michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
<cone-830> ffmpeg James Almer master:c88614662cd3: avcodec/d3d12va_encode: use the correct specifier to log size_t values
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<cone-099> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:248a6578a3de: avcodec/msmpeg4enc: Inline constant
<cone-099> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:594b97e4333f: avcodec/mpegvideo_dec: Mark init, flush, close functions as av_cold
<cone-099> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:1a564c1afff4: avcodec/vc1_block: Stop setting write-only block_last_index
<cone-099> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:461b86fe7d64: avcodec/intrax8: Stop setting write-only block_last_index
<cone-099> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:de562e8069d9: avcodec/mdec: Remove write-only block_last_index
<cone-099> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:9aeb6940a22f: avcodec/mdec: Optimize processing escape codes
<cone-099> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:2e5f01e06464: avcodec/mdec: Don't update cache unnecessarily
<cone-099> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:f6366cb5ea1d: avcodec/eamad: Optimize processing escape codes
<cone-099> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:b5be0c0aa956: avcodec/eamad: Don't store transient macroblock indices in context
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<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/7.1:ea34bf796251: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang
<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/7.1:dca3b4760f2f: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang v2
<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/7.0:70fe76385da3: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang
<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/7.0:94e94becb133: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang v2
<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/6.1:9c235c2c75f4: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang
<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/6.1:e16ff06adb9a: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang v2
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<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/6.0:2a341fc5b246: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang
<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/6.0:b67a6631a27e: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang v2
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<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/5.1:6ad0eab0b5b9: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang
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<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/5.1:c0067757ab59: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang v2
<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/5.0:c7e3a1b6afb4: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang
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<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/4.4:793a472df596: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang
<cone-099> ffmpeg Brad Smith release/4.4:2d18c6b8ab21: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang v2
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<fflogger> [editedticket] madsfoto: Ticket #11369 ([swscale] Chroma error in yuv420p -> hwaccel dxva2 -> p010le on nvenc) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11369#comment:8
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<fflogger> [editedticket] joe: Ticket #11512 ([ffmpeg] pocketsphinx not found using pkg-config) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11512#comment:3
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