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<f_> 0xC8839008 (aka. DDR0_PCTL_STAT) is != 3 because I most likelyy forgot some regs.
<f_> I think if DDR0_PCTL_STAT == 3 that means the PCTL on DDR 0 is ready, or something like that...
<f_> but...
<f_> 262 | _DAT_c1107d40 = 0xdeadbeef;
<f_> (Ghidra)
<f_> Dead beef???
<f_> ;)
<f_> Excellent.
<f_> It works now!
<f_> I think?
<f_> Well at least it doesn't hang anymore and tries to load an image?
<f_> VERBOSE: DDR: Initialising PLL
<f_> VERBOSE: DDR: Initialising PCTL
<f_> <...>
<f_> VERBOSE: DDR: Initialising memory controller
<f_> NOTICE: BL2: v2.8(debug):v2.8-801-gfae742e83
<f_> I guess it worked?
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<rockosov> narmstrong: Hello Neil! I've just sent ttyS meson-uart patch series which we discussed yesterday -
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<minute> i wonder which module i'm missing > [ 69.085349] meson-dw-mipi-dsi ffd07000.mipi-dsi: error -ENOENT: Unable to get enabled bit_clk
<minute> (currently patching meson-dw-mipi-dsi into debian's kernel)
<xdarklight> minute: based on that message it's either your .dtb that's missing an entry in clocks = ... and clock-names = "bit", ... or a patch for the clock driver (where this bit clock is implemented<9
<minute> xdarklight: thanks
<xdarklight> minute: when you're rebooting anyways, can you please also add and see if that fixes wifi for you?
<minute> xdarklight: thanks, i will do it next time i will rebuild the kernel, which is a bit involved at the moment (due to it being a debian package)
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<minute> xdarklight: looks like i just had a dtb/kernel mismatch
<minute> (older dtb file, where clock numbers didn't match)
<xdarklight> ah, that'll also explain it
<minute> now i'm just back at the point where there are no errors, but the whole display chain doesn't come up
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<xdarklight> minute: what about "ls -lah /sys/class/drm/"
<xdarklight> minute: is it empty, just showing one entry (which could indicate that only the GPU was found, but VPU somehow failed to probe) or showing multiple entries?
<xdarklight> minute: also "cat /sys/kernel/debug/devices_deferred" can be helpful
<minute> xdarklight: there is the GPUs render node and card0, but i'm not sure if card0 is also just the gpu
<minute> hmm, there is actually /dev/fb0
<minute> possibly just the backlight doesn't work
<minute> xdarklight: thanks for the hint with devices_deferred btw, i didn't know that was a thing
<minute> hmm, /dev/fb0 has mode "720x576"
<minute> so something is off
<minute> ok, modetest says "no device found
<minute> yeah, card0 is just platform-ffe40000.gpu-card
<xdarklight> yep, you'll need at least two cards: one for GPU and another one for VPU
<minute> ahh, the problem was that i hadn't loaded the hdmi driver
<minute> (i think the VPU driver waits for both hdmi and dsi to appear)
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