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<frankplow> Looks like he’s gone, but that continuity camera error is a red herring. Continuity camera is a pretty exotic feature which lets you use your iPhone as a webcam essentially.
<frankplow> It’s new and the .plist for the terminal emulator you are using (which is what ffmpeg will use) often are missing it.
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<Cracki> TIL
<Cracki> do you use apple products? just asking for my personal statistic
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<tr4nq_> ohi
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<frankplow> Cracki: Yes
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<acidtonic> I am back with a few questions, it seems with wireshark I have deduced that the av_dict_set(&options, "rtsp_transport", "tcp", 0); is not being applied. With ffplay -max_delay 500000 -rtsp_transport tcp rtsp://ip it does work. Any ideas?
<acidtonic> Seems these lost packets are in udp mode, (and ffplay has a good 3 second lag) compared to my C++ code that has corruption
<acidtonic> I am curious if I need to send that option to a different place? should that go to av_format_open_input() or to avcodec_open2()?
<acidtonic> my code (
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<leonic> hi, I'm trying to encode a video with ffmpeg with SVT-AV1 and the option `-svtav1-params force-key-frames=1s`, but I get the following error: [libsvtav1 @ 0x5d247dba66c0] Error parsing option force-key-frames: 1s.
<leonic> but when I use `SvtAv1EncApp --force-key-frames 1s` it works fine.
<leonic> does libsvtav1 not support force-key-frames?
<furq> the svt cli probably has special handling for "1s" etc
<leonic> other parameters like tune, film-grain, and keyint work fine with ffmpeg. e.g. `ffmpeg -svtav1-params tune=0:keyint=200` works as expected.
<furq> no idea what unit it uses underneath but i guess ms
<leonic> but all other parameters work exactly the same as with SvtAv1EncApp
<leonic> and setting no unit gives the same error: [libsvtav1 @ 0x599b88c716c0] Error parsing option force-key-frames: 1.
<leonic> I also tried force-key-frames=1f for first frame, but that doesn't work either.
<furq> it looks like that option only exists in svtav1encapp
<furq> ffmpeg has its own -force_key_frames option
<leonic> I'm aware, but I couldn't figure out how to use ffmpeg's option to works with just a list of frames.
<leonic> yeah, I read that, but I couldn't figure it out.
<leonic> I'm using av1an's scene change detection to produce a file with frames where a scene change occurs, so I can then feed that list into SVT-AV1 for them to be keyframes.
<leonic> av1an can use its own list automatically, but for some reason av1an is badly designed and launches a separate svt-av1 encoding process for each key frame chunk instead of just giving the list of keyframes to svt-av1.
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<furq> if it needs to be frame numbers then something like expr:eq(n,123)+eq(n,456)+eq(n,789)+...
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<furq> probably easier to just conver to timestamps though
<leonic> e.g. a one minute video split into 17 scene change detected chunks/keyframes takes 45 seconds to encode with av1an, but when I feed the same list of keyframes directly into SvtAv1EncApp it only takes 25 seconds.
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<leonic> weird that ffmpeg doesn't also support frame[,frame...], but only time[,time...]
<leonic> hmm
<leonic> maybe I can set `-enc_time_base 1` so a "time" of 1 means frame 1.
<leonic> okay, that just produces a video with a framerate of 1 fps.
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<leonic> furq: your other equation does seem to work, expr:eq(n,123)+eq(n,456)+eq(n,789)+...
<leonic> I used this: -force_key_frames expr:(grep -oE '"start_frame":[0-9]*,' sample-scenes.txt | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d '\n' | sed -E 's/([0-9]*),/eq(n,\1)+/g' | head -c-1)
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<contrapunctus> For some reason, this video plays correctly in VLC or MPV, but not in some players like Fossify Gallery...I made it using `ffmpeg -f image2 -pattern_type glob -framerate 1/2 -i '*.svg' -c:v libx264 -r 30 -an video.mp4`...I've also tried using `-pix_fmt yuv420p`, but no change.
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<bpmedley> contrapunctus: ffmpeg -i vasant-kunj.mp4 -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=1500:998" joy.mp4 ### Does this work for you?
<contrapunctus> bpmedley: Thanks, that works. What was the issue? 🤔
<bpmedley> Either one of profile, pixel format, or divisible by 2 height
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<noobaroo> I'm using avoid_negative_ts 2 and doing encode from x264 to x265, starting at 10:08 with a duration of 10seconds and the output video timestamps start at 3 seconds in
<noobaroo> How can I fix this?
<noobaroo> ffmpeg -ss 10:08 -t 10 -i $V -vf metadata=delete,sidedata=delete,format=p010le,scale=w=-1:h=1080,fps=29.97 -map_metadata -1 -c:v libx265 -g 300 -preset slow -b:v 2500k -c:a copy -avoid_negative_ts make_zero
<noobaroo> I don't see anyone online with the same problem...
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<Cracki> the windows builds by BtbN and gyan, what are their advantages wrt each other?
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<tranzistor> Hello! Does there exist a video codec that uses JPEG for key frames?
<furq> technically mjpeg
<Cracki> nvm, I'm diffing `-codecs` output for both and it's mostly the same, with gyan having a few more codecs for niche stuff, and ditching the open264 thing
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<noobaroo> furq I dumped cache with mpv, and have a 1h30m duration video with lots of empty space. There is only about 10 minutes of actual video throughout, with only 10seconds from 0. I tried -avoid_negative_ts 2 -reset_timestamps 1
<noobaroo> How can I remove all the empty space with stream copy?
<noobaroo> I also tried cutting the first 10seconds, then cutting the rest, and concating them with -f concat -i list.txt . That didn't work either. It's still 1h30m duration
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<tranzistor> furq: yeah, mjpeg would technically count as a video codec (:
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<noobaroo> I figured out my second question, for anyone who is also wondering, the solution is outputting to raw h264 and then from that back to an mkv or mp4 container
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