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<mighty17[m]> so i kinda hacked the egl https://github.com/MightyM17/mesa/blob/maemo/beowulf-devel/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.c#L2757 but still i get the egl error
<mighty17[m]> so im looking at the wrong place then?
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: did you ever get maemo leste to run on your device?
<Wizzup> I suppose given all the work you put into it, it might be quite easy now
<mighty17[m]> <Wizzup> "mighty17: did you ever get maemo..." <- With droid4 rootfs, yes
<mighty17[m]> I might have some pics as well
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<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: cool
<Wizzup> did you have to change a lot?
<mighty17[m]> Not at all, droid4 rootfs + my kernel and it worked iirc
<Wizzup> maybe we can make images
<mighty17[m]> Wdym?
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<Wizzup> for the device, ddable images
<Wizzup> I don't know how muc you canged in your kernel
<mighty17[m]> its the same openpvrsgx kernel with 2 patches
<mighty17[m]> 3*
<buZz> uvos: those notes are for usage with a a2dp yeah
<buZz> uvos: not -all- bt headsets support both profiles
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: cool
<mighty17[m]> i'd like to get mesa working first 😅
<Wizzup> mesa doesn't work for hildon-desktop?
<Wizzup> weird, why it would the same driver not work for hildon-desktop on your device with the same gpu
<Wizzup> kwim_core?
<Wizzup> kwin_core?
<Wizzup> that's not h-d right?
<mighty17[m]> its plasma mobile*
<Wizzup> right
<mighty17[m]> still i'd like that ui, soo
<sicelo> :-P
<sicelo> Plamo, you mean?
<mighty17[m]> sicelo: yeah, but it shouldnt throw that error coz i already tried to make eglQueryDmaBufFormatsEXT return false as it should
<mighty17[m]> idk where else to ask xD
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<uvos> since i now transitioned mce to gsettings some notes on the gconf->gsettings transtition:
<uvos> theoreticly very easy if maemo applications used gconf in the way its supposed to be used
<uvos> however because they dont manny some minor and major snags occure
<uvos> 1. you cant use gsettings without a shema and in maemo gconf rather random packages own shemas. if the same shema setup was used for mce for instance, mce would assert on startup unless all cp applets that set mce keys are also installed. thus the schmas must be moved into the application that uses the keys, not the one that sets them, since the setting applications depend on the acting one anyways (this was also what is
<uvos> reccomended by gconf docs)
<uvos> 2. you cant read keys of other users like in gconf, this results in gsettings asserting that the user is wrong.
<uvos> not a problem for mce since i transitioned the external interfaces to dbus before hand but a major snag for other maemo services
<uvos> 3. you cant dynamicly create keys like in gconf, every key must be in the schema or gsettings will assert. you can have relocatable schemas, but sematics of those are very different. major headache, since maemo services tend to create random keys all over the place in dyanamic fassion, like icd etc.
<uvos> 4. gsettings keys can be lowercase only and no special symbols. minor headache since the maemo keys use cammel case and underscores
<freemangordon> WTF?
<freemangordon> no underscores?
<uvos> nope
<freemangordon> what about hyphen?
<uvos> hyphen is allowed as the only exception
<freemangordon> well, still better
<freemangordon> otherwise I would say that we shall find a gconf replacement that is fit for the purpose
<freemangordon> like settings fs (or whatever it was called)
<uvos> its fit for purpose really
<freemangordon> I still think this is better
<freemangordon> and who will replace IPC?
<uvos> the stuff it dosent allow is pretty bad pactice
<uvos> IPC should not be in the settings backend
<freemangordon> uvos: please, stop that academic speach
<freemangordon> we have a real use-case of IPC
<freemangordon> whether it is good or bad...
<freemangordon> its another story
<freemangordon> I am not saying iot is good
<freemangordon> just asking what is going to replace it
<uvos> well for mce, dbus did
<freemangordon> well, it is not only mce and we shall make a general decision first
<freemangordon> not to say I really think you have to discuss first before making such changes
<freemangordon> but it could be just me
<freemangordon> also, what is the urge *now* for that transition?
<Wizzup> new debian
<Wizzup> drop gconf
<Wizzup> bullseye/chimaera
<freemangordon> *now*?
<Wizzup> I think he's just working on the transition :)
<freemangordon> and... starting with the most-critical daemon
<uvos> mce has selectable settings backends
<uvos> it has supported gconf and ini files for a long time
<freemangordon> see, I am not saying this is bad
<freemangordon> and that we shall not do it
<uvos> i just added gsettings as a backend
<freemangordon> ut, I really disdagree with the way its done
<freemangordon> ok
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<Wizzup> I'm going to finish the news post today+tomorrow
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<freemangordon> :)
<humpelstilzchen[> freemangordon: on pine+keyboard the contacts application starts on every keystroke, is there a way to prevent that?
<sicelo> It's a feature ... but I suppose it can be disabled via gconf
<sicelo> gconf /apps/osso/hildon-desktop ... there are callui_dbus_interface and addressbook_dbus_interface
<sicelo> You probably can clear them
<sicelo> Mmm, no better set /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/home_contacts_phone to false
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<sicelo> I wonder what package you have that I don't have, as the key feature doesn't work on my Droid 4.
<humpelstilzchen[> sicelo: aah cool, that seems to work, thanks
<sicelo> Yes, I tested it on Fremantle :-)
<humpelstilzchen[> sicelo: do you have osso-addressbook installed on the droid?
<sicelo> Yes. I can save a contact using Modest, for example
<uvos> a worthwile enhacement might be to not show the contacts application if there are no contacts
<sicelo> Oh, hah! humpelstilzchen[ I'm behind the times. I didn't have it actually
<uvos> also you cant search in the contacts app at all if you dont have a hwkbd, jfyi
<sicelo> Nice, "My information" picked up my sip account details. I guess it git them from empathy that I once setup in the past
<Wizzup> uvos: what if you raise the vkb?
<Wizzup> uvos: with yuor raise button
<Wizzup> sicelo: where is this?
<uvos> Wizzup: sure but that only works on bionic
<freemangordon> sicelo: well, actually it got it from telepathy
<freemangordon> uvos: on PP works too
<uvos> it should not
<freemangordon> (in theory)
<uvos> since the volume applet needs the key
<uvos> we disabeld the shourtcut
<freemangordon> well, on my PP vkb raises on up volume button
<uvos> updated to devel?
<freemangordon> I think so
<freemangordon> as I have addressbook there ;)
<uvos> hmm, then maybe we forgot
<uvos> anyhow it shal not work on pp
<humpelstilzchen[> interesting, I don't get a keyboard on volup on PP
<freemangordon> anyway, we shall invent a way to bring vkb on HWKBD-less devices
<freemangordon> a system-modal pass-through window
<uvos> no
<freemangordon> better idea?
<uvos> yes use xorgs gesture extension
<freemangordon> ah, was not aware about that
<freemangordon> so, this is something server-side?
<uvos> yes
<uvos> well sortof
<freemangordon> sounds great
<uvos> it just passes though gestures that libinput defines
<freemangordon> but I guess it can be used for our use-case, no?
<freemangordon> to bring vkb on gesture
<uvos> the libinput if could yeah
<freemangordon> (from bottom to top I guess)
<uvos> i assume the xorg extension passes though enough
<freemangordon> anyway, I am back to rtcom-accounts-widgets
<uvos> side note: i think typing on a manually raised vkb is bad ui as the only option for search
<uvos> since its not discoverable
<uvos> but its just a minor thing
<freemangordon> uvos: agree, but you can alway put a shortcut to addressbook on the desktop
<freemangordon> *always
<uvos> no i mean if your in the addressbook allready
<uvos> would be better to have a search button in the drop down
<freemangordon> ah, I see
<freemangordon> well, better in toolbar
<freemangordon> actually, in portrait we alrady have that "abc" stuff
<uvos> no
<freemangordon> I plan to extend it to landscape and also we may add search button there
<uvos> i dont
<uvos> i only see the abc thing in portrait in sphone
<uvos> not in the contacts app
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> ah, I see
<freemangordon> well, we can fix that
<uvos> also is a bit wierd that its only in portrait
<uvos> since you have less horizontal space then
<uvos> but anyhow
<freemangordon> this is because it was intended to be used on HWKBD device
<uvos> papercuts
<freemangordon> and I wanted to have the stock functionality working first
<uvos> sure
<norly> is there an action associated with a long press on the hildon app switcher? if not, then maybe that could be yet another way to raise the vkbd. still, this could be more confusing than helpful... so maybe as a power user option, disabled by default?
<freemangordon> norly: that's not always visible
<mighty17[m]> ah also u guys rebuild all mesa packages? coz i only do the `usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/pvr_dri.so` and `usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/swrast.so`
<uvos> norly: also has a function allready
<uvos> longpress is return to home
<uvos> admittly its fairly useless
<uvos> since it takes more time to do that than to open tasknav and going to home that way
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<humpelstilzchen[> I guess there is a regression in mce on PP. The display is always locked
<uvos> hmm? explain
<humpelstilzchen[> when the display turns off I can not get it to turn on with a touch event or button press on the keyboard. Only the power-button will enable it and shows the lockscreen
<uvos> autolock got enabled
<uvos> i gues
<uvos> settings->display->lock screen automaticly
<uvos> or sutch
<humpelstilzchen[> already checked
<humpelstilzchen[> its disabled
<uvos> cat /etc/mce/mce.ini.d/10-maemo.ini | grep Modules=
<humpelstilzchen[> Modules=rtconf-gsettings;lock-tklock;lock-devlock;power-dsme;display;x11-ctrl;inactivity;battery-upower;inactivity-inhibit;filter-brightness-als-iio;alarm;callstate;state-dbus;key-dbu
<uvos> it wont work untill https://github.com/maemo-leste/osso-applet-display/pull/2 is merged then
<uvos> (or i revert the default)
<uvos> you can change rtconf-gsettings to rtconf-gconf untill either happens
<humpelstilzchen[> ok thx
<uvos> probubly should revert the default for now
<uvos> ill do it later
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<uvos> humpelstilzchen[: should be fine if you upgrade
<lel> IMbackK opened a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/hildon-desktop/pull/19 (Use slide state dbus message instead of the gconf key)
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