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<f_> I hit into a problem..
<f_> I forgot my SD card reader somewhere, and as said before my laptop's internal SD card reader is'm left without an SD card reader
<f_> for today at least...unless I somehow use my lepotato as an sd card reader
<lvrp16> Ums 0 mmc 0
<f_> thought of firing up pmOS and manually use scp and ssh
<f_> but I forgot about that ums feature in U-Boot
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<narmstrong> ums feature in u-boot is a killer feature
<f_> Indeed!
<f_> You don't use U-Boot because it works, you use it because it's extensible.
<f_> and because of ums :^)
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<f_> Also gotta love how easy it is to boot U-Boot from USB nowadays thanks to pyamlboot
<f_> simple ./ board and you're all set!
<f_> I should add support for my set-top box too, someday.
<f_> at some point
<f_> You can't really enter bootrom USB mode as easily as you can with lepotato/lafrite, but you can
<f_> (in my set-top box I have to remove the SD card)
<f_> (so that it fallbacks to USB mode)
<f_> but before wiping the eMMC I still could access USB mode from their U-Boot fork easily
<f_> (also, in the postmarketOS wiki we document installing postmarketOS to the eMMC using ums)
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<f_> damn that lepotato's really useful
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<narmstrong> f_: https certificate is fixed now
<f_> nice
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<f_> But still can't load half of the time in Tor Browser
<f_> (I enter the url, press enter, it loads for a sec, URL disappears from the search bar and it ends up not loading)
<narmstrong> it's a 100% static website, not sure what can be done!
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<f_> No idea either :X
<f_> maybe the server is flaky
<f_> I've seen that happen mostly on websites hosted on GitLab Pages, so probably that..
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<narmstrong> probably yes
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<f_> Hah.
<f_> I think I messed up..with the base address.
<f_> I thought it was 0xD9001000....which in theory it is
<f_> s/theory/practice, for Amlogic BL2, /
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* f_ looks at his KII Pro BL1 dump in Ghidra.
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