin> I don't think mlpack will exhaust 4GB RAM during compilation, are you sure you are not running too many other processes?
< rcurtin> also you can reduce -j4 to lower
< rcurtin> so run 2 instead of 4
< ironstark> okay
< ironstark> thanks :)
< rcurtin> yeah, that should fix the problem... if not, let us know and we can try more things
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< ironstark> sure
< kartik> hi <zoq>
< kartik> i took a day off ..
< kartik> if things were working fine im planning to again make the changes from the same place when it was working ..
< kartik> would take me a day but i think i can fix this
< kartik> what do u say?
< zoq> kartik: Hello, okay, it would be helpful if you could write the test I talked about on the mail and on the PR.
< kartik> yes <zoq> its already thr ..
< ironstark> KMEANS was running it was the debug install which crashed
< ironstark> so got the results for now
< zoq> kartik: I was talking about the test using the boost test framework:
< rcurtin> ironstark: right, I saw those, I am curious to check that the final centroids in milk and number of iterations are the same as mlpack for the given initial centroids
< kartik> oh that one .. ohkae ..
< kartik> ill give it now
< rcurtin> it looks about right based on the benchmarking numbers you posted, but we can only know if it's exactly the same either by manual inspection or looking at the metrics output (assuming the metrics are outputting the number of iterations)
< kartik> thanks zoq
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< rcurtin> ironstark: I am looking forward to Shikhar's k-means changes being merged, I think that will improve the mlpack numbers :)
< ironstark> rcurtin: How can we take a look into that?
< zoq> kartik: Sure, once we have the test, I'll go and make some hopefully useful comments :)
< rcurtin> ironstark: you could run the Python commands by hand for mlpack and for milk, and just compare the numpy centroids arrays you get back
< ironstark> okay
< rcurtin> or if RunMetrics() is collecting the number of iterations, then you can just run for a few datasets and make sure they are the same for both libraries
< rcurtin> they'll either be the same or off by one (depending on how each library counts)
< ironstark> okay I'll check and post the numbets
< ironstark> *numbers
< rcurtin> sounds good, thanks
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< rcurtin> sgupta: I realized that jenkins@dealgood isn't a part of the docker group, hence the docker registry test #10 build failure
< rcurtin> I fixed that and restarted docker on that system
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