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<lvrp16> f_[xmpp] do you have the
<lvrp16> text version?
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<f_> lvrp16: text version of what?
<f_> May as well just reflash U-Boot from pyamlboot
<f_> and see what happens.
<f_> After all, this U-Boot is...very..old
<f_> but just the fact this has SPI flash is very nice
<f_> I flashed a newer U-Boot and still, the USB isn't detected
<f_> This time it doesn't detect on either USB ports
<f_> but wait!
<f_> I at least have got a boot selection menu :)
<f_> oh nice, a minimal linux from SPI?
* f_ is really starting to like these Libre Computer SBCs
<f_> From there I should prob. be able to kexec, right?
<f_> but at this point I don't even need to boot an OS from USB lol
<f_> All I wanted was a minimal linux environment to fiddle around with and well.. :P
<f_> I'm flashing Armbian because the SPI *will* get completly wiped anyway and its contents replaced.
<f_> Oh well...
<f_> USB problems once again? I can't read anything from the USB stick...
<f_> oh nice, filesystem remounted but read-only....
<f_> /mnt/boot # cat boot.cmd
<f_> cat: read error: I/O error
<f_> The USB device works fine on my what?
<f_> Even worse when using the eMMC crashes :c
<f_> Not just a normal crash; a synchronous abort!
<f_> Let me try to reflash the eMMC with the right image.
<f_> (the eMMC has a lepotato armbian..hoped it would "work" but sadly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
<f_> ("work" as in at least boot)
<lvrp16> Use official images, Armbian can be flaky.
<f_> They're indeed flaky lol
<lvrp16> Oh eMMC takes boot priority.
<f_> at first my image worked on lepotato but as soon as I installed lxde it never booted to a shell.
<lvrp16> If you have Le Potato bootloader, it will not work on La Frite.
<f_> The thing is, it booted U-Boot from SPI it seems.
<f_> and not from the eMMC
<lvrp16> Armbian does a lot of modification to the boot chain via a custom boot.scr.
<lvrp16> I have found it to be not very portable.
<f_> May as well just port postmarketOS now
<lvrp16> Yeah update the SPI via
<lvrp16> Not sure which bootloader you received but that is the latest.
<f_> I updated the SPI by using pyamlboot instead
<lvrp16> We don't use pyamlboot to update the spi anymore. Just regular USB boot.
<lvrp16> Pyamlboot is for rescue only now.
<f_> I usually prefer using flashrom when it comes to SPI flash.
<lvrp16> That file I linked earlier needs to go on a USB or SD card via a USB reader.
<lvrp16> Flashrom?
<f_> Yes, flashrom
<lvrp16> Usb boot you mean?
<f_> There's a tool called `flashrom`
<f_> About pmOS..I think I can get away with making one MR for both SBCs..given how similar they are.
<f_> in the build system it's mostly copy, paste, adapt.
<f_> (at least when it comes to Amlogic)
<f_> All Amlogic devices in postmarketOS use the common `linux-postmarketos-amlogic` kernel package, which I maintain along with exkc
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<f_> Ok. Will troubleshoot lafrite later. For now I'll try getting postmarketOS running on it.
<f_> ^^ should work very nicely
<f_> s/very // cough* english
<f_> Let's try building and installing.
<f_> git branch: master, thelinuxmacbook:testing » pmbootstrap install --sdcard=/dev/sdb
<f_> Moment of truth.
<f_> (context: pmbootstrap is postmarketOS's bootstrap utility. You're supposed to run `pmbootstrap init` to pull some stuff, select your board manufacturer and codename, and then run `pmbootstrap install` to prepare a rootfs etc..., and optionally use `--sdcard=/dev/device` to then write the resulting image to an SD card or USB)
<f_> lepotato will be in testing for now, just like every other Amlogic device supported. This means prebuilt images won't be available and it will be stuck on pmOS edge, so it won't be supported in stable releases.
<f_> Edge is basically the master branch of pmOS.
<f_> (should be fine though, edge is quite stable enough)
<f_> Also one thing to note; postmarketOS uses mainline everything where possible, so that means mainline U-Boot, mainline linux, ...
<f_> and the patches applied to linux in the amlogic kernel package merely only add new device trees which are slowly getting merged into mainline anyway
<f_> (none affecting lepotato)
<f_> Enough talking :)
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<f_> pmbootstrap seems to like my lepotato when in UMS mode. It works.
<f_> Wow installing to the eMMC was quick!
<f_> Copying thr rootfs usually takes a while!
<f_> I need to fixup U-Boot but booting U-Boot from USB and letting it boot pmOS via extlinux works!
<f_> I'll then do some more testing and call it done.
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<f_> Will send an MR to them and let them review.
<f_> lvrp16: lepotato now boots postmarketOS!
<f_> and weston works too.
<f_> the SBC doesn't like the capture card though so I can't take any video of it booting :(
<f_> Now I'll troubleshoot lafrite and create another port for it.
<f_> I want to have one MR for both, given how similar they are.
<f_> (copy-paste lepotato port and make slight modifications)
<f_> Now for lafrite.....may as well wipe all of the SPI and build U-Boot myself.
<f_> Have the exact same issue
<f_> Guess Armbian is just that flaky.
* f_ transplants lepotato eMMC to lafrite.
<f_> hah
<f_> lepotato port also works on lafrite
<f_> lol
<f_> Of course, postmarketOS runs flawlessly on 512 MB of RAM :)
<f_> But I still want to get USB to work..
<f_> and even with that aml-s805x-ac-spiflash written to it it can't find it.
<f_> I'll try another USB stick in that case..seems like my USB stick is the problem here
<f_> problem as in, U-Boot doesn't like it.
<f_> it's not from a 'name' brand anyway
<f_> My SD card reader doesn't work either.
* f_ gives up.
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<f_> lvrp16: postmarketOS now also runs on lafrite (from eMMC)
<f_> I wiped the SPI flash for now.
<f_> (so it runs the U-Boot image supplied by postmarketOS on the eMMC)
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