narmstrong changed the topic of #linux-amlogic to: Amlogic mainline kernel development discussion - our wiki - ml - official channel moved from Freenode - publicly logged on
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<f_> minute: Nice!
<f_> off-topic: nice sway desktop too.
<f_> minute: Good job!!
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<f11f12> ccaione: is it appropriate to add storage read/write functions to meson-efuse.c? (storage write for MAC addresses)
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<xdarklight> minute: did you get a chance to test my updated patch?
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<minute> xdarklight: i built a debian kernel package including it, but i can only install it on monday or risk not being able to use my computer this weekend :D
<minute> xdarklight: your patch looks identical in behavior to what i am running here though
<minute> i've been using this laptop for almost 3 hours with heavy wifi usage and so far no problems
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<lvrp16> minute: nice :D
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