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<Wizzup> freemangordon: pa config should be there now
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<tmlind> Wizzup, uvos: added lots and lots of printk to try to debug why mz617 lcd won't probe, i think it's a bug in dsi_vm_calc() function where pll min and max are too close and no clock rate is found..
<tmlind> we have d4 nd bionic use dsi_cm_calc() instead (cm as in command-mode rather than vm as in video-mode)
<tmlind> i'll try forcing pll_max = 1200000000 as my next text at some point tonight :)
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<Wizzup> tmlind: great, I'd _love_ to see that work
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: great
<freemangordon> will test later on
<sicelo> tmlind: btw droid4-kexecboot - how does the priority work? specifically, which entry gets auto-booted?
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<tmlind> sicelo: the number in each boot.cfg file tells the priority, i think 10 is the highest priority
<sicelo> yes, thanks. which one is auto-booted, if i don't select anything? is it the lowest (1) or highest (10)?
<tmlind> sicelo: highest one gets booted
<tmlind> hmm no idea if 10 is the max, maybe it's an integer with higher options
<sicelo> thanks. that helped :-)
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<uvos> tmlind: yeah i noticed that too @mz6xx but i got lost trying to figure out why
<uvos> Wizzup: sdl stuff works fine
<uvos> Wizzup: gles1 still dosent work
<uvos> Wizzup: eglinfo shows no valid gles1 configurations
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<uvos> sdl ennvars work fine
<uvos> LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 eglinfo shows gles1 as an option tho
<uvos> so its now no longer mesa but pvrdri or blobs
<uvos> version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
<uvos> yeah ok
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<lel> IMbackK opened a pull request: (weaken glib 2.29 symbol in libGLESv1)
<uvos> also can i have maemo-leste-extras/neverball-gles now that this works?
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<Wizzup> uvos: check @ pr, will merge tomorrow
<Wizzup> yeah @ neverball, also tomorrow :)
<uvos> also openlara plesse :)
<uvos> kinda lots of games work pretty well now (since ddk1.17)
<Wizzup> can you make an issue for it?
<uvos> sure
<Wizzup> uvos: great!
* Wizzup needs to get some sleep
<uvos> good night!
<Wizzup> gn
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