davidlt[m]: it's weird, but simply just enabling CONFIG_PRINTK_INDEX=y on top of the options used with the f33 kernel config (which worked fine on rocket) results in a crash right at the start: https://pastebin.com/qJLnU2xG
Kevinsadminaccou has joined #fedora-riscv
when the only difference is that I comment out CONFIG_PRINTK_INDEX=y, I get this (working) boot log instead: https://pastebin.com/prCV06V5
so I think I have multiple orthogonal ways to crash in the list of "new" CONFIG_* options; first I'll isolate them all, then address each one individually :)
btw I have bootargs = "console=liteuart earlycon=liteuart,0x12009000 swiotlb=noforce ro root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 systemd.default_timeout_start_sec=360s systemd.unit=multi-user.target enforcing=0";
It could be a bug hiding somewhere and just CONFIG_* makes it crash in a different way.
this particular one fails in "unflatten_dt_nodes()" (the "Error -11 processing FDT" message I'm getting), in drivers/of/fdt.c
how PRINTK_INDEX makes a difference, I have yet to figure out
Are you sure that your memory map/layout is fine and nothing is overwriting DT stuff (happened before)?
I think we had these situation before where kernel damaged DT while loading because we had some overlap on the memory map.
Not a common thing these days.
dt is built into the opensbi blob, which is 0x1ED48 in size, and gets loaded at 0x80000000; the next thing (kernel image) is loaded at 0x80200000
and then initrd at 0x83000000
so nothing *should* clobber the DT, at least not in a way I'd feel personally responsible for :)
but that's a good theory, and figuring out who *is* responsible is probably how I'm going to hopefully fix it :)
I registered for updates when available
davidlt[m]: good catch, I should update the isa string in my "manually maintained" DTS file(s)
somlo: are you using a release version or master branch?
master branch, updated occasionally
I did grab the latest Z* stuff a couple of days ago, but didn't notice the isa string going from "rv64imafdc" to "rv64imafdcXrocket" (whatever *that* all means) :)
x stands for vendor specific extensions
so "Xrocket" should mean something to the kernel, in terms of available opcodes for certain functions, etc.
I bet there is nothing
not sure if the Z stuff is implicit in there somewhere, or if I need to do fancy tricks with the chisel builder to turn it on deliberately
bitmanip and crypto doesn't add new registers IIRC (didn't check crypto) thus those are interesting things to play around
there is a patch for in-kernel Zbb for string functions under review
there are was also for zbb + unaligned access optimized versions too.
somlo: how Rocket handles unaligned stuff? Fast or slow? Is that in HW, or it traps into OpenSBI?
I think the decision was not to land it until such HW is available :)
I think I'll need to explicitly enable Z* extensions before (re)generating the verilog, and that *should* probably get reflected in the isa string being dumped into the sample dts as well
question is whether the new configuration will still fit on an ecp5 FPGA, or otherwise will require using Xilinx chips (thus precluding "self-hosting" capability)
I got lots of things to play with for after fosdem :)
Yeah, but if it fits it could improve Linux perf (mostly in the future).