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<sicelo> If anyone here has a Leste N900 handy, please tell me how the RGB led is named in sysfs.
<macros_> is it anyone of these?
<macros_> find /sys/ -name led 2>/dev/null
<macros_> /sys/devices/platform/gpio_keys/input/input3/capabilities/led
<macros_> /sys/devices/platform/n900-audio/sound/card0/input4/capabilities/led
<macros_> /sys/devices/platform/68000000.ocp/48098000.spi/spi_master/spi0/spi0.0/input/input2/capabilities/led
<macros_> /sys/devices/platform/68000000.ocp/48070000.i2c/i2c-1/1-0048/48070000.i2c:twl@48:pwrbutton/input/input1/capabilities/led
<macros_> /sys/devices/platform/68000000.ocp/48070000.i2c/i2c-1/1-0048/48070000.i2c:twl@48:keypad/input/input0/capabilities/led
<humpelstilzchen[> maybe search for brightness?
<macros_> Here is everything containing LED or brightness https://pastebin.com/6xwg4ThA
<macros_> It seems to be under /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/ocp@68000000/i2c@48072000/lp5523@32/ as I have entries /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/ocp@68000000/i2c@48072000/lp5523@32/led@{number from 0-8}/color
<macros_> LEDs 4 to 6 under that path are for status, i suppose for the three colors.
<macros_> https://pastebin.com/qMwiWEjU for details
<sicelo> This is leste? /sys/class/leds/
<macros_> Yes this is Leste, image from February I think
<macros_> debug::sleep lp5523:b lp5523:g lp5523:kb1 lp5523:kb2 lp5523:kb3 lp5523:kb4 lp5523:kb5 lp5523:kb6 lp5523:r
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<sicelo> tyvm
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: sms seem to work in telepathy OOTB (empathy)
<freemangordon> I think we shall make conversations app a telepathy chat/sms client
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<freemangordon> what the? empathy wants GLX?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: it already is
<freemangordon> really? that's great!
<freemangordon> so, basically we need accounts control UI and we can retire :D
<freemangordon> Wizzup: is that in repos already?
<freemangordon> as it seems empathy refuses to start on droid4
<freemangordon> uvos: do I need to do anything special in order to have data connection on d4?
<freemangordon> data connection == gprs
<freemangordon> oh, actually I have, it is just that it is not visible in th eui
<freemangordon> something in icd ofono plugin I guess
<Wizzup> freemangordon: no, it's not in repos with tp
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I ran into issues with telepathy-qt (or my own code)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: we had a version that connected one tp account
<freemangordon> ok, no hurry, there is plenty of work on addressbook pending still
<Wizzup> but multiple accounts wasn't working
<freemangordon> Wizzup: OTOH - does ofono icd plugin work on d4?
<freemangordon> IOW - is it supposed to work
<Wizzup> there are a few known problems with it
<Wizzup> first one: it doesn't wait for ofono to make the data active, and it expects it to be active right away, so the ui reports failure
<Wizzup> unless the thing is already active
<Wizzup> this is not too hard to fix
<Wizzup> and then I don't think it detects when network is not visible, or when data connection is gone
<freemangordon> hmm, but after a restart I don;t see gprs connection in the dialog at all
<freemangordon> so, those are problems in the plugin?
<freemangordon> I can have a look at them
<Wizzup> could be a race with it not seeing the modem? not sure
<Wizzup> a restart of what, btw?
<freemangordon> device
<Wizzup> what if you restart icd2?
<freemangordon> also, do I have to enable/online the modem by hand?
<Wizzup> icd2 does powered up, and online upon scan
<Wizzup> of course if pin is necessary then not obnline
<freemangordon> hmm
<freemangordon> no pin is needed
<freemangordon> yep, after icd restart connection is available
<freemangordon> but it is missing the icon
<Wizzup> you mean in the dialog?
<freemangordon> mhm
<Wizzup> I have it
<Wizzup> maybe just some missing pkg
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> but which one :)
<Wizzup> we have a meta pkg
<Wizzup> it's 00:40 here, need to get some sleep :)
<freemangordon> ok, please ping me when you have some time
<Wizzup> (work tomorrow as well :()
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok
<uvos> freemangordon: data via icd/ofono has never worked for me
<uvos> freemangordon: i allways use qmicli
<freemangordon> I see
<freemangordon> well, data through ofono (scripts) seems to work
<freemangordon> but UI seems to have issues
<sicelo> It used to work fine on UI, but yes, something changed later on, although no idea what
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> anyway, gtg now
<freemangordon> ttyl
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<humpelstilzchen[> uvos: I see a different bug with black text on black input field, because it also affects non-maemo qt programs, e.g. qstardict
<uvos> humpelstilzchen[: it should affect non maemo applications
<uvos> also ofc if you find a specific case you have to check if the application isent doing something stupid, like hardcodeing a color.
<uvos> but yeah it affects non maemo applicaitons useing the maemo style
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<humpelstilzchen[> uvos: can't we just fix the gtk style?
<uvos> its not that simple
<uvos> the problem is that the maemo applications use base text on window color
<uvos> while expecting window to have high contrast with base
<uvos> so base text cant also have high contrast with base
<uvos> lots of these instances (eg. input fields) are in the qt plugin so yes you could fix this there
<uvos> but its also true in fremantle so they depended on this
<uvos> since you have to, you have to erroniously use base text on window color otherwise it wont work, if you create a custom widget
<uvos> so yeah im not saying do this would be wrong, but it would not totaly resolve the issue
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<humpelstilzchen[> also, do we really need that sapwood thing on pine?
<norayr> folks, do you think i can compile and make work modern gentoo prefix system on n810 with that old kernel.
<norayr> will modern libraries work with that old kernel?
<humpelstilzchen[> uvos: never mind, there is no issue here. I had installed qt5ct which sets QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME which broke the theme.
<uvos> norayr: glibc has hard requirements on kernel version
<uvos> norayr: some other libs to too
<uvos> glibc is 3.2 i think
<uvos> ofc you could use a different libc
<uvos> but im gona guess that your goint to run into sutch issues somewhere else too
<uvos> so linux 3.2 is really minimal practical version for anything
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<norayr> eh.
<norayr> i want to use n810 devices so much.
<norayr> another obstacle may be 128mb of ram.
<norayr> is this that bad for leste https://elinux.org/N800 ?
<norayr> i found the most modern kernel branch for these omap chipsets
<norayr> if it was running with current kernel back then (http://muru.com/linux/n8x0/) why wouldn't it boot today? i guess more things are supported today.
<norayr> i don't even want to run diablo, just to use leste even without graphics acceleration would be amazing. or just modern linux with some matchbox like wm.
<norayr> btw norayr == inky
<norayr> i am entering with this nickname via my xmpp gateway.