also `LibGL: DRI_IMAGE (supported version: 8 - max version: 19)` ig DRI_IMAGE is working fine
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`PVR:(Error): PVRContextCheckGLES2: Unsupported context flags: 0x4. [0, ]` also what is this?
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`libEGL debug: EGL user error 0x3009 (EGL_BAD_MATCH) in eglCreateContext: dri2_create_context`
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hm, I'm trying to run torus-trooper with gl4es, but it dies with "abagames.util.sdl.sdlexception.SDLInitFailedException@src/abagames/util/sdl/sdlexception.d(13): Unable to create SDL screen: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL"
ldd reports both libSDL-1.2 and libSDL-2
how is it linked against both?
(apparently both libsdl1 and libsdl2 come from the leste repos)
uvos suggested we set SDL_RENDER_DRIVER=opengles2
:o thats pretty interesting it working for you and not me
it also dosent work for me so idk what bencoh is doing
I'm running -stable, maybe that's why
I haven't fiddled that much with my leste install, so ... :)
i've played with puredata+GEM (its OpenGL library) on a droid4 with gl4es installed
zero issues and pretty decent performance
install gl4es, restart Xorg, get functional OpenGL
honestly, i didnt try glxgears cause i dont really consider that a worthwhile test :P
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alright, so ... that thing uses libsd1.2 apparently, and the error means that sdl was built without GLX support
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bencoh: it was disabled for some time
bencoh: but its been reenabled in devel
well, I rebuilt libsdl1.2 with it, it looks like it runs, I'll see if it displays something at home
the issue with gl4es and allowing some kind of broken GLX compat layer to run is that I have a feeling it will break many detection mechanisms
which is a bit sad
that is correct
most things will prefer gl when offered
I think mpv 0.29 did that as well, I built the latest version from debian's git repository, and now it doesn't accept x11 anymore (I think it got deprecated / disabled by default)
(ie it frowns when I pass gpu-context=x11, and works properly with x11egl)
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ugh, what a nasty bug there is in rtcom_widget_set_account
they pass G_STRUCT_OFFSET(RtcomWidgetIface, store_settings) instead of RTCOM_WIDGET_GET_IFACE(obj)->store_settings as a function to g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched() call
or rather it is G_STRUCT_OFFSET(RTCOM_TYPE_WIDGET, store_settings)
the fact that n900/fremantle proves to be usable is some kind of mystery/miracle to me :)
I mean, we've been using it for years, it really works ... but how :]
yeah, agree
I have a colleague of mine which has a theory about "quantum programming" :D
the real question is whether I introduced more bug with REing that I fixed :p
at least debugging it should be more accessible to others
which reminds me, I wonder if we still have that odd memory leak when double-pressing powerbutton to blank screen (I think that was the source of it)
first time I hear about that
it that in CSSU?
*is that
not -devel, but yeah, years ago we tried to investigate a memory leak around blanking/unlocking screen
in tklock? I think I run systemui against valgrind back then and the was no memleak
I remember I even added code to run it as a standalone program, (iirc)
yeah I remember you checked that, I think you even fixed something along the process, and I remember we didn't manage to find the source of it in the end
but I could still see memory usage rise slightly at each screen blanking (when double-pressing power)
(I use some gesture to blank, so it hasn't bothered me for years, and I stopped thinking about it)
well, maybe I'll play a bit with that on droid4 and see if anything pops
well, we have all the sources already so you may want to check it in leste
actually you can run systemui in valgrind, leaving tklock only
leaving tklock only?
that should give you full details on what's goiing on
as a module
I think the systemui menu is the cause btw
what is "systeui menu"? powerkey-menu?
iirc they have some hack, where it catches the first press and waits for a second one