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<freemangordon> what is worse is that it seems the behaviour has changed
<freemangordon> so g_convert_with_iconv returns NULL instead of question marks
<freemangordon> so we have a segfault as soon as we want to insert non-english text there
<freemangordon> bencoh: Wizzup: humpelstilzchen[: uvos: is there something obviously wrong? ^^^
<bencoh> freemangordon: how did it "got worse"?
<bencoh> get*
<freemangordon> bencoh: see the commit message
<bencoh> Yeah, I've read it, but I'm still wondering what happened for it to get worse and no longer work at all
<freemangordon> returns NULL, thus segfault
<freemangordon> ah, no idea why they changed it
<bencoh> :)
<freemangordon> on my ubuntu 12.04 it returns ????
<freemangordon> not null
<bencoh> is strncmp() really supposed to work on gchar* btw?
<bencoh> or is it some kind of hack?
<bencoh> s/hack/abuse/
<bencoh> (I didn't see anything obviously wrong)
<freemangordon> bencoh: see the note
<bencoh> ah, nice
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<hexagonwin_> Hello. I tried Maemo Leste on QEMU and found it interesting and I would want to buy a device for it. Nokia N900 and Motorola Droid 4 seems well supported, but it seems like they are very hard to find. Is Maemo Leste well working on the PinePhone (without physical keyboard)? Also, I found out "Motorola Droid Bionic" is a similar device with the Droid 4 but is easier to find, is the only major difference non-working modem for ML? And what's the
<hexagonwin_> major difference with Droid 4 hardware-wise? Please let me know if this is not the right place to ask. Thanks :D
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<bencoh> hexagonwin_: bionic has no keyboard, apart from that it is quite close to droid4
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<hexagonwin_> Oh, I thought it had one, lol. If you do know, could you please tell me where I can get a N900/D4? There seems to be almost none on e*ay.
<bencoh> I bought mine on ebay a long time ago (4~5y iirc)
<bencoh> Wizzup hunts those from time to time, he talked about buying several units from a single seller recently, dunno where this stands
<bencoh> (droid4 that is)
<hexagonwin_> Alright, I would have to hunt ebay then. lol. How well does Maemo Leste work on devices without physical keyboard?
<hexagonwin_> And, would it be a lot of work to get a device already working well on mainline linux to work in Maemo Leste? (ex : Bunch of 8916 phones like Galaxy A5)
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<bencoh> if you already have Xorg running with accelerated graphics, porting leste might not be that hard
<bencoh> the phone part is another story though
<bencoh> (people managed to run leste in some container in android btw)
<bencoh> as for the absence of physical keyboard, I read recently that gtk2 apps have proper virtual keyboard support, gtk3/qt is still WIP (this might have changed since then)
<norayr> root@devuan-pinephone:/sys/bus/iio/devices# find . | grep -i lum
<norayr> gives nothing
<norayr> no ambient light sensor in new kernel
<norayr> for some reason.
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<hexagonwin_> It seems like the N900 is able to do screen-out to composite, is it impossible for Droid 4 to do screen-out using composite/rgb or any? Thanks.
<bencoh> droid4 has a microhdmi port, you could always connect that to some hdmi->composite converter
<hexagonwin_> Thanks a lot :)
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<sicelo> hexagonwin_: on msm8916, maemo leste will definitely run
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<_uvos_> we support, the n900, the droid 4, the droid bionic and the pinephone well
<_uvos_> keyboard input via vkb works in all toolkits, but on non gtk2 toolkits its usage is a bit wonky
<_uvos_> even where the vkb works great non hwkbd phones are not ideal because the vkb is not that great and because while you can compensate small/ hard to use desktop uis using keyboard schortcuts and the arrow keys for navigation, this is not possible on the vkb
<_uvos_> the droid 4 has gotten quite rare in ebay.
<_uvos_> you can have ebay infrom you on search results via email
<_uvos_> i would use that on us ebay if you want one
<_uvos_> droid bionics are easy to get and cheep as chips
<_uvos_> droid 3 are also somewhat easy to get, its hardware is almost the same as the d4 and leste works on it too, except that currently you cant change the screen brightness
<_uvos_> and its more unsable than d4
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<lel> IMbackK closed an issue: (hildon application manager: hide debug symbol packages)
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<norayr> Wizzup: i believe pp kernel doesn't show (anymore) ambient light meter information in /sys/class/iio
<norayr> should i open an issue about it?
<uvos> norayr: explain symptoms
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