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<f_> Hey all. Great news! Finally picked up the boards lvrp16 sent me!
<f_> So far they look nice.
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<f_> Thank you lvrp16 !
<lvrp16> f_: I hate USPS. So slow but glad you received it.
<f_> Don't worry about it. I couldn't pick it up earlier anyway.
<f_> I tested and confirmed the lafrite worked to an extent
<f_> I did hear about issues with some monitors so I hope they work on my old dell 1280x1024 monitor, which is what I usually use for testing
<f_> (should work)
<lvrp16> A good way to test is to flash the eMMC and keep a good bootloader on SPI
<lvrp16> You can always flip a switch and the board is bootable again.
<f_> A jumper?
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<f_> I should try finding an adequate power supply though
<f_> But I also think it's nice to have a USB-A to USB-A cable with the eMMC module
<f_> means I don't have to hack around an USB-A to USB-C to USB-C to USB-A thing anymore :)
<f_> (although that works fine)
<f_> Ok, will test lepotato now
<f_> It powers on and BL1 gets loaded, so should be good enough
<f_> So I'll flash something to the eMMC
<f_> BTW I documented some other stuff related to gxl BL2 here:
<f_> Basically moved `GhidraQuirks` to `32Bit` after adding more clues leading to BL2 actually targetting AArch32
<f_> So all gxl BL2 binaries compiled after ~2017-2018 will be 32-bit
<f_> I found out that BL21 was also compiled for AArch32, so I guess that says a lot
<f_> Why? No idea..maybe a quirk in the SoC Amlogic tried to mitigate...guess we'll never know.
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<f_> Ok so I'mm 99% sure 2019 gxl BL2 binaries target AArch32.
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<f_> For now I'll...again...pause REing to instead port postmarketOS to these new boards!
<f_> They're supported by mainline (obviously), and postmarketOS happens to use mainline on as much devices as possible, and I happen to maintain the `linux-postmarketos-amlogic` package, which is mainline + few patches to support more set-top let's do it!
<f_> Also about BL2 mangling UART logs; got that person to run P212 BL2 instead of stock ZTE BL2 and they got some logs; which confirms that this mangling feature was added *after* 2017, too.
<f_> I'll update my notes about that shortly
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<f_> lvrp16: aaaand it boots Armbian!
<f_> via UART..will test HDMI now.
<f_> Works!
<f_> Oh, and same issue as with my KII Pro lol
<f_> can't power off
<f_> After a while it should power off in that case.
<f_> but yeah, good job!
<f_> I'm starting to really enjoy using these
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<f_> Let me hook up an ethernet cable real quick
<f_> test@lepotato:~$ ping
<f_> PING ( 56 data bytes
<f_> nice
<f_> (can't ping but that's normal)
<f_> And as soon as I plug in a keyboard it bootloops :S
<f_> gotta find a better power supply/cable then
<f_> The power brick outputs 5V/2A so should work
<f_> will switch cables then.
<f_> Meh, as long as it boots to something...should be fine
<f_> I can still talk over UART
<f_> maybe will try another keyboard
<f_> Ok so my wireless keyboard dongle works
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<f_> I just dumped lepotato's BL1 BTW.
<f_> I should do the same for my gxbb board and prob. lafrite too...although I doubt they're different.
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<f_> and at the same time I confirmed lepotato has that USB vulnerability...which is.....pointless lol
<f_> I do love how easy it is to enter USB mode though.
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<lvrp16> wait BL1 is dumpable?
<f_> Normally it isn't.
<f_> But you can dump it by running very simple code as BL2 that dumps BL1
<f_> or make use of amlogic-usbdl and run a payload that dumps BL1.
<f_> ^ I confirmed that works on lepotato.
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<lvrp16> o.0
<f_> I fed that dump into Ghidra and it happens to be 64-bit!
<minute> how is the mainline situation with a311d2 btw? (sorry for the somewhat lazy question)
<f_> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<f_> IIRC someone is porting an A311D2 SBC to mainline..not sure how well A311D2 is supported though
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<minute> f_: sinovoip have a cm4 formfactor a311d2 with 8gb ram, would be cool for us
<f_> Sure, but I don't think mainline is ready for these yet..
<minute> ok, good to know :3
<f_> Not sure though.
<f_> lvrp16: If you want I can send you the dump
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<f_> lvrp16: I can also confirm that dumping BL1 from USB mode works on lafrite too.
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<samueldr> :o
<f_> :o
<f_> hi samueldr!
<f_> Nice to see you here!
<f_> hey, weirdly enough I can't load anything on my S905 box while using the USB vulnerability
<f_> The box just resets
<f_> Nevermind it works.
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<f_> Huh..not able to boot anything from USB
<f_> (lafrite)
<f_> Plugging into one port makes the board reset, and it doesn't seem to detech anything on the second port..
<f_> It resets with `BUG at drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c:473/xhci_wait_for_event()!`, `BUG!`
<f_> Doubt it's a power supply issue in this case
<f_> I found a good cable and confirmed external wired keyboards worked on lepotato.
<f_> I wanted to boot up something to run `flashrom` on
<f_> (I'm used to `flashrom` when it comes to SPI flash)
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