Hi, yesterday I got the Droid 4 to connect to the GSM network, with some help from you guys. In addition to the instructions on the page https://leste.maemo.org/Status/Phone, this is what I've done:
# after adding the beowulf-devel repository,
# sudo apt update throws GPG error for beowulf/Extras
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alright, gonna try to upgrade leste here ... what do I need to disable first for it not to reboot? (yeah, I always seem to forget)
touch /etc/no_lg_reboots
thanks :)
but leste config should do that for you
(if your version is recent enough)
doubt it is
also reboot after that file
honeycomb is up and running
now I just need to migrate the rpi systems
reboot after the touch? alright
I was about to press enter :)
yay, looks like it worked
let's see if it reboots
(I didn't dist-upgrade though)
oh, is dist-upgrade safe on leste?
and sometimes its nesscary
freemangordon: log dosent really show anything
interesting ... I got a text getty prompt instead of Xorg after upgrade without dist-upgrade
I guess kernel version doesn't match xorg driver?
(nice that it doesn't crash at boot)
uname -a, xorg.log?
yes wrong kernel
thought so
now, to upgrade it from console without usbnet ....
freemangordon: so to repduce: have a eds database, any kind with some contacts. make it default. build sphone from git, have it load contacts-ui-abook instead of -exec, open the dialer, click contacts.
bencoh: I think icd might work without x
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in any case, yes, you must dist-upgrade
icd has pretty piss poor performace on d4 without x
because it ussualy fails at least once trying to connect
and then you would have to wait a long time for it to try again
yes, that is a kernel bug
not icd2 bug
but in pactice it just dosent work
btw, other topic
if you cant use th ui
I was thinking we should make or revamp some simple roadmap that we all agree on, on bugs and/or features to work on
I have a few people who are interested in helping out but I have trouble pointing them at specific things to pick up
our issue list is kinda large and not ordered by priority in any way
also imo it kind of is a icd2 "bug"
it just dosent try hard enough. the connection can fail for any reason incl stuff like temporary interferance
it should just try again
right it defers to wpa_supplicant on that
Wizzup: not sure what the difference is between icd2 driving wpa and wpa_cli driving wpa
(wpa_cli never ever fails to connect on d4)
pretty sure the first time fails
and then it just retries
not always
driven by wpa_supplicant standalone logic
and right the problem is icd2 dosent try again
im not sure why but it just gives up after one try
if you connect with wpa_cli it just tries again and suceeds
this is also true if you start wpa_supplicant with -c
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looks like i got another d4 display cable to die on me :(
weird, how does that happen
do you regularly open them up?
no idea
sure regularly
i mean i use it as a primary device
that comes with lots of openings
I can send you something, if you let me know, I am leaving friday morning
nah its fine
i still have 2 others
but at some point if you find a d4 thats broken in a different way sure
probably about 12 atm, but those are in the us
looks like 5 out of 6 mz617 are in a good state
one had a power button that looks like someone *really* wanted to power it off :p
ok so the honeycomb is set up, just need to move the build systems there
might need to re-install debian or something, the pi rootfses might be too pi specific, not sure
btw, any ideas on the roadmap thing?
i dont think its a bad idea per say
but idk how you would organise it
wiki page, with links to issues, and the wiki page could be ordered by general goals and then perhaps with some dates as to when we'd -like- to do it
But people just work on whatever they want to, not sure if a roadmap helps in pinning more important issues
i dont think deadlines are particularly usefull
pinning more important tasks helps
timelines dont
timelines are not to push pressure, of course
humpelstilzchen[: well, I think it would be good to have a bit more direction in that sense
doesn't mean people can't do whatever they want :)
but it could help with "how much do we think we care about feature X vs bug or feature Y" when it comes up
uvos: if I install sphone, will it use osso-abook? or I shall build from the repos?
you have to build from repos
and make it load the moduel as stated above
[13:12] <uvos> freemangordon: so to repduce: have a eds database, any kind with some contacts. make it default. build sphone from git, have it load contacts-ui-abook instead of -exec, open the dialer, click contacts.
the modules to be loaded are in /usr/share/sphone.ini
I am not sure I understand "have it load contacts-ui-abook instead of -exec"
* freemangordon
pulls sphone
look at /usr/share/sphone.ini
should be clear then
uvos: sorru, it is still not clear to me. shall I modify ContactsUiExec section?
theres not sutch section
# Application to call to open contacts
so your default is the same as system-address-book
probubly you need to create some other database to make it break
(and make it default)
need a second
I don;t see the book selection code called
* freemangordon
fires gdb
uvos: you are missing a call to osso_abook_init()
freemangordon: ok thanks
it will fix missing logs
lemme test it here first
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uvos: you better call osso_abook_debug_init() instead of osso_abook_init()
osso_abook_init() requires osso_context I am not sure you can get
well one could be created just for this module
(in the module)
but ok
no need I think
lets first see if we can get sane logs
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uvos: you should keep config in /etc, not in usr/share
it gets overwritten on reinstall
I think it is some systemish so put configs in /usr/share
like X also moved some stuff there
maybe it's like system provided vs user set or something
but, it gets overwritten without warning
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freemangordon: yes as is intended, according LFHS /usr/share contains distro configuration /etc contains system wide administrator configuration and ~ contains user configuration
freemangordon: for sphone /usr/share contains defaults if it cant read a config file from ~/.sphone
but should be better documented
ah, I see
uvos: also, you *must* call hildon_gtk_init() and not gtk_init() on leste