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< ironstark> rcurtin: I think its because of anaconda python distribution I am using. Will have to make certain changes accordingly. Trying to figure out what to do
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< kris1> Quick question why does the evlauate function in ffn require the arma::mat parameters as a parameter it is not being used anywhere
< zoq> kris1: The optimizer expects that each function that should be optimized implements a specific set of functions with specific parameter the Gradient function is one of them.
< kris1> Oh that’s why we have to have the same signature as well
< kris1> Okay i got it thanks
< zoq> Here to help :)
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< kris1> Is cross entropy function implmented in layers folder
< kris1> i can’t seem to find it
< kris1> I mean the binary cross entropy x.log(x’) + 1-x log (1 - x’)
< kris1> where x’ is the predicted value
< lozhnikov> kris1: no, I didn't see that in the layers folder
< kris1> Okay so i think i would have to implement it i guess. I need it for the cd-k algorithm
< kris1> for the evaluation criteria
< kris1> I have implemented the pseudo likelihood but i would need to implement the cross entroy function
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< rcurtin> kris1: I'd appreciate that if you did, I have some use for cross entropy... it would be nice if you could do more than binary too (like categorical cross-entropy)
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< sgupta> rcurtin: hi! I have a registry running on master blaster already at port 5000
< sgupta> rcurtin: I just copied it from my summer schedule, hence it is 15, 16 and so on. Sorry about that.
< sgupta> rcurtin: where can I find tar ball of all versions of armadillo?
< rcurtin> take a look in /opt/armadillo/, there are some there on masterblaster
< rcurtin> other ones you will have to find from, e.g., srpms on the internet or the armadillo download page
< rcurtin> sometimes Conrad likes to remove old versions from the download page, which can make it hard to find the old versions...
< rcurtin> would you like to write a systemd service unit file for the docker registry container? this way we can know that the container starts on boot
< rcurtin> it also might be useful to mount some directory to the registry container, so it can be stopped and restarted as needed and it won't lose the images
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< rcurtin> I'll go ahead and get the docker environments set up to point to the registry container you're running, hang on
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< sgupta> rcurtin: okay
< rcurtin> I'll need to restart docker though, so is it ok if your registry container goes down?
< sgupta> rcurtin: yes. I'll incorporate those changes and run it again
< rcurtin> okay, let me know when the container goes down and I'll restart docker
< rcurtin> I've also installed docker on dealgood and pointed its insecure registry at masterblaster
< rcurtin> I also used iptables to block any access to masterblaster:5000:
< rcurtin> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5000 -i eth0 -j DROP
< rcurtin> dealgood can still access the registry though, since it has to tunnel port 5000 through ssh (which I set up)
< rcurtin> those are all automatic on boot, so you shouldn't ever have to worry about them not being set up
< sgupta> rcurtin: okay.
< sgupta> rcurtin: I think you can restart. The container will stop automatically.
< sgupta> rcurtin: I will map it to /home/sgupta/registry directory.
< rcurtin> let's make that /home/jenkins/registry
< rcurtin> I'll create the directory
< rcurtin> docker is now restarted with the right --insecure-registry flag, let me know if there are any issues
< rcurtin> zoq: gekko is back online, no data loss :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: nice
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< ShangtongZhang> Hi Marcus, I'm going to attend the DeepLearning and ReinforcementLearning summer school in Montreal during June 25 and July 6, in that time I may not able to contribute regularly,
< ShangtongZhang> hope my previous work before June can make up for that time
< zoq> ShangtongZhang: I think if you continue with the same pace as you do, we will be ahead the schedule by June 25.
< zoq> ShangtongZhang: Btw. really nice work and nice to see you here :)
< ShangtongZhang> ^.^
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< rcurtin> ShangtongZhang: sounds like a fun time :)
< rcurtin> NIPS was in Montreal for a few years, fun city to travel to
< ShangtongZhang> Yeah, and it's my first time to Montreal
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< zoq> I agree Montreal is really nice, I can recommend Mount Royal, great hike and great view
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< zoq> oh, the mlpack benchmark finished
< zoq> took only 17 days :)
< zoq> still waiting for the shogun benchmark
< rcurtin> I saw that too, hooray!
< rcurtin> I guess the shogun benchmark is doing a lot more work now than it used to
< zoq> yes, have to look into the issue lot of timeouts
< rcurtin> yeah, I imagine there are some timeouts for mlpack too that probably need to get sorted out
< rcurtin> I will try to start looking into those once the benchmarks are deployed to the website
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< kris1> zoq: Isn’t the binary cross entropy equivalent to negative log likelihood
< kris1> since we use only 0 and 1 for class lables in nll
< kris1> Lozhnikov: any ideas on sharing of the parameter matrix
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< zoq> kris1: LogSoftMax -> negative log likelihood (expects log-probabilities) => CrossEntropy
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2576 (master - 2859e0f : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< zoq> kris1: so in combination yes
< kris1> Okay but this are binary cross entropies right not the categorical cross entropies we have allwed the labels to take only 0/1 values
< kris1> is that correct
< zoq> No it's the categorical cross-entropy -sum(t * log(p)); binary cross entropy is: -t log(p) − (1 − t) log(1 − p)
< kris1> so t can take any value
< zoq> yes, either in range of [0, 1] matching the layout of label/responses, or the index of the correct class.
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