Hello and hope everyone is doing well! I have a couple of questions regarding the LPDDR4 DRAM model in the LiteDRAM repo.
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I would like to be able to use the Verilog generated by the toolchain in simulations with other PHYs.
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However, currently I am having issues extracting this. I have instantiated an isolated LPDDR4Sim and have given it "pads = LPDDR4SimulationPads()" in a barebone main function, and am using the convert function to emit verilog.
However, the inputs and outputs ports are missing/ incorrect and I suspect this is because of a lack of proper source-sink connection? Is there a recommened way for doing this.
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Hi subthreshold (if you read the logs), the PHYs have a DFI interface, but the generator to extract only the core would need to be written. This could probably be based on the LiteDRAM generator https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litedram/blob/master/litedram/gen.py and a fake PHY that would just expose the DFI interface. This would be at least a few hours to a few days of work, so I can only give direction on this. In the long term
it would also be nice to be able to use Xilinx's MIG PHYs (or Intel PHY) with LiteDRAM, but I'm waiting for an opportinity to do this (need on a project).
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Hi Florent, thanks for the guidance on this! So if I am understanding correctly, essentially i would need to sort of wrap the LPDDR4 DRAM model within a generator similar to the one you linked.
Also, I am having a bit of trouble understanding (and perhaps this is arising from unfamiliarity with migen) why a barebones initialization of the LPDDR4 Model yields incorrect (or strange) ports. What is the underlying mechanism needed to generate these ports correctly?
In a more concrete way, coming from a Verilog, if I declared input/outputs they would show up at the synthesized top-level.
To do what you want, you could create a fake LPDDR4 with just the DFI interface and expose it as IOs (ie use the top part of S7LPDDR4PHY and replace the IOs primitives with exposition of DFI interfaces)
Here in LiteDRAM generator, you first have to create the IOs in the Sim platform
Thanks - i will do some legwork on my side and see how it pans!
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Hi Florent, I went to take a look at your links and I think I have a slightly different target in mind. In the system chain here:
I would like to be able to utilize the LPDDR4 Device model as a standalone in another testbench. In essence, I'
like to be able to expose the device ports (CKE, CA, DQ, DQS, etc.). I'm actually trying to remove anything upstream (including the DFI interface) as I need to generate verilog representing the device alone for use in a standalone testbench outside the LiteX ecosystem
I just realized I made a typo in that tool chain word art. MC --> LPDDR4 PHY --> // CUT // LPDDR4 DRAM DEVICE
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subthreshold: ok sorry, I see now. So you would need to create a generator for LPDDR4Sim.
I've tried searching for an attribute in the generator code where I can find where SimPad is transformed into output, input and OE but currently unsuccessful
Just a quick update: was able to scape the dq_i, dq_oe, dq_o from the vars of the instantiation of LPDDR4SimulationPads() itself. Not sure if this is recommended but it appears to be working.
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Hi, I have done the setup up to the point that I wanna do a simulation. The issue I have right now is with the riscv elf binaries. I don't think it's seeing them in my path variable even though I added it to the $PATH. I have an m1 mac, and those riscv elf files are compiled for x86, so I thought that was the issue!
erm, macos does not use ELF
ok, but that's not the point, I mean what is the alternative here
well it's unclear to me what you've done. what files did you download?
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