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<_uvos_> norayr: there is no menu option that charges the phone
<_uvos_> it should enter a charge only mode if leste is booted with microusb plugged in
<_uvos_> but idk if all pieces for that are in non devel
<_uvos_> you can alos use androids charge mode too ofc, if needed
<_uvos_> idk what your asking about wrt zram
<_uvos_> we have that enabled by default and thats fine
<_uvos_> unfortionalty the wifi access are stored in gconf
<_uvos_> the gconf datastore is in home yeah
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<norayr> uvos, thank you. let me show you the screenshot about zram.
<norayr> so i hope if i backup the home, then back it up back to the newly installed system, then reboot, i'll get my wifi data back?
<norayr> hmm, i cannot make a screenshot. every time i was powering droid on, the browser would appear with the message about update information
<norayr> and zram part in it.
<norayr> so when booted leste on droid4 last several times, i got that browser window with recommendation to do with rc-update del zram atd then on the same line, rm /etc/init.d/zram. but wouldn't it just disable tce service?
<norayr> but before that there was a suggestion to edit zram configuration file.
<norayr> so i am confused about it.
<norayr> the info was about april update.
<Wizzup> so what is the problem?
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<sicelo> Wizzup: uvos, he is referring to the salutem message that appeared after upgrade. I didn't read it myself, but either norayr got confused by it, or it's confusing to begin with. Someone should review it
<Wizzup> want to be that person? :)
<buZz> rsync: write failed on "/home/amprolla/images/droid4/20220417/maemo-leste-1.0-armhf-droid4-20220417.img.xz": No space left on device (28)
<buZz> i wondered why droid4 image was lagging two weeks
<buZz> :D
<Wizzup> yeah. the vm is constantly out of space.
<Wizzup> we need to migrate the infra to another machine IMHO
<buZz> need a disk?
<buZz> ah
<Wizzup> it's not our infra
<Wizzup> it's infra
<Wizzup> the I/O is also really really slow
<Wizzup> so it's better to move to some of our own stuff
<buZz> hmhm
<buZz> [35m [00m [01;37m . [00m [22;37mBacking up the entire Internet... [00m
<Wizzup> but it takes time to do it
<buZz> ah, that step might take a lot of space
<buZz> :)
<Wizzup> and we need to ask the maemo folk to change dns
<buZz> hmmf, first boot of the 20220410 image, and maemo showed me the 'unlock swiper' once, and then hung and now just rebooted? hmm
<buZz> i'll leave it on power for a while, hope i can get this fabled 'two day standby'
<buZz> :P
<buZz> yeah wtf, battery is 3.2V and leste decides to shut down instantly, instead of going to that 'charging mode'
<buZz> :(
<buZz> hmmm yep, its -never- hitting any charging
<bencoh> I think I have a similar issue, but I'd need to investigate here
<buZz> omg, it hit 3.3V and continued after ~6 bootcycles
<buZz> ffs
<buZz> :P
<bencoh> (right now mine might be completely discharged actually, I didn't manage to boot it last I tried, I'll have t otry aain with a wallcharger)
<buZz> wherever that threshold it, i wanna lower it to 3.0 or maybe 2.8
<buZz> bencoh: do you have a usb condom?
<buZz> (only power pins connected through, not data)
<buZz> there seems to be two results to connecting USB , one is 'get some kinda charge mode' the other is 'haha just boot!'
<buZz> usb condom can get the second type to change into first type
<bencoh> I think my wallcharger shorts D+/D- to the ground yeah, I'll have to check
<buZz> i wonder if other mapphones behave similar on that
<buZz> and pop, it just rebooted
<buZz> -_-
* buZz assumes it just went under X volt and decided to powerdown, then on 'wrong charger' making it instaboot again
<buZz> booted up to hildon, then turned on 'the white LED of powerdown'
<buZz> lol
<sicelo> Yes ,d+/- short is also effective on droid4
<buZz> sicelo: for which of the two modes i described?
<buZz> the latter, right?
<sicelo> But yeah, d4 boot can be heavily influenced by alignment of the planets
<sicelo> buZz: which two?
<buZz> 15:29:24 < buZz> there seems to be two results to connecting USB , one is 'get some kinda charge mode' the other is 'haha just boot!'
<sicelo> I've never seen droid4 wait to charge ... i only always see it boot on usb connected
<buZz> sicelo: well, i just described how you can see these two different things
<buZz> read up ;)
<sicelo> I read. I'm saying I've never seen your first scenario. Or i don't understand it. What do you mean by 'some kind of charge mode'?
<buZz> this mode is ; droid 4 is powered off, you connect USB and you -only- get a green led for charging
<sicelo> Never seen it
<buZz> sicelo: i described how you can get there
<buZz> after a while it gets into another charging mode where the green led only flashes ~50ms every ~1s
<buZz> might be some trickle charge, or just a bug
<buZz> sicelo: TLDR ; 15:29:35 < buZz> usb condom can get the second type to change into first type
<buZz> 15:28:51 < buZz> bencoh: do you have a usb condom?
<buZz> 15:29:00 < buZz> (only power pins connected through, not data)
<buZz> nothing shorted
<sicelo> I don't have a 'condom 'so maybe that's why I've never seen it.
<buZz> hmhm ,well try different usb powersupplies? some seem to hit 'mode1' , others 'mode2'
<buZz> i am not so sure 'mode2' (the booting one) even enables the charger
<sicelo> Does it get into that mode reliably? I can go through the trouble of making a condom if it's really reliable, otherwise not worth it :-)
<buZz> yes, both modes are 100% reliable to hit
<buZz> and i'm kinda sure actually -booting- in 'mode1' makes it 100% unaware any usb powersource is connected
<buZz> sicelo: i cant say its a reliable way to charge!
<sicelo> I'll make it then.
<buZz> i've been having endless troubles getting a 'empty' droid4 to start back up into a charging setting
<buZz> sicelo: i grabbed the 'newest' <2euro 230V-USB psu from
<buZz> this one does 'mode1' all the time
<buZz> and i have the ~3yo model of the <2eu 230V-USB psu from them , which does 'mode2' all the time (and if i plonk a usb condom between, it hits 'mode1' all the time'
<sicelo> For a quick test, I can cut the data tracks on my power bank that is able to reliably start droid4 in whay you describe as mode2
<sicelo> This power bank has shorted data pins
<buZz> the 'no data pins' mode is mode2
<buZz> maybe i should start a wikipage about this?
<buZz> or a github issue, hmm
<buZz> i really wish we could get kexecboot to just 'hang' and switch to a charging mode when <x voltage
<buZz> now booting in 'mode1' , leste detects power on the usb port
<buZz> (i just got my datasim, trying to test its functionality
<buZz> eh, leste -did- detect power, at least, green led was on as like charging, BUT, it just randomly rebooted while in hildon and hildon didnt show the charging status
<buZz> man, what a dance :P
<buZz> i'm -guessing- the simcard makes the modem startup which draws so much current that leste murders itself :P
<buZz> maybe i should just dig up a random 'li+ charger' and hook it to the battery terminals
<sicelo> I'm confused now. I said on d+/- shorted charger, d4 boots up always for me. What I'd like is emergency charging where it doesn't boot. I've never seen this (is cpcap even able to regulate charging without software control?)
<buZz> i see droid4 now in 'mode1' doing 50mA draw
<buZz> i dont believe those 50mA are -just- the green led it turned on :P
<buZz> but, well, very tempted to just hookup 'failsafe charging'
<sicelo> N900 1-0 Droid4, wrt low battery issues:-p
<sicelo> For system performance, yeah droid4 is miles better
<buZz> i dont remember n900 doing much better on this, but havent used millenialPDAs a lot ;)
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<Wizzup> my god I've wasted several hours today trying to get anbox and whatspp to work again
<Wizzup> this is such a hell
<Wizzup> now it works but the web sessions are gone
<bencoh> on pinephone you mean ?
<Wizzup> vm
<bencoh> oh
<bencoh> how did it break?
<_uvos_> buZz: so are you on devel
<Wizzup> the vm fs got corrupted
<bencoh> ouch
<buZz> _uvos_: no
<Wizzup> yeah, and the number I had long lost
<Wizzup> but yeah anbox has no camera support
<buZz> i'm on : buzz@h81m:~/droid4$ xzcat maemo-leste-1.0-armhf-droid4-20220410.img.xz | sudo dd status=progress bs=1M of=/dev/sde
<Wizzup> so no way to scan a qr ...
<buZz> which is the latest image to have been built
<bencoh> I still don't have whatsapp because I don't want to end up with people sending me messages, and me missing those
<_uvos_> buZz: devel contains several bug fixes related to charging
<_uvos_> it wokrs pretty mutch 100% there
<buZz> _uvos_: ok, i dont have those nor can i get it booted up to even install those ;)
<_uvos_> use android
<_uvos_> to charge
<buZz> is there a -devel prefab .img.xz?
<buZz> my android install is broken since ages
<_uvos_> sicleo: yes cpcap is fully hw charging
<buZz> did we break it then? or just forgot to configure it in the right modes?
<_uvos_> its just mbm sets the tresh really low for cpcap to boot with micro usb pluged in
<buZz> as i cant seem to get any real charging beside the ~50mA through 'unbooted' setup
<buZz> maybe thats configured for eh , non-battery setups? :D
<sicelo> Wizzup .. isn't anbox no longer maintained anymore?
<_uvos_> buZz: no thats how it works
<buZz> _uvos_: so, mbm configured the cpcap? to what?
<Wizzup> sicelo: doesn't matter, it worked
<buZz> can we change those to work better? :)
<sicelo> buZz: bq24 can completely handle empty battery with no issues for me. Plus .. you can yank it out easily if you must :-)
<buZz> eh
<buZz> not sure what you're saying
<_uvos_> cpcap allways trickle charges, it trickle charges because it cant negotatiate for more power via usb by itself (you have to negotiate high power class even for 500mA)
<buZz> sicelo: you're saying 'your issues dont exist' ? :D
<_uvos_> mbm sets the thresh voltage
<buZz> _uvos_: to what?
<_uvos_> to boot
<buZz> where does it set it?
<_uvos_> cpcap registers
<buZz> line of code?
<sicelo> I'm saying the pain i experience with d4 is absolutely new to me
<_uvos_> mbm is closed sourcep
<_uvos_> (its the bootloader)
<buZz> sicelo: alright, not sure what use that mentioning is then :D
<_uvos_> anyhow
<buZz> _uvos_: are you saying even android users back in the day would suffer this?
<buZz> the settings are what they used aswell?
<_uvos_> yes no
<_uvos_> so the problem is
<_uvos_> that kexecboot is slow
<_uvos_> and mbm thresh is very low
<buZz> and doesnt enable charger
<_uvos_> that was fine
<_uvos_> because android booted fast
<_uvos_> but our boot takes so long
<buZz> hmhm
<_uvos_> that a battery just over mbm thresh dies
<_uvos_> anyhow this is mostly solved
<_uvos_> in devel
<buZz> just not on a image anyone can install ;)
<_uvos_> by improving leste behavior
<sicelo> buZz: i was responding to [16:16] buZz: i dont remember n900 doing much better on this, but havent used millenialPDAs a lot ;)
<sicelo> Anyway
<buZz> sicelo: ah, bq24 is relevant to that?
* buZz no clue
<buZz> :)
<sicelo> Of course. It's the charging chip. Sorry i thought you were aware
<_uvos_> you cant really do any better than cpcap, if the sw is implemented as the booloader expects
<_uvos_> without violating usb spec
<_uvos_> (which is common tbf.)
<sicelo> Anyway, with d4, i noticed that sometimes it won't charge when it boots, and doesn't 'see' charger is connected (no green led).
<sicelo> So now when battery is very low, and it starts booting, i found removing and reconnecting cable at some 'magical' point in time during boot helps
<_uvos_> this happens when the low vbus voltage failsafe trips
<_uvos_> this is set at 4.2V
<_uvos_> also there was a bug (maybe still in stable) that cause this too
<sicelo> I've never used stable
<buZz> yeah , plus the '3.2V' threshold
<buZz> which is way too high
<_uvos_> no its not
<buZz> yeah
<buZz> it is :D
<_uvos_> no
<buZz> whats the voltage of a empty li-ion ?
<_uvos_> 3v
<buZz> 2.8V indeed
<_uvos_> no
<buZz> not half a volt higher
<Wizzup> my droid also often seems to turn off way too soon, esp since I went to asia, and after that I even swapped the batt
<_uvos_> also thats open circut
<buZz> _uvos_:
<_uvos_> buZz they are wrong
<_uvos_> anyhow this is not the reason for the tresh anyhow
<_uvos_> the reason its so high
<_uvos_> is again because we take so long to boot
<_uvos_> we must guarentee that there is enough charge to boot again
<_uvos_> since mbm's tresh is too low
<_uvos_> btw the capacity below 3.2v is almost nothing
<_uvos_> your not loosing any real capcacity
<_uvos_> Wizzup: how do you define way to soon in this case
<Wizzup> not sure, I'm wondering if there's some hw problem tbh
<_uvos_> ok
<sicelo> iirc spinal reported faster boot times with leste+systemd ;-)
<_uvos_> also btw disregarding how bad 2.8v is for the batter
<_uvos_> d4 hw outright dies at that voltage
<_uvos_> if you try on lab psu
<_uvos_> no doubt
<_uvos_> systemd is way more efficant
<_uvos_> since its dosent have to execute scripts
<buZz> yeah just run 28947923878923 binaries
<buZz> what a improvement
<_uvos_> well perf wise it is
<Wizzup> kinda ot
<buZz> just distupgrade to debian then :P
<buZz> weee finally found a random li+ charger
<Wizzup> ok, let me see if I can fix the repodiff tool to be more useful
<Wizzup> might rewrite it in python
<buZz> yay charging works, at ~1A, also my droid4 now has -two- usb ports :P
<buZz> just wedged cables under the screws for now
<dreamer> hah. neat. I think I still have some of those modules around as well
<buZz> 100% failsafe charging :P
<bencoh> two ?
<buZz> yeah, microusb on the device itself, second miniusb port on the images i linked
<buZz> ;)
<bencoh> it doesn't have d+/d- right? :>
<buZz> indeed :P
<buZz> that doesnt change the -port- though :D
<bencoh> :)
<bencoh> actually that's very handy for when you need to work with serial and still need it to charge
<buZz> i'll just let this charge up for a couple hundred mAh
<buZz> bencoh: these modules are sillycheap
<buZz> and do 1A charging (but get quite hot doing so, fyi)
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<buZz> battery seems fine, not even heating up beyond roomtemp
<buZz> there's a couple methods i think that can have this 'permanent' to fix any issues later when on the move
<buZz> but, i'll just throw the right torq driver in my backpack , w/e
<sicelo> Maybe the pogo pins (don't know if previous message went through)
<buZz> afaik the pogopins arent on battery pins? but just to 5V?
<buZz> not sure
<bencoh> is that battery supposed to charge at 1A actually?
<buZz> well, its eh, 1600mAh?
<buZz> so even 1A would just be ~0.6C ?
<bencoh> hm, yeah....
<bencoh> should be fine
<buZz> 'typical liion' does 0.5C
<buZz> 'expensive liion' can do 1C charging , and sometimes even up to ~5C discharging, pretty impressive
<buZz> but the laptop ones are usually just 0.5C both ways
<bencoh> did it trickle-charge at first?
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<buZz> bencoh: in the droid4? yeah at 50mAh :P
<bencoh> :)
<buZz> just 32 hrs to charge
<buZz> :D
<bencoh> :]
<sicelo> If they do reliable charge from empty (pogo pins), I'll be happy, even if they don't go to battery directly
<buZz> i'd wish kexecboot could just 'hang and charge'
<sicelo> Yeah, that'd be great actually
<buZz> that would solve all of these issues for all devices (that use kexecboot) eventually
<sicelo> I tried the kexecboot shutdown trick ... works sometimes, but in some cases the d4 simply boots again. No idea why
<buZz> depends whats attached on usb, for me
<buZz> with the 'mode1' charger , it shuts down for me, with the 'mode2' it always reboots
<buZz> well, 'usbdoctor' says 180mAh is inside
<bencoh> usbdoctor ?
<buZz> (i reset the mAh after this pic to 0 , it went up to 181mAh , now booting
<bencoh> ah, that
<buZz> its hanging on boot during 'waiting for power up request to complete' for md6600
<buZz> mdm6600*, is that the modem?
<buZz> yeah
<buZz> mayyyybe its not powering up because my sim still needs to be activated?
<buZz> *removes sim for now*
<buZz> *searches dumbphone to activate sim*
<buZz> :D
<bencoh> oh, that's interesting if that's the reason
<buZz> actually, i think its cause there's a pincode on the sim?
<buZz> why on earth would they ship it with that enabled :P
<bencoh> in some parts of the world sims always ship with a pincode (or used to, at least)
<buZz> horrible :)
<buZz> and its even not '0000' or '1234'
<bencoh> it's probably less common nowadays with all those smartphones
<buZz> but some random nr you can only see on the whole simcard
<buZz> yeah esim seems to be getting a lot more popular
<buZz> ok! sim is activated and pin turned off
* buZz boots d4 with sim inside, lets see
<buZz> flies past where it first hang
<buZz> annnnnnd hangs
<buZz> with backlight/screen off, screen leds -on- , no response to powerbutton, keyboard, slider
<buZz> drawing 0mA from USB
<buZz> powerdown-voldown poweroff works , booting again
<Wizzup> hmm
<buZz> i expected to have 'how to get -devel' :P
<Wizzup> please add it
<Wizzup> brb
<Wizzup> hm my d4 just powered off without clear reason
<Wizzup> maybe it really is some hw problem
<Wizzup> battery is pretty much full
<buZz> hmmm , 'apt install ofone' isnt a thing, i guess
<buZz> eh, not sure, even apt search ofone doesnt fine anything? just some hashing algorithm
<buZz> find*
<buZz> oooo, 'ofono'
<buZz> derp
<Wizzup> why ofone?
<Wizzup> oh
<Wizzup> it dhould already be installed
<buZz> ah, it is
<Wizzup> (outside, hard to type)
<buZz> but , i just wanna try out my simcard in leste
<Wizzup> my d4 turned off again while trying to copy pstore, I guess it is battery re.ated
<Wizzup> will try with serial later
<buZz> Wizzup: maybe confirm the screws are well tight?
<buZz> > For basic usage, there is the "ofono-scripts" package.
<buZz> meh, nope
<buZz> so eh, how can i get just cellular data working on this?
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<buZz> droid4 seems to negotiate 500mA charging, sad :)
<buZz> my external charger is a lot faster ^_^
<bencoh> I'm not certain there is any real negociation if it settles for 500 :)
<bencoh> negotiation*
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<freemangordon> bencoh: there is no, usb driver on d4 needs love
<buZz> i'm not really aware how i can test or use my modem in droid4 :P i installed all the 'connui' stuff with 'cellular' in the name, but its telling me nothing is active
<Wizzup> do you have libicd-network-ofono ?
<Wizzup> that ought to power the modem
<Wizzup> and potentially online it
<buZz> i do not
<buZz> *installs*
<buZz> *reboots*
<sicelo> buZz: development on a device? i wonder the -devel note doesn't belong somewhere else instead :-/
<buZz> any suggestions?
<buZz> you dont feel -devel is for development? :P
<sicelo> not necessarily 'development' on device :-)
<sicelo> will look at wiki in a bit and make a suggestion
<buZz> rebooting after installing the libicd-network-ofono got me a 'youfone' display at top and a 2G icon
<Wizzup> buZz: sounds like you're connected to the network
<buZz> anything i can do to get gprs data working? :P
<buZz> was hoping would tell me but alas
<buZz> hmmm, dont think this is a userdoc
<buZz> 15:21 < jonwil> Its also using /etc/gprs/ and /etc/gprs/
<buZz> i wonder ...
<buZz> ok, doesnt seem that relevate :P
<sicelo> buZz: just like on fremantle. just click the status, and choose your mobile operator :-)
<Wizzup> buZz: no, it's much easier than that
<Wizzup> like sicelo says
<Wizzup> but the firs time will wait (it will connect, just reports ux fail)
<Wizzup> if you try again in 10-15s it should succeed
<buZz> click the status? eh
<buZz> which status where? :P i cant click the 'youfone' up top, and on tapping the '2G' icon i dont see anything related, 'internet connections' also doesnt show gprs/gsm as a option
<buZz> maybe its because of the connui*cellular* stuff i installed before?
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<Wizzup> buZz: status area
<Wizzup> buZz: ok @ internet connections
<buZz> i just get four 'icons' on statusarea tapping , 'battery' 'clock&alarms' 'profile' and 'internet connection'
<buZz> which tells me 'not connected' although i can select wifi networks in there and it'll work
<Wizzup> buZz: yeah so there ought to be a gprs related network where the wifi networks list is
<Wizzup> btw, you know there's a meta pkg for all of this ight
<buZz> i do not! whats it called?
<Wizzup> hildon-connectivity-modile
<Wizzup> it will get you connui-iapsettings-gprs amongst other things
<buZz> 'depends on sphone but its not going to be installed'
<buZz> 'depends on conversations but its not going to be installed'
<Wizzup> it depends on conversations? hrm
<Wizzup> buZz: do you have -devel ?
<buZz> yeah
<Wizzup> then it really should just install
<buZz> from the 20220410 image
<Wizzup> did you upgrade / dist-upgrade to be sure?
<Wizzup> apt update && apt dist-upgrade
<buZz> i installed a bunch of stuff with 'cellular' in the name that i thought was revelant
<Wizzup> well, try 'apt-get install conversations' and see where it whines?
<sicelo> buZz: wait ... you're not coming from N900/fremantle? :-)
<buZz> librtcom-eventlogger and libosso-abook
<sicelo> and what package is this? 'depends on sphone but its not going to be installed'
<buZz> sicelo: i've used em but not anywhere near long :P
<Wizzup> buZz: those should be in -devel
<Wizzup> what line did you use for -devel?
<buZz> what i set on the wiki
<buZz> i didnt leave the beowulf line, should i have?
<Wizzup> the droid4 should only be there for droid4's of course
<Wizzup> buZz: yes
<buZz> oh, lemme do that then ^_^
* Wizzup edits wiki
<buZz> oh
<buZz> i just did
<buZz> :P
<buZz> ha!, with both those in 'hildon-con-mobile' gets >180 pkgs
<sicelo> mostly translations? :-)
<buZz> seems a lot of gstreamer, fluidsynth, v4l stuff
<buZz> libharfbuzz, this is a fresh installed image
<buZz> libwebkit2gtk :)
<Wizzup> that's for conversations
<Wizzup> well, no
<buZz> alright
<Wizzup> conversations in qt
<Wizzup> in any case there's probably a reason for it :)
<buZz> well i'm fine with whatever :P
<buZz> installed, /me reboots
<buZz> ok lets see :)
<buZz> hmmm, dailing numbers works :)
<buZz> but i still dont see a data setting in internetconnections
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<uvos> buZz: the pogo pins are conected to cpcap
<uvos> buZz: the power ones anyhow
<uvos> buZz: theres also 2 gpios
<Wizzup> buZz: I need to dive into how that data connection is provisioned
<Wizzup> freemangordon might remember
<uvos> belcher: battery is supposed to charge at almost 2 amps
<uvos> buZz: we dont negotiate any charging at all
<uvos> it just takes 500mA (breaking spec)
<uvos> you can have it charge at ~2A by setting the input current limit on the usb power supply in sysfs
<Wizzup> btw I found some fishy dmesg in pstore regarding serial
<Wizzup> I suppose we should upgrade to lates tkernel first
<uvos> Wizzup: looks like buZz has the same problem as me with icd2
<uvos> wrt gprs
<bencoh> uvos: isn't the charger supposed to prevent that (charging at more than 500mA unless negotation succeeded)?
<uvos> bencoh: no
<uvos> bencoh: never seen a charger that dose that
<uvos> bencoh: some laptops do that tho
<bencoh> I mean, the part that's plugged to the pc/wall
<buZz> Wizzup: ooooo it just appeared!
<bencoh> hmm
<buZz> after 3/4 reboots
<uvos> also you have to negotiate for 500mA too
<uvos> you get 100uA or something like that
<uvos> without negotiating
<uvos> i remember powerpc imacs where anal about that
<bencoh> that one is just ignored almost everywhere yeah
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> cpcap is alos very serious about that
<uvos> (in otg mode)
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<buZz> how can i get 'Contacts' ? like
<buZz> lol, all osso-addressbook-l10n* packages are installed, but -not- osso-addressbook itself :P
<Pali> Wizzup: Hi! Have you looked at that n900 u-boot DM serial patch?
<buZz> do i need 'telepathy' ? seems osso-addressbook really wants it
<Wizzup> Pali: do you have a mail subject for me?
<Wizzup> buZz: yes you need the framework
<Wizzup> I made it operate mostly on source package versions
<buZz> would be nice if apt install osso-addressbook pulled that in :P
<Wizzup> seems better than the way the curren ttooling works
<Wizzup> buZz: what is the behaviour you see?
<buZz> eh not sure, i rebooted and it went away ;)
<Wizzup> Pali: [UNTESTED PATCH] Nokia RX-51: Convert to CONFIG_DM_SERIAL ?
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<Pali> yes!
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<sicelo> and there was another from tmlind .. (something related to OFF mode iirc)
<buZz> hmm funny, cant -start- a conversation in conversations? :P
<buZz> and not sure how i can get it to use the contacts i have in osso-addressbook
<Wizzup> Pali: I will test tomorrow
<Pali> ok!
<Wizzup> I have everything here now
<Wizzup> do I apply it on latest u-boot master, or some rc?
<Pali> master should be ok
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I'll boot master without the patch first, see if it works, and then apply the patch and report back.
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