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<cone-401> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:469b7a0ee444: doc/developer: Better {} style rule
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<fflogger> [editedticket] wywh: Ticket #11391 ([ffmpeg] ffmpeg7 @7.1_2 segmentation fault with x265 @4.1_0+highdepth) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11391#comment:3
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<cone-451> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/3.4:4767a711c131: ffbuild: Avoid using the --preprocessor argument to windres
<fflogger> [editedticket] thebombzen: Ticket #10125 ([build system] ffmpeg-3.4.12 does not build (i686-w64-mingw32)) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/10125#comment:2
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<cone-451> ffmpeg Lynne master:300b82c3eada: pixfmt: add AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY32
<cone-451> ffmpeg Lynne master:629e8a2425ff: vulkan: add support for AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY32
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<jamrial> Lynne: version bump and apichanges entry
<Lynne> thanks, will post a patch in a minute
<Lynne> oof, we didn't have apichanges for any recent pixfmts
<Lynne> should I add patches for those?
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<jamrial> Lynne: yeah
<Lynne> hunted down the dates when pushed, sent patches for all of them
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<haasn> Lynne: in your patch you say "planar gray and gray"
<haasn> but should be planar gbr and gray
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<Lynne> it says planar gray and float gray?
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<haasn> commit title
<haasn> or well, your email title
<Lynne> "add entries for new planar gray and float gray pixfmts"?
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<haasn> new planar gray -> new planar gbr
<haasn> or rather, "new float gray and planar gbr" because the gbrp formats are also float
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<haasn> Lynne: -vf hwupload,format=vulkan,hwdowload seems to leak memory, the first ff_vk_exec is never cleaned up
<haasn> by any component
<haasn> if I force a ff_vk_exec_wait(&p->vkctx, exec); at the bottom of vulkan_transfer_frame() the issue disappears
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<haasn> it seems there's a fundamental issue here: the exec_ctx belonging to a hwfc will only be cleaned up if the hwfc is free'd
<haasn> but the hwfc is only free'd after ff_vk_exec_pool_free() cleans up the frame refs keeping the hwfc alive
<haasn> so we have two things referencing each other and no obvious place to break the loop
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<haasn> I think that the correct solution would be to add some sort of explicit (*sync)() command on the vulkan hwfc which can be used to forcibly flush the internal exec pools
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<haasn> Lynne: avutil/vulkan.h is private right?
<haasn> yeah nvm
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<haasn> Lynne: does this seem reasonable to you? https://0x1.st/qXdL.txt
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<haasn> Lynne: I think a wholly different solution would be to have the vk exec ctx not take refs to AVFrames it depends on
<haasn> but rather ref the underlying vulkan images directly
<haasn> so that the AVFrame can still be freed, thus triggering a free of the hwfc
<haasn> but that seems much more invasive and error prone
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<Sean_McG> jamrial: I have to be honest I have not been paying the closest attention to the mailing list, did you ever get any responses here or elsewhere regarding your library version bump patchset? If yes I'll need to hold off on the work I am doing for Trac #11120.
<jamrial> i got at least one request to wait a bit before pushing it
<Sean_McG> OK.
<Sean_McG> michaelni: the new CVE shellscript currently uses wget but perhaps it should probe if curl is available incase wget is not... I don't remember if it is shipped as part of Debian base install. VLC does this to fetch their contrib set, perhaps it could be borrowed/adapted from there?
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<Lynne> haasn: ah, that's a tricky issue to fix
<haasn> to be honest I only noticed it because the nvidia vulkan drivers like to randomly segfault when you exit() without destroying the VkDevice
<Lynne> I think before introducing a new API, I'd like to try reffing the buffer ref of the AVVkFrame rather than the AVFrame as a whole
<haasn> but hanging on to a VKDevice ref indefinitely is always a bad idea
<haasn> since you don't know how many times a user is going to init/uninit a filter graph per process
<Lynne> yeah, weird that the validation layers don't complain
<haasn> oh, we could try that
<Lynne> I'm not a fan of the way we store refs either, I'd like to try using the refstruct mechanism (if its usable outside of lavc) to avoid even needing to malloc memory per-transfer
<haasn> could you write up a quick patch for it? currently busy with sth else
<Lynne> yup, sure
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<minahermina> Hey there! I hope you're doing well!
<minahermina> I have read all the instructions at https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/SponsoringPrograms/GSoC/2025,
<minahermina>  and I wanted to ask: who should I contact or email to inform them that I am working on a certain bug as my qualification task?
<minahermina> I picked the bug from the FFmpeg bug tracker.
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<fflogger> [newticket] RandomPerson: Ticket #11489 ([ffmpeg] MediaCodec code not working, likely outdated) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11489
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<cone-775> ffmpeg Lynne master:ded677235927: fate-sws-pixdesc-query: update ref for new pixfmts
<cone-775> ffmpeg Lynne master:e41b45509b7f: fate-imgutils: update reference for new pixel formats
<cone-775> ffmpeg Lynne master:0ef678f5c506: APIChanges: add entry for new AMD AMF pixfmt
<cone-775> ffmpeg Lynne master:0245e9382c74: lavu: bump minor and add APIChanges entry for new GRAY32 pixfmts
<cone-775> ffmpeg Lynne master:a73760da537c: APIChanges: add entries for new planar GBR and float gray pixfmts
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<Lynne> mkver: any tips on how to use the refstruc api?
<mkver> For what?
<Lynne> I'd like to store AVVkFrame hardware frame structs (AVBufferRefs) from AVFrame->data
<Lynne> since reffing the avframe as a whole refs hw_frames_ctx, which makes it a circular dep
<Lynne> and I'd like to avoid mallocing every single ref, since it happens per-frame
<mkver> So you want to create a ref for every AVBufferRef set in AVFrame.buf. Do you intend to create multiple refs from these refs or just one?
<Lynne> there's only ever a single avbufferref per avframe I need
<Lynne> nope, just one, once
<Lynne> I need to keep the data ref'd just so it doesn't go poof whilst its being processed on the GPU
<mkver> I don't see how the refstruct API could help you here. After all, AVFrame.buf uses the AVBuffer API, not the RefStruct API.
<Lynne> I could store pointers to the atomic int counters of the buffer and decrement them atomically once I no longer need the data to be around, and it wouldn't be completely haram since it's libavutil code doing it, but it feels naughty
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<mkver> Everything stays in libavutil? Then you could treat sizeof(AVBufferRef) as known and add an ff_buffer_unref(AVBufferRef *ref) that is like av_buffer_unref(), but it doesn't free the AVBufferRef (because it is not separately allocated).
<mkver> Don't know if everything would be ok with this though.
<mkver> I regard it as bullshit that sizeof(AVBufferRef) is not public.
<Lynne> oh, okay, I'll do that then, thanks
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<Lynne> ah... it's not all within lavu
<Lynne> the code is templated between lavu, lavc and lavfi
<Lynne> did we support using libraries with different versions? pretty sure we didn't
<Lynne> if not, or if it's too ugly, I can make the code lavu-only and internal, since I only need this specific handling in lavu where it's problematic
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Legimet: Ticket #11432 ([undetermined] Empty output file after conversion if source is 5.1 audio (ac3>opus)) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11432#comment:2
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<Lynne> haasn: patch sent
<Lynne> ended up being rather simple
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<cone-868> ffmpeg Adam Lackorzynski master:76b181001778: libswscale/arm/swscale_unscaled: Fix function prototype
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<cone-868> ffmpeg Krzysztof Pyrkosz master:38929b824bcc: swscale/aarch64: Refactor hscale_16_to_15__fs_4
<cone-868> ffmpeg Krzysztof Pyrkosz master:e8d4c559871e: avcodec/aarch64/ac3dsp_neon.S: Optimize ac3_sum_square_butterfly_int32_neon
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