davidlt[m]: with all of the above CONFIG_* options turned off, I am no longer getting the store/AMO crash during early boot
so, good news is I *think* I can get a fedora(-ish) system to boot on LiteX :)
Which ones? Matrix doesn't show anything above (sometimes it doesn't sync well with IRC)
mediocre news is that now I have to narrow down just which one of those CONFIG_* options is the *actual* culprit, and what the implications of that will turn out to be :)
hang on, I'm going to cut'n'paste them again
Ah, one of those above from "$ grep ^+ /tmp/defconfig.diff | grep y$" ?
Ah, ok, that's too long list.
I went and turned just those off and rebuilt the kernel, and now it finished building and doesn't crash
and I have no real prime suspects -- that's why I said "mediocre" :P
Those would be interesting.
I figured I'll do a bisect-like thing where I turn half of them off, see what happens, and go from there -- I'll make sure these are in the first half :)
ERRATA_THEAD should do nothing on your CPU, kexec support was added just recently IIRC, starfive stuff should do nothing too on your CPU.
Yeah, bisection is the best here.
somlo: once you get the CONFIG_* option that's causing it could you do a full bisection to figure out which commit causes that option to act like that?
I'll burn that bridge when I get to it -- optimistically, knowing the actual option might tell us if it's a Rocket-chip vs. some physical taped-out ASIC behavioral discrepancy, or something along those lines
but it all depends on what the option actually turns out to be...
ok, building with just your three commented out, we'll hopefully know if it's one of those by tomorrow :)