hopefuly today I can get the honeycomb machines set up with jenkins :)
Wizzup, i have always wanted to own a honeycomb
those are really nice compiling machines
meridion helped set some of them vms up
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Daanct12: I replaced the fan immediately though
the noise...
that looks like a "delta" fan
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so eh, datatethering through leste works well, right?
i just ordered a simcard with data finally, should have it in 2-3 days
eh, through USB i guess is what i ment
but i guess BT/wifi can work fine aswell, hmm
i'll find out in a while ;)
maemo.org suggests the usb networking could be used for it, so, ok
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buZz: on fremantle I use usbnet and iptables (MASQUERADE)
it justworks(tm)
:) we'll see , havent had a datasim in ages, stuff is ~1 takeawayhamburger a month nowadays, silly cheap
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buZz: you'll only have 2G anyway
on the droid4 that is
oh, yeah indeed
enough for bit of IRC
or i would have to hookup a usb modem or something
at least the N900 had 2.5G :#
I have 3g here in .nl
on the d4
buZz: yes it works
buZz: I can share some scripts for wifi hotspot or usb, depending on your preference
dreamer: you should have 3g for a while longer depending on the operator
Wizzup: 3g in .nl? :O this is youfone/kpn
I also have 3G (i believe what shows up as 3.5G on hildon status)
Wizzup: kpn/simyo said they stopped _now_
I pretty much anyway
or may 1st? not sure
dreamer: still works for me
buZz: tmobile is 3g
Vanaf 31 maart zetten we het 3G-netwerk stap voor stap uit. We upgraden onze zendmasten naar 4G en 5G. Dit doen we voorzichtig en precies. Vanaf eind april is er op veel plekken dus geen 3G meer. Controleer daarom zo snel mogelijk of je klaar bent voor 4G of 5G.
2G is fine for me though
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dreamer: the d4 also supports 2.5g (edge)
dreamer: but at least in germany they are removeing edge too
leaving just plain GPRS
edge is honestly sortof tolerable
gprs really is not
uvos: ah. yeah here also. there will only be plain 2G or 4G and soon 5G
2.5G was actually not too bad back in the day
it's tmobile keeping it for a while longer?
no not in germany it been gone since 06.21 or so
yeah, but kpn and tmobile said one would deprecate 2g and the other 3g or so I think
ok thats neat
here all providers whent 2g 4g 5g only at more or less the same time
Wizzup: 2G can't be deprecated. it's running all of emergency services comms
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uvos: you can shut down the moden via sysfs on 3.0.8 kernel, let me look at my notes
uvos: hmm i guess i don't have notes on it, but see /sys/class/radio, and drivers/misc/radio_ctrl/radio_class.c in the 3.0.8 kernel sources
tmlind: ok ill check it out
tmlind: i gues also sysfs isent mounted in kexecboot (when the gui runs)
tmlind: thanks
uvos: oh found a note for echo shutdown > /sys/class/radio/mdm6600/command
great! :)
is one of the ttyUSB* the at interface btw?
not sure, maybe
what's the special sim you have if it manages to stop booting? :)
just a new german o2 sim, i have 2 actually (for the same nummber)
they both cause the kernel to hang on kexec
older o2 sims work fine
these dont have umts entries
the older ones do
that may or may not be related
also dosent matter if its safestrap or kexecboot doing the kexec (as you would expect)
if you erase utags the device boots fine with the sim
maybe the sim causes some kind of attempted update of utags?
why would they do that? i doubt
i think its just that the modem driver hangs on some operation.
do driver remove functions get called on kexec?
why would erasing utags help then?
tmlind: it dosent kexec
no, kexec just kexecs
without utags it just boot stock rom
so thats fine
it also hangs if you try to kexec later
with the sim in the device
(ie from android))
but the sim works fine if you insert it later after linux has booted?
same with los
not seeing why kexec would make a difference
have you diffed the stock kernel dmesg with the two different sims?
no but good idea
ill do it later
(also check out if shuting down the modem before kexec helps)
aw > Nadat KPN Telfort had overgenomen is EDGE gedeactiveerd
Ook KPN heeft inmiddels EDGE geactiveerd op haar netwerk, echter alleen op plekken waar 4G LTE apparatuur geplaatst wordt.
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tmlind: maybe we should remove the socid derived password in kexecboot, its pretty annoying to figure out what registers to read to generate this on devices that dont boot android
tmlind: im not sure what threat model this protects against anyhow?
tmlind: kexecboot dosent connect to the net is mounted ro and can be replaced by any local user via fastboot anyhow
tmlind: interesting the 3.0.8 kernel acutally panics
only if i delay kexec for several seconds afer issueing the command
my operating theory is that uart.ko panics if the modem is sending something on uart while kexec.ko is useing it
waiting for the modem to finish shuting down avoids the problem
i also kinda think that the random kexec failures that all of us get are exactly this problem, just that this sim happens to change modem beahivor/timing to make it allways happen
ok so i gues i could go and strip uart usage out of the kexec module
and just forget about uart.ko
great now i have to deal with building this mess again :(
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