what package includes gles_CM.h? i been tryna find it but it breaks other dependencies. i do have the libs though. somehow they come pre installed or something
im trying to build openarena
libgles1-sgx-omap4-cant be found either and its clearly therep
I'm not sure we want unbound on the phone. Extra daemon likely means more battery draw
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what it do
Wizzup: what do i need to build for droid 4 kernel?
dtbs and zimage?
i got a gps fix pretty fast yesterday within a few minutes while outside with the MPDTIME patch, this was after uploading data with droid4-agps
so the MPDTIME seems to be done, i think the only mystery remaining is what the first parameter for MFSOPEN might be
it could be the first MFSOPEN parameter does not matter, and droid4-agps is just using AT+MFSOPEN=1234567890,"xtra2.bin"
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here are some MFSOPEN examples if anybody has any ideas:
the number does not change for the following xtra2.bin uploads
how big is that file?
tmlind: ^^^
freemangordon: it's tiny, android uses the shorter version with few days of data, droid4-agps uses i think six days of data
this is almanac?
so the longer version is about 26530 bytes
does not seem to be a crc or anything :)
why not?
could be, but see the value of 1 above :)
timestamp or message number based something?
I was thinking about timestamp, but I doubt it is
good puzzle, but I need more data, like, a couple of files
not now though
I am on h-i-m
yeah i have some logs captured from los 14.1
why would open take some param that does not seem to be used later on at all?
does not make sense
open returns a fd anyways, typically 0
maybe this is some "user data" to be returned later on
there's some src related unused command also
do you see any of those 3 values later on in communication stream?
ignoring '1' ofc
no just the fd gets used for writes and close
so there's also AT+MFSCRC, but i'm not seeing it in any logs
afaik we can;t have crc of 1
or can we?
no i don't think so :)
here are the related commands where we have the mystery number as 1 for example:
Wizzup: I don;t think this is acceptable
tmlind: can't we just feed IDA with the $binary in question and try to guess what it does?
i guess yeah
if you give me the binary and provide some hints which functions I shall look in, I will do it
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freemangordon: so imho I don't think it's ok to talk this way about uvos' work, and I probably merged it, he made a PR for it, and I didn't notice the regression
the ability to type into raw x windows imho is very appreciated
There are many shortcomings in him that we need to tackle and it currently _only_ working in a gtk2 window is a big one
with that commit it not only works in every x window, but the ability to raise it forcefully also adresses a lot of use cases with devices without keyboard
sure, we should fix bugs if they get introduced, but the direction itself I think is a good one
suppboi: I'm too late to answer it seems, but if you're trying to upgrade, use dist-upgrade
freemangordon: in any case I think any upsetness here should be directed at me not uvos, although I think we discussed the PR
freemangordon: why is it not acceptable?
freemangordon is always upset if something behaves different from fremantle, no matter how sucky it behaves in fremantle :)
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yeah ok but in this case it should be directed at me :)
it looks like we probably should have kept the for each plugin function
huh.. so if d4 slide is closed or lcd disabled or something like that, my d4 sees gnss satellites indoors
theory so far is that d4 won't get a fix for a long time unless lcd is blanked or slide closed :)
the most important part of fosdem :P
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tmlind: well, in this particular case, it is not that it behaves differently, it simply does not behave as the code to call HIM plugins was simply removed :) . Unless we extend the definition of "behaves different".
Wizzup: to me this commit shall be reverted and redone, as obviously it does way more than what is said in the commit description
is this the one that breaks special keys keyboard?
ot to say that the changes shall be split in at least 3 commits (plugin code removal, dbus stuff and support for input into plain x)
I think if we know this is the one that breaks it, we can ask uvos to see if he can fix it
I would prefer to have a discussion on why all the changes
because mre stuff is removed
ok, and checking out to before that commit makes svc work?
_totally_ unrelated but I was thinking about a uinput backend for a input method, just emulate an actual keyboard, could be quite generic too
didn;t try, but it is obvious that there is no way for any plugin to work without its code being called
and the removed code calls hildon_im_plugin_key_event(), so plugins to have a chance to react
seems very likely that this is the problem then yeah
well let's wait a bit, uvos is usually not around much on weekends
so, this is why keyboard layout switch and svc (and prediction and whatnot) does not work
basically it is like we have no plugins now
right it looks likt the message filter stuff is gone
yeah it's not clear why this is necessary to make the xlib stuff work
I could try to work on this today, but I'm ok waiting for a bit too
no, lets wait for uvos, he should know/remember why did he removed that
also, dbus stuff is in no way related to the commit $subject
I think the dbus part is required to summon it externally
but yes it could be split out
freemangordon: like on the bionic/d4 we have a button to summon vkb
I know why it is needed and agree
the poin tis that this change belongs to a separate commit
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_uvos_: Hi! First of all apologize if you feel offended by my "WTF" comment, it was not mean to offend you, but Wizzup said it is offensive :)
on the matter - do you have any clue why you removed plugin code back then?
yes, i know this function is needed, i missread it and thought its one and only call was in the if statement that deals on raisng the vkb on enter which was removed in favor of the new dbus call, as this method was ver broken (it forced the redirect though him causing key order races and the translation of the hwkbd keys to send the code kp_enter breaking lots of applications that listen to enter only)
as i have mentioned many times i know this was a mistake and i corrected it in the commit i linkede to manny times now
this commit dosent restore the function per say (as it was used only one) but re adds code to the same effect
_uvos_: I think perhaps more is necessary
I would think of doing a reset and history rewrite
i dont think so, but i cant read any code rn
it will become a mess
like: revert to befor the offending commit
not ideal to rewrite git history
I know
I can try to break up the patch into several ones a bit later, but if we can just restore the behaviour with a new patch I think that is easier
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Wizzup: no, we won;t be able to assess the patch
can you elaborate?
it is very hard(to me at least) to review the combo of old patch and that new one
so, if you are against history rewrite, ok
joerg is now known as DocScrutinizer
but then we'll have to revert the offendin patch and the one after it
as it depends on it
and then create a new ones
are you ok with that?
Wizzup: ^^^?
so, we should have this split in 3:
2. KP_ENTER related code removal
1. dbus code
3. support for input into plain x
I mean, yeah, I can live with that
ah, I don;t insist on rewriting, was just a suggestion to no create a mess
without the rewrite, we will do 2 reverts and 3 more patches
I will do that and will make a PR so uvos to be able to review when he has a chance
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sure, sounds good to me
I assume you will re-add the x11 backend unicode stuff and shift logic after that?
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i am not sure why it is nessecary to revert and then wirte the same thing again
rather than just merging the fix
its not like you cant git diff the whole series
to review it
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because it will be easier for everybody to review
I will also split into 3 commits
Wizzup: uvos: how to test the "plain x" part? I need dbus patch first, correct?
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i dont think you can splitt it and have it be bisectable the enter handling and the x11 input shares a commit becuase enter in vkb breaks if you do one chane but not the other
dbus part should not depend on x part, no?
it might work now because i also removed it in framework
yes it dose
its broken without the enter unredirection
becaus him will send itself enter
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ok, but if I create a 'dbus' patch first, then remove "enter" part and then do "x" part, it should be bisectable
meanwhile, some pmos hackers are trying to make N900's Angry Birds to work in pmos :-)
if you had a few spare cycles, maybe you could have helped them. seems they're hitting some PowerVR specific things
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well, if they need me, they will find me :)
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sicelo: maybe they can try to make it work on leste as well, might be easier
(as stepping stone)
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sicelo: wasn't it armel as wel
as well*
yes, it is
but maybe they chroot
it is armel, yes. no idea exactly how they do it, but iirc it's not chrooting
maybe one of us should just try it in Leste. maybe the work would be somewhat trivial, considering these guys are having to battle with musl vs. glibc too
on a separate note, what do you guys think about installing some more packages into our base images? they're really plain
sicelo: I doubt it is trivial, given that gles libs on maemo are armel (thus angry birds does softfp calls)
not only gles libs in that regard
so, without having all armel libs, there is no way to run that
and there are no softfp pvr libs for recent kernels
dorian, some gps app, qtwebbrowser, tor support, more themes, mail client, tor
makes sense
maybe some games
Wizzup: btw, will you have some time to look @ qt white background issue?
net-tools curl screen tmux
freemangordon: uvos did that before and we weren't sure about a fix
but can take another look
if we had a maemo tweaks that would be good to have too
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I hope new kernel will make it harder to burn the keyboard... basically current and power rate limiting and control...
some vconn power role change patch too
oooh theres this button on droid 4 spacebar that isnt detected
the leftmost one
you mean the OK button?
ah, nah
no the spacebar has like 2 buttons on it right?
the one on the left dont work
could be my kb tho idk
Wizzup: I'll test here first and rebase from your repo... hopefully keyboard support should be stable now
rafael2k: yeah let's be swift in case others try our new kernel and it burns their keyboard.
(if it is related at all to kernel)
Wizzup: that is exactly what I'm thinking...
suppboi: in any case let me know what config options you want and I'll add them
in the end it seems my power supply was not the best option... but having support in software to avoid over voltage and current seems a must have...
you think it maybe was your lab psu?
(I'll compile the new kernel with our patches with minor mods from what we have now, then we can update asap)
yes, I think yes
yess imma look after that thanks
Wizzup: i was looking for libGLES_CM.h and the packages that could have it are dependent on conflicting maemo packages and pvr ones too
i was trying to build openarena
i made a fork of openarenapandora for droid 4. i built it a while back and it ran nicely on fullscreen
suppboi: when did you last update? wrt libGLES_CM.h
only problem was sdl1.2 not grabbing kb. has that and half screen fullscreen been fixed?
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i cant remember but about 1 month ago i apt upgrade-ed and neither my droid 4 or n900 would boot
Wizzup: I guess we should create a wiki page for that. Collect some programs there for each category and then vote for default one (e.g. personally I prefer modrana over maep)
and to split those 2
that will solve applications having issues when getting ENTER instead of RETURN
humpelstilzchen[: imo we can also just add both for now
freemangordon: ok, I think that makes sense
maybe quicknote as well?
and yeah we can do a wiki page
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Wizzup: hmm, won't work, at least not correctly
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seems enter/return is being executed on key press
while we will change that to ker release
not good I guess
I want to hear from uvos on that one
suppboi: in any case you really ought to update or download the latest image because we now use mesa for that stuff even on pvr systems
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Wizzup: hrrm did the whole 16bpp vs 32bpp etc on n900 ever get improved... iirc many discovered stuff just is buggy when given not 24/32 bits e.g. older 16bpp modes to save ram =)
enyc: what is the context?
ATM n900 uses 32bpp
freemangordon: i forget details excatly alas, ijjust recall somebody complaining about it and others saying that well they should fix their code etc
freemangordon: it seemed tha all sorts of x/gtk/libs/etc just didn't work on 16bpp any more , or so
so, we use 32bpp
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I mean - is there any particular issue?
freemangordon: maybe not, other than ram consumption ;p
freemangordon: you've effectively answered my question in that that was the resolution
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ooi has zramswap been looked at in leste defaults...? on faster cpu machines zram being VERY useful, much as we *like* to avoid swap, there are rpgorams/uses/etc its not so avaidable
freemangordon: check @ commit, does this fix the special keys?
it should, though I guess we have more issues
on d4 esp
what is the key combo to display scv?
btw. I don't know why we didn't do this, but it looks like beowulf has qt4 still, so maybe we should get maemo qt4 in there as well
freemangordon: on n900?
on d4
I think ok + sym? I really don't remember
* freemangordon
that means it works?
double-press of OK+SYM :D
what the?!?
hm, double?
maybe something is stuck somewhere
I see "Fn is locked"
ok, so you don't see special keyboard?
why OK is Fn?
I see it
ok, so that shouldn't happen I think (seeing both special keys and that note)
we use OK because it's a useless key otherwise
but, I have to double-press OK (So "Fn is locked" message to appear) and then I have to press SYM
if I do that I don't see it, so def some patch is required
this is with master OFC
so it's almost there
also no I see 'layout switched' messages on ctr->space
*now I
not that the layout get switched, but that's another story
like, do we have RU HW layout?
n900 has that for sure
yes, but not d4
ok, but we had users try on n900
and I was wondering how shall we fix that
besides n900
it's easier to think about when there is a way to test it I think
shall we create every possible layout?
I think it just needs xkb data, but also I think the d4 relies on some standard pc xkb file
well, you can do me a favor an make a release of HIM
so perhaps it already just works
we want the release with the fn lock thing ?
what do you mean?
"fn lock" is just a message
I suspect Fn is not sticky
on n900 pressing and releasing Fn key keeps it "pressed' until the next key press
obviously this does no happen on d4
does that make sense to you?
the way I would expect it to work is:
double fn (OK) press is fn lock, double shift press is shift lock
summoning special keys is single OK press and then sym press
right, besides that "single OK press and then sym press" does not work
on d4
but I would say this is because of d4 xkb data
on n900 Fn key is 'sticky'
pressing it once keeps it pressed until next key press
actually on d4 keeping OK pressed changes nothing
hmm, why vkb shows on enter key?
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false alarm
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oh, now scv works fine too it seems
I'll build in a sec
btw, I got a bit excited since I saw we can get maemo qt4 in beowulf, but in buster they removed qt4 all together
do you think it's worth it still, to port some things over, or better to go to qt5 right away?
we are on our own otherwise
also, if we want qt4, just take the one from fremantle
it is not *that* old
pls no qt4 :)
(4.7.4 iirc)
unless you have a killer app that is too time consuming to port in the meantime
it just has the him input method working and stuff
is all
btw, qt6 is going to problematic for conversations and other QML applications
qt6's QML is not backward compat. with 5
qt5 should stay relevant for a while though so no biggie :)
ukeyboard kreates lots of variants
I never understood what ukeyboard does
which quietly disables CONFIG_I2C_MUX=y, I will fix as I'm rebasing to new kernel sub-version
creates a pile of HW keyboards
rafael2k: ty much appreciated
humpelstilzchen[: you mentioned something about pp kernel config too - do you want any change?
that was the change I merged
the one you linked
this makes various sensors work properly
rafael2k: camera doesn't work for me, but it looks like the kernel has all the drivers, just not active. I'm currently checking that
freemangordon: so we need to import ukeyboard somehow?
humpelstilzchen[: did you load the auto-focus firmware?
freemangordon: hm I can't get the special keyboard to show yet, anything else I should try/do?
rafael2k: not yet: "ov5640 3-004c: ov5640_set_ctrl_focus: no autofocus firmware loaded"
humpelstilzchen[: let know how your camera experiments go, today I plan to advance in kernel testing in order to sync with latest mobian kernel
rafael2k: well good news that the kernel has already all the patches. I tried the kernel config from megi in the maemo kernel and the camera works. So its just a configuration issue which makes things obviously a lot easier
humpelstilzchen[: list all the drivers loaded with megi's config
Wizzup: what did you do?
freemangordon: upgrade, reboot, open osso-xterm, press ok + sym
anything else we need to rebuild perhaps?
humpelstilzchen[: also, send us which software are you using to test the camera... I suspect I have a small issue in current kernel which was fixed 4 days ago in git already (a PR Wizzup already applied)
Wizzup: no
lemme upgrade and see
rafael2k: unfortunately I can't list the drivers in use that are built in. At least I have not found a way. And its quite a mess, drivers in one config are in kernel in the other module
rafael2k: ah, thx, might missed that
rafael2k: I might misunderstand it, but I thought that was his PR
just checked logs, that was my config change :)
Wizzup: WFM, lemme reboot, just in case
so may be it was the other way around?
lemme do some testing, but that PR definitelly has problems too
just to understand - with that PR applied camera works (or the other way around... I got confused)
rafael2k: that PR was for the ambient light/proximity sensor
if it works you get /sys/devices/platform/soc/1c2b000.i2c/i2c-1/1-0048/iio:device1/in_proximity_raw
humpelstilzchen[: right, tks. any reason to remove CONFIG_I2C_MUX=y ?
Wizzup: close and reopen xterm
rafael2k: that was automatically done my menuconfig
we have this issue on boot
vmb does not show up if you open xterm too soonb
humpelstilzchen[: ok!
not sure how to fix that
humpelstilzchen[: so we still need some tweak in config for camera, right?
rafael2k: Yes
humpelstilzchen[: right, so I'll try also to play with hm5065, ov5640 and gc2145 drivers to see if we get cameras alive in next build
Wizzup: we shall spend some time thinking how to support HW layouts without Nokia hacks
freemangordon: I did reboot, but ok, let me try again
not reboot
restart xterm ;)
yes, but reboot should count as 'restart osso-xterm' I think
like, you should be able to open vkb by pressing in osso-xterm window
30 or so sekonds after reboot VKB does not work
in any case yes, that works, if keyboard is closed and I press, I see vkb
but not special keys
ok, open the kbd and press OK and shift
I keep pressing ok + sym
ok, yes, that works!
second kes has always been ctrl
BTW, I think SYM key should be Fn, not OK key
what is SYM used for?
we have proper alt :)
what exactly for?
do we have del?
without that alt is useless :p
are you talking about hw kbd layouts? aren't those xkb maps?
freemangordon: alt is useful in terminals
also in many applications
I think [OK] is a fine fit, since sym is where alt is naturally
inky: yes, but obviously we lack the knowledge to properly extract the available variants and but them in the list
*put them
so the problem is some gconf values are not populated?
the problem is that gconf values are for n900
and that 'ru' is hardcoded
and whatnot
ok, but that means we should be able to make it work on n900 at least?
it should work there
but I want this to work properly evewrywhere
inky: do you know how to do that ^^^?
no, i was trying to understand what the situation is. wanted to ask more quesions. like:
so there is a xkb file for nokia
gconf values for nokia n900
that replicate each other?
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how gconf values get populated for n900 - automatically at cuntime or hardcoded somewhere? is there a package with n900 gconf layouts ? didn't ask because did not want to spend your energy on explaining.
i added vkb layouts from ukeyboard creator, and corresponding fonts. did not deal with hwkbd at all.