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<rockosov> narmstrong: Hello! Could you please take a look to this series: We don't understand what's right way for sm driver implementation, Simon disagrees with cour version, but all suggested variants are looking strange...
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<f_> Now that I think about it...for g12 we could just adapt the iMX ddr code?
<f_> they use mostly the same ddr firmware, so probably.
<f_> and for others like gxl or gxbb we could make use of the same DDR init code....if they're similar enough.
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<f_> I'm rewriting DDR init in U-Boot SPL, this time using the old sources. It's not like much changed anywayy.
<f_> Overall just looks simpler to reuse what was already written in U-Boot and just initialise the dram
<f_> No idea how I'll handle the SCP firmware.
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<f_> One advantage of U-Boot SPL is the fact that it's copyleft >:)
<f_> Amlogic won't be able to rebase on my work and make it proprietary again!
<f_> (honestly I don't really care much, if they do then reverse-engineering is actually made *easier*)
<narmstrong> would be aswesome :-p but you would need to implement loading the SCP firmware before BL31, but nothing dramatically complex
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<f_> Just use it as BL2.
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<f_> As long as it's <48K it should be ok.
<f_> but I guess people here prefer U-Boot SPL over TF-A BL2, right?
<narmstrong> Yeah for sure, people would prefer an open source implementation
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<narmstrong> and U-Boot implements trusted boot in SPL with FIT image to load the other TF-A elements ^^
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<f_> And with that, no need to use FIPs anymore.
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<f_> Honestly I don't really care much about if it's U-Boot SPL running as BL2 or TF-A BL2...all I care about is if it works with no proprietary firmware running in the Cortex-A.
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<f_> Then at some point I or someone else could probably also reverse-engineer BL30
<f_> But first, BL2 :P
<f_> narmstrong: also....I read "SCP" as "SPL" in your bad!
<f_> But yeah shouldn't be too complex to load the SCP firmware before BL31.
<f_> Probably could modify that
<f_> Some copy-paste from Amlogic's old sources, too ^^
<f_> But indeed, it shouldn't be too complex to implement that.
<f_> I think some SoCs supported by U-Boot SPL need SCP firmware too.
<f_> About SCP: I do have a weird name in my head for the libre firmware replacement
<f_> Before.....ACSBaby
<f_> Now........SCPBaby!
<f_> Sorry, couldn't find a better name :P
<f_> (name directly inspired by the 'gxbb' name)
<f_> But first I'd need to finish bl2 in the first place and party
<f_> (because then we wouldn't have any boot firmware running in the said previously)
<f_> *any proprietary boot firmware
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<f_> Port that to gxl, party again!
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<narmstrong> Would be neat if you can make something work!
<f_> I'll try my best!
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<f_> Mostly just need DDR init to work and then load more images
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<f_> now....
<f_> how should I handle timings?
<f_> IIRC you're not really supposed to modify those...just set the clock properly
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<f_> lvrp16: ^ can you confirm please?
<f_> assuming that's true.....that's even more unnecessary stuff in acs!
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<f_> and at this point I can just hardcode those
* f_ looks at libre computer amlogic u-boot.
<f_> looks true
* f_ now looks at what his AML-S905X-CC outputs over UART.
<f_> >DDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 912MHz - FAIL
<f_> >DDR3 chl: Rank0 @ 912MHz
<f_> some other stuff which I never saw before on my KII Pro
<f_> >#define CONFIG_DDR_FULL_TEST 1 //1 for ddr full test
<f_> also samueldr did see that acs.bin changes very unfrequently between boards IIRC
<f_> so....more useless things :)
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<f_> haha imx does the same stuff as Amlogic in terms of register dumps
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<f_> should I do the same?
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<f_> But honestly the fact that the iMX8MQ seems to use the same/similar controller as the A311D makes reverse-engineering registers easier..
<f_> I think.
<f_> know....NXP does the same mistake as Amlogic :P
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<samueldr> two wrongs make a right
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