michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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ffmpeg Viraaj Raulgaonkar master:081c865867be: avformat/riffdec: change declaration of ff_get_wav_header()
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huh. forked from jeeb/avisynth
that's kinda interesting
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[newticket] rinsuki: Ticket #11491 ([avcodec] n7.1.1 fails to build with some options (but not on master), backport needed) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11491
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can somebody sanity check this please? to convert from rgb4_byte to rgb565, say I have the input bits (msb) 0000RGgB (lsb), the output should be exactly (msb) RRRRRGgGgGgBBBBB (lsb) right?
i.e. the 1-bit R and B channels just get turned into 5-bit R/B by repeating the input bit 5 times
and the 2-bit G channel is multiplied by 21 = 0b10101 to form the 6-bit output G channel
I ask because I get very different results from swscale; e.g. for the input (0b0, 0b10, 0b1) I get the output (0b00001, 0b101110, 0b10101). I would chalk this up to just poor precision in swscale except it somehow produces a lower round trip error than the bit-exact implementation above.
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Okay, I'm convinced it's an odd bug
Or rather, it's an odd non-bug corner case exception
This is the result after conversion to rgb565 with my code: https://0x1.st/hTeK.png (the astute will notice it's the same URL, this is not a mistake)
the fact that swscale loses massive amounts of chroma information during the lossy conversion from rgb4 to rgb565 just happens to make it score better relative to the original, which had a lot of mid-gray tones
whereas my implementation faithfully preserves the bit exact dithered 4bpp version at the cost of performing worse on the roundtrip because it can't lose the error that was introduced originally
But.. how do we sanely deal with this in the regression framework? just add a special case to suppress the SSIM regression check?
I guess what I should be doing is increasing the margin of error due to dithering noise etc as a function of the expected noise floor from dithering
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ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:ab768b88e069: avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Don't set qscale_table value prematurely
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:b3ba961df684: avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Add AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:d4fd475005a2: avcodec/motion_est: Avoid branches for put(_no_rnd) selection
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:973c7a0c652d: avcodec/mpegvideo_dec: Use picture-dimensions in ff_print_debug_info()
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:a885351ad0a8: avcodec/vc1dec: Reenable debug-info output for field pictures
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:c960b42efca6: tests/fate/vcodec: Test alternate_scan
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:57ade06ffeb8: tests/fate/vcodec: Test using mpeg2-quantizers for MPEG-4
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:a5d590963c06: tests/fate/vcodec: Test H.261 loop-filter
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:9c16d54a1666: avcodec/h261dec: Remove dead check
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:3474475e5853: avcodec/h261dec: Inline constant
Painfully slow
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:db8546dff714: avcodec/mpeg12dec: Remove write-only assignments
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:4912a2d88ea2: avcodec/msmpeg4dec: Don't process unnecessarily many coefficients
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:18fc118f6541: avcodec/msmpeg4dec: Avoid branch
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:2de9168b563c: avcodec/msmpeg4dec: Remove redundant check
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:ab38ff9161b9: avcodec/mips/mpegvideo_mmi: Don't check alternate_scan unnecessarily
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:592d75dbebb7: avcodec/rv34: Don't update block_index unnecessarily
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:4c0960e96822: avcodec/mpegvideo_dec: Don't sync max_b_frames
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:920217975407: avcodec/mpegvideo_dec: Move syncing DivX-stuff to mpeg4videodec.c
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:1adc84136e49: avcodec/vc1: Add max_b_frames field to VC1Context
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:78b26225bac5: avcodec/mpeg4videoenc: Remove dead FF_BUG_MS code
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:e6657d499a6e: avcodec/h26[134]dec: Always report the buffer to be completely consumed
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:79d6657e138a: avcodec/mpeg12dec: Don't initialize unused parts of ScanTable
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:e4470a8e30de: avcodec/h263dec: Don't call ff_thread_finish_setup() unnecessarily
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:e3ebc1073e06: avcodec/mpegvideo: Move bitstream_buffer to mpeg4videodec
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:4f2becc2dc46: avcodec/mpeg4videodec: Avoid copying packed bitstream data
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:8d871622542b: avcodec/mpeg12dec: Really disable scratchpad allocations
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:772df653566d: avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Don't do unnecessary work for AMV
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:ca56526d7fb4: avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Reindent after the previous commit
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:f76195ff656d: avcodec/vc1dec: Don't initialize inter_scantable
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[editedticket] bubbleguuum: Ticket #11363 ([avcodec] [Android] MediaCodec decoders/encoders do not work on Pixel 8 Pro (No output buffer available)) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11363#comment:6
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[editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11363 ([avcodec] MediaCodec de/encoders no more work since Android 15 (No output buffer available)) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11363#comment:7
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the hell is that ticket-comment
I will work on feedback message for MasterQuestionable regarding unnecessary activity on the TRAC
While I appreciate the grooming of tickets there is some opportunity for improvement there
For example always CCing self to tickets.
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wrong window, disregard.
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[editedticket] thebombzen: Ticket #11363 ([avcodec] [Android] MediaCodec decoders/encoders do not work on Pixel 8 Pro (No output buffer available)) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11363#comment:8
Marth64: you should just ban him
it's not worth it. his grasp of English is so poor I don't see an improvement happening
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[editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11363 ([avcodec] [Android] MediaCodec decoders/encoders do not work on Pixel 8 Pro (No output buffer available)) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11363#comment:9
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ffmpeg James Almer release/7.1:f023d2c61b3c: fftools/ffmpeg_filter: also remove display matrix side data from buffered frames
haasn: how is nv24 -> nv42 broken? a fast path is buggy?
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Marth64: what happened to your bluray lavf demuxer?
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Lynne: Hi. Besides prioritization conflict with recent IRL/work stuff, I am actually stuck with an issue on it. When demuxing using libbluray's filtered stream (which enables seeking), I'm unable to capture the discontinuity event correctly, so I can't reset the subdemuxer in time when there's a new segment
I get the event, but I am struggling with getting it at the right moment to reset the subdemuxer for some reason
Without this working, there is no seeking, making it useless for playback. I did not want to publish v2 (the good version with other fixes) yet until its fixed.
I have some time to catch a breather this weekend and need to pick up my technical work again, this is definitely high on the task list as its so close to being done
Correction* There is seeking, but the whole experience is janky on discs with discontinuity
I don't want janky :(
Traneptora: Just saw your message due to netsplit. I think he/she deserves a heads up first; while noisy, it looks like someone genuinely trying to help even if its not the end result
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ah, I see
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v1 on the ML should be sufficient still for any scenario when using the "direct" mode for demuxing the disc, just no seeking
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ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:9e2773034ba1: avformat/rtp_av1: Add necessary headers
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:883120aaf04a: avcodec/mpeg12dec: Use proper logcontext
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:19e907cd725e: avcodec: Remove leftover alpha declarations
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ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:57f184221df2: avutil/attributes_internal: Add EXTERN macro for extern+hidden
ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:56cfbe3c9fcc: avformat/mpegenc, mpegts. mxfenc: Mark (de)muxers declarations as internal