hoping EliSoli reads the log, I was saying. You are probably using the native package from kiss, which forces the alsa backend and nothing more
the configuration file you put basically allows pipewire to emulate alsa, I think.
phoebos: cool stuff but who doesn't have mpv
piotr has joined #kisslinux
sewn: IIRC mpv used ffmpeg, which not everybody wants
no idea if it can do dedicated decoding
why wouldn't you want ffmpeg
it's quite complicated if all you want is to decode flacs
it has a crapton of amazing features; amazing, yeah, but a crapton still
also this seems to have an ipc of sort just like aria2c, although text only
it seems very elegant
pretty lil program!
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EliSoli has joined #kisslinux
Is there anybody using flatpak?
I installed OBS Studio and I'm running with `bwrap flatpak run com.obsproject.Studio` and it's saying: "bwrap: execvp flatpak: No such file or directory"
ptrh has joined #kisslinux
btw, is it normal not to be able to join Twitch on KISS?
It says "Your browser is not currently supported. Please use a recommended browser or learn more here."
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EliSoli: yea me, I use flatpak on KISS
i think they left
I have no idea why it should kick you out. Perhaps it uses DRM? That'd be weird though
yea but I suppose they read the logs
I hope at least
oh true i forget this is logged
cheapest decent AP i can find that is vlan aware is $90
wait does that matter
like, why should an AP care about vlan
that's supposed to be transparent isn't it
im kinda mapping out different setups in my mind right now to decide what i intend on doing
basically, i need to have a vlan for my family devices and a vlan for my personal shit
which is simple, get a managed switch and create two vlans, but access points are annoying with this
i'm missing the part where i can somehow split a single AP that isn't vlan aware to be used for both vlans
without some hacky bullshit
ooooh I see
so like you want to make two wireless networks
how's the cheapest AP?
maybe you could buy two of them lol
non vlan aware I mean
i mean i could do that i guess since i already have 1
via my current consumer asus router in AP mode
or i could just get one for $90 that supports up to 8 SSIDs
which can be split to 8 vlans if i so desire lol
oh wow that's impressive
well I guess it depends on your requirements really
yeah ive been reading spec sheets for like 6 hours
part of the problem here is supporting old devices since my father refuses to leave windows 7
anything after windows 7 is crap
it's totally not understandable
like i get that approach but windows 10 IoT LTSC is supported for like another 6 years or some shit
and is probably less bloated than win 7 lol
i'd argue that win 7 is more performant on whathever he's using
he has modern enough hardware
some 4c8t haswell xeon and a quadro M2000M with 32gb of ram and hella SSD storage
yea that's plenty
he just *will not do it*
he's worse than i am with the hating microsoft shit
why not linux then
and can't use linux because he needs autodesk software for work
oh I see
is that just a driver issue?
like, what do you mean by "supporting old hardware"?
i misspoke, software
oh ok
i don't want that machine on the same network as the rest of my stuff
and windows 7 outright wont connect to a network that's in wpa2/wpa3 compatibility mode
that makes a lotta sense lol
so i have to just drop to wpa2
that stuff is one day going to be like unpatched win xp
plug in the internet, explodes
try telling him that :p
i do what i can with really strict firewall rules
perhaps you could try installing a vm on linux for autodesk stuff
ive gone through all of the potential solutions with him and he just won't so
it's kinda at the point where i'm like "alright bro i guess ill buy a bunch of network gear we don't need"
so the issue rn is that i have zero vlan support
well if that's the only thing I genuinely believe that you could just put the old router in AP mode into one vlan
and like everything else with whatever AP you find
no reason to buy a fancy AP if that's all you need IMO
the machine i'm picking up to be a router is kinda ridiculous lol
4c8t first gen ryzen, 8gb of ram, it's a thin client with a pcie slot
hp t740
how much did that cost
brand new too
we have seriously solved computers
that's too much power for $90
companies offload them by the hundreds on ebay
like specifically the hp t740
I mean, getting anything weaker would cost more so, at this point
that's not that ridiculous ig
nic i'm getting is an intel x540-t2
$20 10 gig dual port nic
it's insane
last time I checked stuff costed a crapton
for 110 you get something better than most routers
that's crazy
it's powerful enough that i totally could put XYZ distro on it and run kvm VMs for all of my network stuff
routing is incredibly cheap and i only have gigabit
i would just get a gig nic if it wasnt also $20
this whole setups really says something
what's that
no I mean like the "computers are solved" thing I said before
want to get a cheap pc: get a monstrous thing
want to get a chea pnic: get 10 fcking gbits
yeah its kind of insane how much compute for basically nothing
that's really cool
like, you could find raspis at that price nowadays
ya its wild
idk as for my desktop build i definitely spent too much
worth it but my motherboard alone was like $320
anyway as for just buying a cheapo AP to do the job, eventually this asus router is going to stop getting firmware updates and that's mega concerning
i bought this in like 2019
I see
which would put me in the position of maintaining my own openwrt build for it since they don't have support for this one specifically
that's the whole point so yea fancy AP it is then
either that or just keep cycling cheapo APs to replace the other
one stops getting firwmare updates == replace it
rinse and repeat
lol that's not a bad idea
I mean the fancy AP will too one day stop getting firmware updates
right now i'm looking at the netgear WAX615PA
i hate to say this but it is on sale quite heavily at $90, usually these things are like $180-200
ubiquiti equipment is an instant no from me because it's like "no you don't get a webui, download our fancy little app to configure your network"
the moment i need to use my phone to configure something i'm out
at least ubiquiti makes sense for like mass deployments i guess because the whole point is centralized management for hundreds of devices at once