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<BtbN> git security update broke gitweb
<BtbN> Just use videolan git or the github mirror
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<MontyCarleau> Running as sudo doesn't seem to make a difference, and Terminal has access to Cameras
<MontyCarleau> For example, I have no issue reading and ffplay-ing from my FaceTime camera
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<JEEB> ffplay also uses the same libraries underneath
<JEEB> so clearly FFmpeg (the libraries) is able to read the camera then?
<MontyCarleau> Sorry, I meant that I have no problem with other Cameras, such as the FaceTime Camera – only with this device
<JEEB> yea, and the OS is saying that it is not allowed for that device type
<JEEB> since that warning came from the OS
<JEEB> not FFmpeg
<JEEB> that's why I told you to attempt to allow the permission for it in the OS (if that is possible)
<MontyCarleau> To the extent that I can allow explicit access, I think I have – although I'm happy to be wrong.
<JEEB> yea, that's why I used the word "attempt". I don't know the details myself, either. just that the OS just told you "no"
<JEEB> and there is no such thing as a plist file for FFmpeg
<Cracki> I've never used macs myself. people seem to have success giving the *terminal application* camera privileges
<Cracki> which then is inherited to anything running in the terminal
<Cracki> sounds weird, i know
<Cracki> when in doubt, send a brick to tim cook
<JEEB> I only have a 2015 macbook pro, but my interest is in not cameras
<Cracki> this blasted OS is causing mac users to bother *every* community space of every program and library that has anything to do with video access
<MontyCarleau> Well, me neither, but the video capture card is calling itself a camera
<Cracki> same thing with raspberry pi cameras not using V4L
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