freemangordon: were there any timestamps of creation time in xprot? rumor has it xprot was what got developed during delayed N900 rollout to fix the issue of broken speakers
why rumor? IIRC this was officially confirmed
well, more or less 'officially' :)
if you imply that xprot is a must on n900, I agree, yes, it is a must
otherwise we risk blown speakers
btw I got a few hundres of spare speakers, if anybody needs some :-)
no need of xprot then
OTOH, music/record modules are the reason why N900 sounds and records much better than any android phone I have seen
so it would be nice if we have them
unfortunately I NEON optimized those and lost the C code
though it should not be that much of an issue to recover C code from NEON intrinstics
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How difficult the voice module? I think we want/need that even more :-)
* sicelo
still wants n900 + mainline + phone calls
I think recent PA has replacements
I don't quite care too much about lack of applications/browser
it is about AGC, AEC, noise generation, etc
ordinary telephony stuff
though, I am not an expert there, so maybe we lack something
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I see. Need to play with it some more
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can you put the OS on F2FS instead of ext?
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You can, if you want. There's nothing depending on ext
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Wizzup: connection button on status menu > select 3G provider - "Internet connection failed" error
Control Panel > internet connections > connections > 3g provider > edit > Next -- crash
* duuude
just wonders what kind of careers give enough spare time to spend on opensource development
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freemangordon: nxdefiant is my account. Give me a few days to test and I will create a PR
humpelstilzchen[: thanks!
duuude: i think the active devs except me all work in software development professionally
what kind of software development?
the kind of software development that pays :)
duuude: varys, im the odd man out here being a research associate in mechanical engineering
yeah the academic people seem to have the most spare time
most of people who contributed to my project worked in a university
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hey all! D4 and Photon Q arrived today (huge thanks Wizzup !), the D4 is stuck on the "a sim card is required to operate this device" screen
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calebtheythem[m]: tap top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left in that sequence several times
also you dont need android at all to install leste
also i would recomend just installing los over the motorola android if you plan on using android
uvos: definitely switching to Maemo :P
then i would just ignore the stock android
ah ok cool
no need to bootloader unlock!?
these old devices sure are nice :D
bootloader is locked with no way to unlock
we hijack the boot process by injecting parameters into the cmdline of the android kernel
and just boot a totaly different userspace
ah i see
with the kexecboot stuff?
impressed that the default kernel has working kexec XD
it dosent
oh ... this just gets more and more cursed lol
we (or rather the los people) managed to get it to load a custom kexec kernel module via some rather involed shenanigans
wow ok
that's pretty impressive
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uvos: could that be done with every locked android phone?