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< sgupta> rcurtin: Hi Ryan! I am kind of stuck with building packages from source. Can you refer some reading material or references that might help?
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< rcurtin> sgupta: which package are you trying to compile?
< sgupta> Make
< sgupta> g++
< sgupta> I need to install a c compiler
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< rcurtin> sgupta: I see, basically we are starting from nothing with the busybox container :)
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< rcurtin> sgupta: I've spent some time looking into it, maybe basing on the busybox image will be really hard because we'd need to bootstrap a compiler
< rcurtin> I wonder, it might be easier to take the stock debian container and just strip everything unnecessary out of it to save space
< rcurtin> you could try something like this, updating it for debian stretch:
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< rcurtin> sgupta: I left a few messages, you can check the IRC logs if you didn't already see:
< sgupta> rcurtin: sure! Sounds good. Will try it.
< zoq> Just curious, about the metrics, any particilar reason to integrate NeedsMinimization into the class itself, instead of using a traits class?
< rcurtin> hm, I thought since there are so few traits (only one) it was easier to just put it into the class
< rcurtin> but maybe it would be better to separate it
< rcurtin> I guess Kirill is not in IRC, would you like to send an email? or I can too
< rcurtin> separating it would definitely be more similar to the other cases where traits classes are used
< zoq> I guess, consistency is probably the only reason, to use a traits class. But not sure, it's necessary.
< rcurtin> hmm, as he adds more metrics I'll ask the question of what he thinks then
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2497 (master - d9b4b59 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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