acheam changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unnofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
<ERROR_404_NULL> Well now I've got it working with the Void kernel, but sway won't launch
<illiliti> Ins: yes
<illiliti> ERROR_404_NULL: post log
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<Ins> What's going on with kisslinux?
<illiliti> nothing special
<ERROR_404_NULL> illiliti: where's the log stored
<illiliti> stdout/stderr
<ERROR_404_NULL> It just says "Unable toopen wayland socket"
<ERROR_404_NULL> s/toopen/to open
<illiliti> did you set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
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<ERROR55> What's the libera archive site, again?
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<ERROR15> Noted: libera web client on mobile sucka ass
<ERROR15> Yes, thank you
<ERROR15> Ah, illiliti: yes, I set that
<ERROR15> Oops, just got it working by creating the dir and changing owners to my user
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<ERROR404> exit
<ERROR404> exit
<ERROR404> quit
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<tetra> How do I suspend
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<ERROR_404_NULL> MPFR fetch is returning 404 after update
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