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<freemangordon> Wizzup: ping
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<lel> freemangordon created a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste-upstream-forks/telepathy-gabble
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<freemangordon> everything that M$ touches is bound to fail
<freemangordon> it is github this time
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<lel> freemangordon deleted a repository: https://github.com/maemo-leste-extras/telepathy-gabble
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<freemangordon> norayr: you may upgrade, telepathy-gabble in repos is fixed
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<wunderwungiel> Hello everyone
<wunderwungiel> Any chance for full working Leste for Nokia N9/50?
<wunderwungiel> The current build is completely broken
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<uvos> wunderwungiel: currently no one is working on this so not any time soon, altho eventually we do want to have it work on those devices.
<uvos> in general supporting new devices beyond the current 3(ish) ones is not a priority, unless someone new wants to join and assume maintainership/development of some device
<wunderwungiel> Ok, nevermind, I already have quatroboot on my N9
<wunderwungiel> Leste isnt needed for me at this moment, asked just for curiosity :P
<uvos> wunderwungiel: ok well the main obistcal for the n9 is that the mainline linux state is in some disrepair
<wunderwungiel> yep, it stopped at
<wunderwungiel> Leste on N900 has 5.1
<uvos> *5.16
<uvos> we have 5.16 across all devices
<wunderwungiel> My mistake, I dont reemembered exactly ;)
<uvos> some later kernels did boot on n9
<uvos> but not atm
<uvos> 2.6.32 is totaly useless
<wunderwungiel> Some people tried to build 3.5
<wunderwungiel> 2.6.32 is useful only on MeeGo
<wunderwungiel> Sailfish, Nemo and all other are useless with it
<wunderwungiel> Need to disconnect. good night
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<lel> nxdefiant opened a pull request: https://github.com/maemo-leste/calendar-backend/pull/1 (64 bit compatibility)
<norayr> freemangordon: wow, yay
<norayr> but i still need to figure out how to add an account and pw.
<norayr> freemangordon: i found this article, which i cannot read because it shouts at me to register https://titanwolf.org/Network/Articles/Article?AID=e5411e0d-38da-42b9-b06d-40d7c8a806e8
<norayr> and i read it via html source code
<norayr> and i guess i also found its translation:
<norayr> (to chinese)
<norayr> it looks like the string to add an account is this:
<norayr> account=\$(mc-tool add gabble/jabber ${jid} string:account=${jid} string:password=${jid_pw} bool:require-encryption=true bool:ignore-ssl-errors=true)
<norayr> i'll try now.
<norayr> i have added the account
<norayr> after upgrading telepathy-gabble
<norayr> and i also enabled the account
<norayr> mc-tool enable $account
<norayr> mc-tool list shows what i have in $account variable.
<norayr> i don't know what my expectations should be. (:
<norayr> should i see the green circle near the accounts that are online?
<norayr> i also did mc-tool update $account string:resource="maemo-droid4"
<norayr> mc-tool show $account gives me in particular
<norayr> Enabled: enabled
<norayr> Connects: only when requested
<norayr> Icon: im-jabber
<norayr> Service: jabber
<norayr> don't know if enabled means it should connect.
<norayr> maybe connects needs to be something else.
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