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<lel> freemangordon closed a pull request: (Fix type CARD32->long)
<freemangordon> humpelstilzchen[: please confirm you have squashed all the relevant fixes from into ^^^
<humpelstilzchen[> freemangordon: All related to this specific bug I have found
<freemangordon> did you look @ the others?
<humpelstilzchen[> I could not even find a common ancestor, both repositories are diverged so much there is no simple grab patch and apply
<freemangordon> sure, but still common logic should be applicable, like for
<freemangordon> like - "is this relevant to us"?
<humpelstilzchen[> someone with more experience with matchbox or window managers in general should definitely look in to this and might have more luck
<freemangordon> yeah
<humpelstilzchen[> might be easier to just grab the yocto version and apply the maemo patches on top of it, I don't know
<freemangordon> no way IIUC
<humpelstilzchen[> that bad?
<freemangordon> not bad, just maemo version has a pile of fixes
<freemangordon> and maybe hacks
<freemangordon> ok, we still have that issue with qalendar and stacking windows
<humpelstilzchen[> which one?
<freemangordon> qalendar is not visible in tasknav if another application has opened a stacking window
<freemangordon> on 64bit that is
<freemangordon> not sure about 32 bits
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<freemangordon> open modest, click on "new message", open qalendar, go to tasknav
<freemangordon> ttyl, work mtg
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: that might be a qt5 problem (i.e. my cod)
<humpelstilzchen[> hmpf, I have to setup modest first. What was tasknav? Is that the screen that shows the open applications after clicking on the top left?
<Wizzup> yes, I believe so
<humpelstilzchen[> lol, can't even add an email account, program freezes. Also @work now.
<Wizzup> hm, I should retry that, it's been working great for me
<freemangordon> yep, modest should work just fine
<freemangordon> humpelstilzchen[: on what screen does it freeze?
<humpelstilzchen[> freemangordon: new account assistent->select region, provider (other), name->click next->freeze
<freemangordon> what region/provider?
<freemangordon> oh
<freemangordon> what region?
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<freemangordon> humpelstilzchen[: WFM, I would say something is broken on your device, maybe some MB change you did or something
<humpelstilzchen[> freemangordon: currently rebooting to repository hildon-desktop
<freemangordon> ok
<humpelstilzchen[> shit
<freemangordon> hmm?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: do you have time to release MB/HD to -devel?
<humpelstilzchen[> don't
<freemangordon> why?
<freemangordon> I build MB/HD locally and I see no issue so far
<freemangordon> even after restart
<Wizzup> I have time, just let me know if I should
<humpelstilzchen[> I just rebooted with repository hildon-desktop from -devel and the modest account dialog works
<freemangordon> I rebooted to locally build MB/HD and I see no issues in modest
<freemangordon> humpelstilzchen[: this is on 64 bits?
<humpelstilzchen[> yes, pine
<freemangordon> I test in VM
<freemangordon> maybe that's the difference
<humpelstilzchen[> qemu? what arguments are you using?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: as I won;t have time till the evening to play with it, could you please build and test MB/HD on your PP and see if you see the same issues in modest as humpelstilzchen[?
<freemangordon> humpelstilzchen[: virtualbox
<Wizzup> sorry, cannot test on PP
<freemangordon> ok, will do in the evening then
<freemangordon> unless we decide to use -devel for what it is meant for :)
<Wizzup> happy either way, I just don't have the p here
<Wizzup> the pp
<freemangordon> yeah, got it
<freemangordon> please release then
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: BTW, did you see that isse for autobuilder not working?
<freemangordon> *issue
<Wizzup> auto image build, or packages?
<freemangordon> image builder
<Wizzup> I think I might need to start the VMs again
<Wizzup> I downed them because of the raid problem, but that is long fixed
<Wizzup> well, I tried to start the vms, but then the entire machine became unreachable :)
<Wizzup> I'll ask someone to go over
<Wizzup> uvos: btw I'm not on vacation, it's a work trip
<humpelstilzchen[> strange, this time was booting back to my hildon desktop, now I can get one step further in modest
<humpelstilzchen[> lol, tab key goes one input up, not down
<Wizzup> interesting, n900 doesn't have tab key so that could make it awkward
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<humpelstilzchen[> I don't know what the bug is yet -
<humpelstilzchen[> aah damn, now I see there should be a third image with qalendar
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<freemangordon> humpelstilzchen[: :nod: :)
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<Scary_Guy> Greetings, is it correct I heard the project uses xorg? Has anyone tried running the Barrier KVM software on it? How well does it work with the HDMI dock on the Pinephone?
<humpelstilzchen[> Scary_Guy: xorg it is, no idea about barrier kvm. But I'm curious, do you plan to use the keyboard with the pinephone?
<Scary_Guy> Yeah, my actual keyboard over the network when it's in the dock. If you mean the keyboard case then no I don't. While it looks neat, and the extra battery would be useful, and it's forward compatible with the PPP; unless you're using it with a Bluetooth earpiece/headset holding it next to your head is kind of annoying.
<humpelstilzchen[> just asking, because currently the usb port is unusable with keyboard case, so no dock with it
<Scary_Guy> I do love that it's an option for those who want it though. Just also if you charge it ONLY charge it via the USB-C on the keyboard. If you use the one on the phone you can damage it. I recommend putting tape over it and I think future versions will just cover up that port.
<Scary_Guy> That's lovely to know, thanks
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<lel> nxdefiant closed an issue: (Confirmation dialogs/QMessageBox do not appear)
<freemangordon> Wizzup: the builder machine is down?
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: yes
<Wizzup> freemangordon: as is my personal email server, so I will try to get it fixed asap
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: :(
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: just an hour or two, too bad it's already past midnight here ;)
<freemangordon> yeah
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: as in it will be fixed soon
<Wizzup> (I hope)
<freemangordon> yep, got it, it is just a pity that you waste time on that
<Wizzup> right
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<freemangordon> umm, what?
<freemangordon> "value "TRUE" of type 'gboolean' is invalid or out of range for property 'visible' of type 'gboolean'"
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