michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<haasn> ramiro: I had a crazy idea
<haasn> what if instead of each op dereferencing the next function pointer and jumping into it, we push all of the addresses directly onto the stack in reverse order and have each operation just 'ret' when it's done
<haasn> obviously requires full asm magic
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<haasn> but that would be a way to handle very low overhead asm function chains without necessitating runtime code generation
<ramiro> haasn: it *could* work, but with runtime code generation we could also do many more optimizations. like instruction reordering, factoring loading of constants outside of the main loop, swizzle by just changing the vector register, ...
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<haasn> sure
<ramiro> we could shave off a few cycles with that trick, but we might shave off many more cycles with runtime code generation :)
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<ramiro> and we don't have to deal with delay slots on mips :P
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<haasn> actually, my current approach is probably faster than the ret trick
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<cone-897> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:44ed8f61d7aa: avcodec/aom_film_grain: Cast const away to suppress compiler warning
<cone-897> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:2da40904f399: avcodec/x86/hevc/dsp_init: Rename ff_hevc_put_hevc->ff_hevc_put
<haasn> since under the hood both amount to a dereference, indirect jump and register addition
<haasn> except I already have my "stack" assembled in constant memory
<haasn> ramiro: I seem to have accidentally reinvented the code pattern used by bytecode interpreters for popular programming languages :)
<haasn> except they use computed gotos (taking the addresses of labels)
<haasn> it compiles down to pretty much the same asm
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<cone-520> ffmpeg Frank Plowman master:26c5d8cf5d6d: lavc/vvc: Fix NumEntryPoints derivation
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<fflogger> [newticket] joe: Ticket #11512 ([ffmpeg] pocketsphinx not found using pkg-config) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11512
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<Guest79> how can i access the chat history?
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<sfan5> there seems to be public log here https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ffmpeg-devel/2025-03-15
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<fflogger> [editedticket] oromit: Ticket #11512 ([ffmpeg] pocketsphinx not found using pkg-config) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11512#comment:2
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<Sean_McG> I noticed the git links from FATE are giving 502 bad gateway errors a lot, is the machine OK?
<BtbN> just an insane amount of LLM scrapers that download every link again and again
* Sean_McG sighs
<Lynne> haven't you heard, agi to the moon or bust!
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<BtbN> Yeah, g.v.o is almost completely down
<Lynne> to the moon!
<BtbN> code.ffmpeg.org is pretty much sealed off now
<BtbN> means search engines also can't really get in, but that's what you gotta do to keep running I guess
<Lynne> hashcash is more relevant now than ever
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<cone-830> ffmpeg James Almer master:819dec697a93: swscale/swscale_unscaled: account for semi planar formats with data in the msb
<cone-830> ffmpeg James Almer master:63fa1f52b9c4: swscale/swscale_unscaled: make the fast planar copy path work with more formats
<cone-830> ffmpeg James Almer master:3f57063c58fa: avcodec/ffv1dec: set the FF_CODEC_CAP_SKIP_FRAME_FILL_PARAM capability
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