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<freemangordon> uvos: abook *is* using whatever EDS provides
<freemangordon> and this works on a fresh installed system and there is no need the user to create anything
<freemangordon> maybe e_source_registry_ref_default_for_extension_name(registry, E_SOURCE_EXTENSION_ADDRESS_BOOK) gives better results, could you try that?
<freemangordon> but I still think e_source_registry_ref_builtin_address_book() is the right one to use
<freemangordon> hmm, we have e_source_registry_ref_default_address_book too
<freemangordon> I am not sure this is the correct one
<freemangordon> "Returns the ESource most recently passed to e_source_registry_set_default_address_book() either in this session or a previous session, or else falls back to the built-in address book. "
<freemangordon> without a-book having a means to control which is the default address book, I think it should stick to the built-in one
<freemangordon> no hard feelings though, I just used whatever seemed appropriate back then
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<freemangordon> ok, going to change to e_source_registry_ref_default_address_book, seems to work correctly
<freemangordon> but, we risk having contacts split in several address books
<freemangordon> hmm, wait
<freemangordon> uvos: I think I know what happened on your device
<freemangordon> you had to create new book to import because abook was never activated
<freemangordon> but, now abook is there, I think it will not be necessary to create, as there will already be the system book created because of e_source_registry_ref_builtin_address_book
<freemangordon> oops
<freemangordon> yeah, that one
<freemangordon> IOW - I think abook using 'built-in address book' is the correct thing
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<uvos> freemangordon: this follows the default address book as selected in gnome-contacts, or using syncevolution cli
<uvos> i think abook using its own "built-in address book" is broken. it should create sutch a address book and make it default if there is no other default, but should display the default address book as selected by the user (and we should provide ui to select the default ofc)
<uvos> otherwise abook will not interact well with other eds clients
<uvos> system address book exists either way
<uvos> but is only used for offline contacts by gnome
<uvos> adding sync resources causes gnome to create more address books (one for eatch sync) this is quite sane
<freemangordon> uvos: see, ossoo-abook uses whatever eds provides as adress book
<freemangordon> *address
<uvos> well the code you linked has it use the builtin address book explicitly
<uvos> thats not what eds provides as default
<freemangordon> if you install EDS, it seems to automatically create "Personal" and this is provides as build-in address book
<uvos> right
<uvos> thats the offlien addressbook
<freemangordon> and this is the default address book
<uvos> that is correct untill you set the default address book to be somehting else
<freemangordon> well, "system book"
<uvos> as gnome-contacts or syncevo will do
<uvos> when you create a sync acount
<uvos> then its broken
<freemangordon> I understand, but you may set the default addressbook to LDAP or google or whatever
<uvos> right and if i do that
<uvos> abook breaks
<uvos> really abook should do what gnome contacts dose
<freemangordon> yes, because it is not EDS replacement
<uvos> and show all adress books
<freemangordon> no, abook !=gnome contacts
<freemangordon> abooks is way more than that
<freemangordon> it aggregates address book + presence + actions
<uvos> thats nice but its totaly useless if it dosent show contacts that are in eds
<freemangordon> we can't do that if we use google or ldap as addess book
<freemangordon> it shows tha contacts that are in system address book
<uvos> well then its useless and broken
<freemangordon> uvos: really, feel free to use whatever you like
<freemangordon> osso-abook is what it is
<freemangordon> it is not gnome-contacts or EDS replacement
<Wizzup> presence and actions don't depend on the eds backend though?
<uvos> presence and actions really should be seperate from the gtk ui that is "abook" anyhow....
<Wizzup> why?
<Wizzup> it makes sense to me
<Wizzup> would you not want to see if a contact is online?
<freemangordon> because android does it ;)
<uvos> no
<uvos> becuse its a backend feature that is in the gtk2 ui code
<uvos> i want presence information in my qt ui too
<uvos> it should be something like libpresence or whatever
<freemangordon> uvos: you understand what RE is, right?
<uvos> that gives eds contacts with extra information
<freemangordon> or not
<uvos> freemangordon: yes and i think reing terrible implementations is a bad idea :P
<uvos> but this is of topic
<uvos> the point is abook is useless as a contacts dialog atm because it cant show contacts that are in eds
<freemangordon> uvos: it might be terrible, but is the only implementation that does it
<Wizzup> uvos: I think osso abook gives ways to resolve this for contacts
<freemangordon> uvos: it does, as long as you youe system addressbook to import contacts into
<freemangordon> *use
<freemangordon> again, abook was never meant to be EDS or gnome-contacts replacement
<uvos> except i dont want to import contacts i want to share address books across devices
<freemangordon> also, how exactly it breaks if you use google abook as default?
<uvos> it shows nothing
<uvos> also its not a google abook but thas irellivant
<freemangordon> this is not *breaks*
<freemangordon> see, if you want to make some progress on that, I would recommend to forget about labels like "useless" "terrible" etc, lower you attitude and explain the use-cases you think abook shall cover
<freemangordon> otherwise we are just wasting time arguing
<uvos> a adress book that dosent show contacts is farily useless
<uvos> anyhow
<uvos> i dont see how it would be a problem for abook to show the user selected default book
<freemangordon> me neither
<uvos> on a celan system that would be the eds created interal book anyhow
<freemangordon> besides, I don;t know what the side effects if you use LDAP addressbook (for example) would be
<freemangordon> keep in mind abook attaches lots of attributes and parameters to contacts, related to telepathy and whatnot
<freemangordon> like presence etc
<uvos> it stores presence as attributes in eds?
<uvos> really?
<freemangordon> yes, it does
<freemangordon> why not?
<freemangordon> this is what vcf is for, no?
<freemangordon> you may put there whatever you like, as soon as it starts with X-
<uvos> yeah but transient information like taht is a terrible idea
<uvos> since it gets synced
<freemangordon> that was just an example
<freemangordon> BTW, do you have access to the code?
<uvos> so now you have all other devices syncing to that book downloading presence all the time
<freemangordon> uvos: maybe presence was bad example
<freemangordon> but it stores lots of things
<freemangordon> lemme extract one vcf from EDS
<uvos> example aside i shure hope it doent store that..
<freemangordon> seems it does not
* freemangordon checks what stuff gets attached
<uvos> yeah this is farily broken
<freemangordon> why so?
<uvos> so it stores the tp hande for instance
<uvos> that braeaks if you export the book to another device
<freemangordon> this is attached to the contacts, not in EDS
<freemangordon> this does not get exported, for sure
<freemangordon> IIUC
<uvos> well where is it storing that then?
<freemangordon> OssoABooc contacts is EContact child
<uvos> so it ends up in eds... no?
<freemangordon> but, iirc the code, it filters what is visible when it is casted to EVcard
<freemangordon> not all the info, IIRC
<freemangordon> like, it is atteched, but not stored
<freemangordon> *attached
<freemangordon> it is fairly complicated
<uvos> if that is true
<uvos> using the default address book should not matter
<freemangordon> also, keep in mind this was never meant to work with online addressbook
<freemangordon> the next question - you choose an online addressbook and want to make a phone call
<freemangordon> but, network coverage is bad
<uvos> its cached
<freemangordon> so, basically you cannot dial a contact
<uvos> no
<freemangordon> the whole book?
<uvos> eds caches the whole book
<Wizzup> right the eds address books aren't actually online
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> they are synced over eds
<Wizzup> it's not a cache
<Wizzup> it's a local copy
<Wizzup> much like we do with syncevolution
<freemangordon> also, I think you still don;t understand how that works
<freemangordon> if you create an online google account, all the contacts from there will appear in the addressbook
<freemangordon> and you can merge them with contacts from whatevr addressbook you want to merge with
<Wizzup> I think you're not talking about the same thing(s)
<freemangordon> not reallyu
<Wizzup> uvos said he used some gnome thing to set up remote address books copies using webdav
<Wizzup> which is similar to what we do with syncevolution
<freemangordon> because online accounts provide contacts through eds telepathy plugins
<Wizzup> so any -write- isn't done automatically to the online one (I think), but will be done when network is avail
<Wizzup> sure, that is different
<freemangordon> see, I think it costs nothing if we make the change
<freemangordon> it is that I cannot test it here
<freemangordon> uvos: do you have access to abook source code?
<uvos> wierd question
<uvos> sure
<freemangordon> not really
<uvos> why?
<freemangordon> because repo is not public
<freemangordon> I don;t know what access rights you have
<freemangordon> do you see ^^^
<uvos> yes
<freemangordon> great
<uvos> i thought it was public
<freemangordon> no, it is still not
<uvos> yes it is
<freemangordon> maybe we shall make it already, but that's another story
<uvos> Public
<uvos> github says public
<freemangordon> werid
<freemangordon> it was private
<freemangordon> Wizzup: do you know anything about that?
<Wizzup> I think we made it public a while ago
<Wizzup> I don't recall what and when
<freemangordon> ah, ok
<freemangordon> seems I have missed that
<freemangordon> that's fine
<freemangordon> uvos: so, could you change the call to e_source_registry_ref_builtin_address_book to e_source_registry_ref_default_address_book and see if it works for you?
<uvos> sure
<freemangordon> we have a potential issue there, as telepathy provided books can be made default in EDS and it will become a mess
<uvos> i dont think thats a "mess"
<freemangordon> it is, because those are read-only
<uvos> so?
<uvos> obv you should provide the user a ui to select the default one again
<uvos> a different default one
<freemangordon> and also appear in abook by using other channels
<uvos> could be a very simple cp plugin
<freemangordon> well, if such UI it to be written, it belongs to addressbook application anyways
<uvos> i think it makes sence to have in in cp
<uvos> but either is fine
<freemangordon> addressbook application already has support for lots of things, so I really think this belongs to it
<freemangordon> "has: in fremantle
<freemangordon> maybe a solution should be - do not allow selection of some addressbook backends, like "tp", "sim"
<freemangordon> and if default addressbook backend is either of those, fallback to system address book
<freemangordon> Wizzup: if this turns to bring no issues, I think it should ease contacts import a lot
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> the disk replacement should be in later today, great
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<Wizzup> dreamer: buZz: I don't suppose you'd find a way to print this for me? https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5072251 :-D
<MartijnBraam[m]> oh damn, I should print one of those :D
<Wizzup> well, print two :)
<Wizzup> :D
<freemangordon> this should fix your issue
<freemangordon> but not sure how it will work in general
<buZz> Wizzup: eh, i could print it at nurdspace maybe tomorrow
<buZz> my home printer is too small
<freemangordon> hmm, why hildon stacked window appears as a separate window in tasknav?
<Wizzup> buZz: if you could, and somehow get to dreamer, I'd meet him thursday
<Wizzup> buZz: np if it's too short notice :)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: which app
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I have seen this in -some- qt apps
<Wizzup> probably something I need to fix in qt port
<buZz> not sure i'm seeing dreamer before thursday :P
<buZz> actually, he did mention coming by -tomorrow- :P
<buZz> so perhaps ;)
<Wizzup> if the stars align
<buZz> inshabba
<Wizzup> it'd help with the new maemo build machine
<buZz> alrighty :)
<Wizzup> I can pay with a d4 is necessary :P
<Wizzup> s/ is / if /
<buZz> hehe, well i have two now, my gf still keeps delaying trying it for bed-irc for a week :)
<buZz> need to test the battery on the second one, and got a replacement through dreamer, but he said capacity was pretty disappointing
<freemangordon> Wizzup: in modest
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: hm, ok, have not seen that before
<freemangordon> but yeah, I have qalendar opened at the same time
<Wizzup> I have seen problems with qalendar
<freemangordon> lemme check with it closed
<Wizzup> maybe it does something weird
<freemangordon> hmm, yeah, qt somehow breack stacked windows even for gtk2 apps
<freemangordon> *breaks
<Wizzup> if you file an issue I can take a look
<Wizzup> it's a bug in the qt port that maybe reveals a bug in h-d
<freemangordon> Wizzup: to repro: start qalendar, start modest, press "new message", go to tasknav
<freemangordon> yeah, could be
<freemangordon> ok, will raise an issue
<Wizzup> I have to go out first
<Wizzup> ty
<freemangordon> ok
<Guest45> Hey, I'm running Leste system image from February for Droid 4 and it seems I am not connected to the GSM network. The SIM card is in. I understand I need to install a meta package from an additional repository, but I don't know their link/name
<Wizzup> uvos: could you help setting up sphone ^ ?
* Wizzup afk
<buZz> Guest45: isnt that on the wiki page?
<Wizzup> buZz: I don't think it is
<buZz> ?
<buZz> hmm, well, somewhat outdated perhaps?
<Wizzup> the latter is way out of date
<Wizzup> we don't need to use any kind of AT stuff
<Wizzup> honestly that should probably go on a different page
<Guest45> Okay, I can add the repo beowulf-devel and apt install sphone
<Wizzup> I think you also want hildon-connectivity-mobile
<Wizzup> afk 4 real
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<Guest45> Thanks!
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<buZz> Guest45: let me know whats finally needed to do it :) maybe i'll edit that second link with the knowledge
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<buZz> Wizzup: hmm, maybe i could customize that plate for you a bit ;)
<buZz> nice maemo logo into it
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<Wizzup> buZz: hehe neat
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<Guest45> I installed sphone and hildon-connectivity-mobile, rebooted, but the SIM symbol is striked by a red line and when trying to call I get the error "unable to transmit dial number via ofono". When checking the Settings app, under Phone I get "Cellular network not available"
<Wizzup> do you have a pin?
<Guest45> Don't know if the problem is a missing setting or a script I have to run, or a physical problem
<Wizzup> sudo /etc/init.d/,ofono restart
<Wizzup> try that
<Wizzup> this is a bug we have to fix
<Wizzup> and then startup-pin-query or something
<Guest45> I'm not sure if I don't have a PIN, will check
<Guest45> Thanks, I get Unable to initialize SIM when I run startup-pin-query. I don't think I have a PIN on my SIM, but most likely I'm missing something else
<Wizzup> did you restart ofono?
<Wizzup> the ofono port needs a few fixes for stuff like this
<Wizzup> modem only reports sim 2 mins after boot and ofono does not pick up on it
<Guest45> Yes, I restarted ofono
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<Guest45> I got disconnected from the chat. I restarted ofono. Just to make sure, I reinserted the SIM card
<sicelo> N900?
<bencoh> did you check that the modem works with fremantle (maemo5) ?
<Guest45> Droid 4
<bencoh> oh, droid4 nevermind
<sicelo> yeah, me disappears too :-)
<Guest45> However, I didn't do any modem enabling, if that's not done automatically
<Guest45> I read: Modem is not enabled by default. enable-modem and online-modem scripts from ofono/test can be used to put modem online.
<sicelo> Guest45: do as if you want to turn on wifi .. then the modem turns on. at least that's what i recall in Leste
<Guest45> However I don't know where is ofono/test
<sicelo> otherwise yes, you can at least test with ofono scripts. you may need to install them manually, `ofono-scripts` the package, iirc
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<Guest45> Okay, 'cause I couldn't find them with `locate'
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<Guest45> It worked, the enable-modem & online-modem were the missing pieces. Thanks all for the help!
<Guest45> I can come back later with a list of steps I took to be able to use telephony
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<uvos> freemangordon: thers a known qt bug that dose this: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/533
<uvos> freemangordon: also i noticed that stacked windows in gtk are also qutie buggy (also in fremantle)
<uvos> freemangordon: its pretty easy to make it stack the wrong windows, and do stuff like return to the stacked window of a totaly unrelated application when pressing back
<uvos> freemangordon: by eg. creating windows during a transition
<uvos> also the libhildon api is problematic (but not the xatom)
<uvos> since it assumes there to be only one stack per process, this sortof breaks sphone since it has both sms ui and dialer in one process.
<uvos> also it should respect x11 window parenting
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<Wizzup> calebtheythem[m4: ok, will send it tomorrow
<Wizzup> calebtheythem[m4: should I mark it as for repair? 'software needs fixing, is not mainline?' ;-)
<calebtheythem[m]> wizzup: \o/ awesome! Thanks a lot!
<calebtheythem[m]> ahaha
<calebtheythem[m]> Definitely needs fixing :P
<freemangordon> any clue?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: let me take a look
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I think I know what is up
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<calebtheythem[m]> sorry my old account still seems to be hanging out in this room, feel free to kick it (I can't log back in as matrix server is gone)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: yeah I rebooted the machine that hosts their ata over ethernet rootfs
<Wizzup> they'll be up soon
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> uvos: please test abook (once the build is ready) and LMK if it works for you
<freemangordon> non-system addressbook that is
<buZz> eh, weird
<buZz> my fresh installed droid4 leste has no battery gauge icon?
<uvos> what kind of battery do you have?
<uvos> cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/present?
<buZz> eh
<buZz> its '1'
<buZz> tabcompleting into /sys/class/power_supply/battery/ gave me a big delay though?
<buZz> hmm
<buZz> its a normal oldstock battery
<uvos> hmm
<uvos> check what upower thinks
<uvos> upower -d | grep present:
<freemangordon> Wizzup: shall I restart the build?
<buZz> 'present: yes'
<buZz> 'icon name battery full' ?
<buZz> hmm
<buZz> weird, it shouldnt be full , its 4.061v
<uvos> thats full
<uvos> as far as upower is concernd
<uvos> (also theres like 5% cap above that voltage)
<uvos> (at best)
<buZz> right, ok, but where's the toolbar icon thingy :P
<uvos> no idea
<uvos> maybe the status module isent installed for some reason
<buZz> is it a process i could start? i rebooted earlier and didnt come back
<uvos> no
<uvos> its a plugin of hildon-status-me
<buZz> but it was there after install to SD , and only disappeared after apt update/upgrade
<Wizzup> freemangordon: just a moment
<freemangordon> buZz: try with 'apt-get install hildon-meta'
<freemangordon> I hope you didn;t play with the repos
<buZz> i played nothing yet , afaik
<buZz> 'already the newest version'
<buZz> aw
<freemangordon> sorry, no idea
<freemangordon> have to run, ttyl
<Wizzup> freemangordon: should be building now
<uvos> buZz: try killing hildon-status-me
<uvos> buZz: also try runing it in shell with the various debug envars
<Wizzup> which image is this btw?
<buZz> maemo-leste-1.0-armhf-droid4-20220206.img.xz
<uvos> where to did you upgrade?
<uvos> devel or stable?
<buZz> nowhere, only installed and did apt update;upgrade
<buZz> nothing else
<uvos> thats upgrading
<uvos> to latest stable
<uvos> could you try updateing to devel
<uvos> maybe we rebuilt the plugin
<uvos> but not the applicaiton and its causing issues loading it
<Wizzup> I don't think so
<Wizzup> I gave several friends this image just days ago
<Wizzup> on d4s
<uvos> freemangordon: so that dident help @abook
<uvos> freemangordon: also i hangs when you click any of the abc etc scrolling categorys
<buZz> Wizzup: and didnt move em to devel?
<uvos> freemangordon: not sure if it did that before too or not
<Wizzup> buZz: no, they are not on devel
<buZz> hmmz, weird
<buZz> killing 'hildon-status-menu' did indeed fix it
<buZz> somewhat?
* buZz tries a reboot
<buZz> reboot makes it disappeared again
<buZz> weird, now its 'battery missing'
<buZz> :(
<buZz> aHA
<buZz> 'shaking droid4 hard' does make the battery non-missing :P
<buZz> lol
<Wizzup> uhhhh
<Wizzup> bad contacts?
<buZz> yeah could be, i'll try some stuff
<uvos> thats wierd tho
<uvos> because your sysfs reports the battery as avaialble
<uvos> and it dose that whenever it has the thermistor connected
<uvos> and thats the only pin cpcap-battery uses besides the main power ones (obv those are present)
<uvos> maybe its switching often and you cought it as available by accident
<uvos> buZz: you can also add "options cpcap-battery ignore_temperature_probe=1" to modprobe.d
<uvos> if your thermistor/the pins are broken
<uvos> obv try cleaning them first
<buZz> yeah i'm hunting for my ipa
<buZz> housemates--
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<Wizzup> # btrfs replace status /mnt/raid/
<Wizzup> 0.2% done, 0 write errs, 0 uncorr. read errs
<Wizzup> should be done in a few hours
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<freemangordon> uvos: ok, you should give me instructions to repro your addressbook issue
<freemangordon> re ABC buttons - I could have introduced an REing bug, will check
<freemangordon> uvos: could you enable osso-abook debug logs (export OSSO_ABOOK_DEBUG=all) and provide the output?
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