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<f_> hi :P got some stuff to do with U-Boot SPL. Mainly configuring binman properly
<f_> and then I'll be able to test properly with all other images.
<f_> Got some weird errors from binman though
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<f_> Nice it works
<f_> Just need to test the new image now.
<f_> Wow.
<f_> The U-Boot SPL image is really small.
<f_> anyway, just need to sign it and test.
<f_> (I use a custom amlbootsig build to test)
<f_> Probably will need modifications.
<f_> Perhaps I should be able to modify aml_chksum
<f_> For gxbb, all I need is to generate a *single* @AML header
<f_> or two
<f_> And that'll be just for BL1 to boot up SPL
<f_> Actually the whole thing is pretty simple to implement.
<f_> Probably could integrate this into U-Boot, too.
<f_> for gxl though....I have no idea what I'll have to do in that regard.
<narmstrong> yeah adding aml_checksum should be easy to add into uboot
<f_> aml_chksum requires the original header.
<f_> I'll rewrite my own :)
<f_> and add that to U-Boot, so that we go from a bazillion commands to just a simple `make`.
<f_> And I'll also assimilate what aml_chksum does.
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<f_> I'll see what I can do for gxl
<f_> Ideally I'd like this tool to work on gxl too.
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<Kwiboo> f_: after a very quick peek at gxlimg bl2.c, main diff in header for gxl seem to be version 1.1 vs the 1.0 that gxb use, or has some other value changed?
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<lvrp16> can someone on A55 run this? stress-ng --matrix 0 -t 10 --metrics-brief
<lvrp16> Trying to track down performance regression against A53
<lvrp16> and copy the output
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