michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
<BtbN> Who even keeps assigning CVEs to random patches? Do people get paid for that?
<jamrial> afaik, yes, there are bounties or such
<BtbN> that just seems counter-productive, and leads to spam like this and makes CVEs completely valueless
<fflogger> [editedticket] jamrial: Ticket #11417 ([avformat] libavformat/mov.c:5195 SEGV) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11417#comment:3
<jamrial> i mentioned as much on the ml when the recent CVE discussion started
<BtbN> Well, the ML thread is correct in that we need to address every CVE there is, or people will be confused/concerned
<jamrial> a memleak of like 40 bytes got one
<BtbN> they just should not exist
<BtbN> in the first place
<fflogger> [editedticket] rathann: Ticket #11393 ([avcodec] SEGV on libavcodec/jpeg2000dec.c:1491:59) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11393#comment:2
<llyyr> how can a memleak be a CVE? denial of service?
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<jamrial> supposedly
<compnnn> shh guys you're going to ruin it. ffmpeg is being used to prop up the CVE markets
<BtbN> I mean, if you can make a browser exhaust all host memory via some video, it's at least rather bad
<BtbN> but I'm still not sure I'd call that a security issue
<BtbN> Cause JS can do that anytime without any exploits
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<fflogger> [editedticket] rathann: Ticket #11475 ([avformat] memory leaks in audio_element_obu(), libavformat/iamf_parse.c) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11475#comment:2
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<Lynne> michaelni: could you update the link on https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2025/organizations/ffmpeg
<Lynne> "Contributor Guidance" links to 2024, not 2025's GSoC trac page
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<fflogger> [newticket] tmatth: Ticket #11495 ([avcodec] speex: native decoder mishandling 32000 hz files) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11495
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<tmatth> jamrial: FYI ^^^^ (as you're the last person to touch the native speex decoder this might be of interest)
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<fflogger> [newticket] Gyan: Ticket #11496 ([avformat] MP3 probed as raw VVC format) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11496
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<michaelni> Lynne, fixed, I guess it was missed that the link is in there more than once
<michaelni> or maybe the page was not yet in good shape at the time and was then later forgotten, i dont know
<impawstarlight> Hello everyone
<impawstarlight> I'm interested in contributing to ffmpeg though GSoC this year
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<Lynne> IndecisiveTurtle: ping
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<IndecisiveTurtle> Lynne: Fixed a bug yesterday that was from the storage image rewrite (it would shift image size with chroma twice, breaking non yuv444 formats)
<IndecisiveTurtle> Other than that tested a bunch of formats, wavelets and depths and it seems okay like before. Intel on your machine still suffers from the barrier softlock but there isnt much I can do I about it I think
<IndecisiveTurtle> Probably they fixed it on intel xe
<Lynne> intel's linux drivers have been on a steady decline
<IndecisiveTurtle> Weren't they the first oss vulkan drivers that every driver was based from later, until nvk?
<Lynne> no, everyone largely did their own thing
<psykose> being first doesn't make you good :^)
<Lynne> but yeah, they were the first and by far best
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<IndecisiveTurtle> psykose: Heh true
<IndecisiveTurtle> Sent the 4 commits to the mailing list Lynne, ping me again if you want any change made
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<fflogger> [newticket] moralapostel: Ticket #11497 ([ffmpeg] channelsplit regression: no longer supports custom channel_layouts ("Query format failed for 'Parsed_channelsplit_0': Invalid argument")) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11497
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<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11496 ([avformat] MP3 probed as raw VVC format) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11496#comment:1
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<IndecisiveTurtle> Lynne: Is there a specific convention to how inheritance is done in ffmpeg? As per the comment about that in ML, I moved the vulkan structure in private and added VC2EncContext base; at the top
<Lynne> not sure what you mean
<Lynne> if the vc2enccontext struct is first, everything should work just fine
<Lynne> in your private struct
<Lynne> since we assume there's an avclass at the very first part of private encoder structs
<IndecisiveTurtle> Yeah was asking if there is convention about naming for that mostly, since I'm coming from c++. I did put it first and it works fine
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<Lynne> not really, just name it whatever's appropriate
<Lynne> "vc" or something
<Lynne> and the private context VC2VulkanEncCtx or something
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<IndecisiveTurtle> Gotcha
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<frankplow> Somebody (perhaps curl but can’t quite remember) ended up setting up their own CVE database because the usual ones were so hard to deal with and it’s so much easier to file a CVE than to remove/downgrade one
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<mkver> Lynne: Do you know what requirements clCreateProgramWithSource has on the lifetime of the strings array given to it?
<Lynne> no, never used opencl
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<fflogger> [newticket] chadmiller: Ticket #11498 ([ffmpeg] HLS upload corrupted hostname any.tld -> any0.ts) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11498
<fflogger> [editedticket] chadmiller: Ticket #11498 ([ffmpeg] HLS upload corrupted hostname any.tld -> any0.ts) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11498#comment:1
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<cone-389> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:c1b330bf2421: avcodec/ffv1: Basic float16 support
<cone-389> ffmpeg Manuel Lauss master:114e9864e14d: avcodec/sanm: ignore unknown codecs in FOBJs
<cone-389> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:9bad2634ee12: avcodec/ffv1: Store remap flag per slice
<cone-389> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:1bce40cb73ff: avcodec/ffv1: Use dual run coder for fltmap
<cone-389> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:4a0c285dfef9: avcodec/ffv1: flip half of float16 and Compactify floats
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<Lynne> michaelni: why do you use put_symbol_inline and put_symbol?
<Lynne> just a small nit
<Lynne> also, you should really consider moving the float sign *out* of the float
<Lynne> ah, nevermind, the lookup table is unsigned
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<mkver> michaelni: Are you actually implementing a spec or is this just an experiment?
<michaelni> mkver, hopefully it will become part of the next version of ffv1
<michaelni> Lynne, what else should i use instead of put_symbol_inline and put_symbol ?
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<Lynne> just s/put_symbol_inline/put_symbol, it was just a nit since you call put_symbol_inline with NULL which is equivalent to put_symbol
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<mkver> Lynne: They are not equivalent. put_symbol_inline is av_always_inline, put_symbol is av_noinline.
<Lynne> ah
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