jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<markboston> anyone available to help me?
<markboston> i’m not sure what the issue is i get to the crux prompt and can’t type anything
<ukky> markboston: just ask questions. If somebody is around and knows an answer, they will respond.
<markboston> and a mount error about /boot being unable to mount because vfat is a unknown filesystem
<markboston> i don’t think the system is frozen but i’m unable to test that trying to get into single user with grub doesn’t seem to do anything
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<ukky> Did you add your keyboard devices to kernel config? Is your keyboard PS/2, USB, etc?
<markboston> i’m using a laptop
<markboston> so idk what that would be
<darfo_> kernel is not involved with keyboard at grub time
<markboston> i am able to type in grub menu editor
<markboston> ok
<markboston> is there a way i can get a basic kernel so i can boot?
<darfo_> I've never used vfat for boot. Always ext2 or ext3. Did you configure vfat filesystem when you built the kerneL?
<darfo_> for /boot I mean
<markboston> yes its formatted as a efi parition
<markboston> but system doesn’t have bios compatibility
<markboston> my system*
<darfo_> Oh, I see, your doing UEFI boot and grub can handle vfat. But if you try to mount in when linux is finally up you will need vfat support in the curenl
<darfo_> kernel*
<darfo_> In the grub editor can you move down to the boot command? Is the keyboard working well enough for that?
<markboston> yes it works fine in grub
<markboston> just not when linux boots
<markboston> i mean if /boot wasn’t mounted would the system even do anything?
<darfo_> oic, so linux is booting but now keyboard. Is it a PS/2 or USB keyboard?
<markboston> it does boot i just have no way to type
<darfo_> Boot is not normally needed in a running system. It is only used by grub to load the kernel.
<darfo_> Of course you mount /boot to update the kernel.
<markboston> right
<darfo_> Kind of keyboard?
<darfo_> USB, PS/2, AT?
<markboston> i’m using a laptop
<darfo_> Oh that's right you said laptop.
<markboston> so i’m not sure how that’s configured
<darfo_> Did you check the kernel config if there special options for your laptop?
<markboston> how do i do that? and i dont think there would be
<markboston> it’s a dell system pretty common
<darfo_> I'll look, it's been a while since I built a kernel for a laptop.
<ukky> do you have a spare USB keyboard?
<markboston> i do i tried that it didn’t seem to work i can try again though i’ve messed with it a bunch since i tried
<darfo_> I see there is DELL_LAPTOP at "Defined at drivers/platform/x86/dell/Kconfig:47"
<markboston> interesting i didn’t see anything in menu config about anything dell specific
<ukky> if USB keyboard didn't work, then you need to add USB host controller (UHCI, OHCI, EHCI, XHCI), plus HID support to your kernel.
<darfo_> In menuconfig can type /DELL to see the DELL related variables and where they are located.
<darfo_> ukky +1
<markboston> hmmm usb didnt work either either im totally doing this wrong or i didnt select that which i thought i did
<markboston> but i’ll do that search
<markboston> thanks everyone
<markboston> im new at building kernels
<markboston> been a linux user forever though
<darfo_> Don't bother with that search, I looked through the Dell options and none have anything for keyboard support.
<darfo_> ukky has the best idea.
<markboston> i saw that
<markboston> i didn’t think so it’s probably 8kutils which  my system doesn’t work with
<darfo_> Boot the linux install media and do an lspci and make sure your kernel configs all the things like xHCI and kin like ukky said above.
<markboston> now i know how to do. a search i will
<darfo_> lspci will show you what your hardware is capable of and then you have to make sure the kernel is configured to use it.
<darfo_> also dmesg after booting linux install media will show you what the default kernel did.
<markboston> i’ll do that and if i have a issue i’ll come back.
<darfo_> obviouly the keyboard was working for that linux or you couldn't install CRUX :)
<markboston> thanks everyone IM new appreciate it been banging my head all day
<darfo_> good luck
<markboston> i mean the system could be frozen
<darfo_> what you're doing is how we learned it
<markboston> of course
<markboston> i learned when i was ten not to boot system restore disks and run them
<ukky> markboston: I usually use 'lspci -nnk' to list PCI devices and corresponding built-in drivers and modules.
<markboston> deleted the whole system 🤪
<darfo_> lspci -nnk would be a great guide after booting the Linux install media, nice trick ukky!
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<markboston> sorry i have to use my phone to chat and it times out easily
<markboston> ah i see where i went wrong
<markboston> i didn’t know how to get into the extended menu when you had a heading with the arrow
<markboston> whole bunch of things i didn’t configure
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<markboston> usb storage uses scsi?
<markboston> that’s odd
<ukky> no
<ukky> s/no/maybe/
<markboston> there’s a note here that says if you enable sub storage you need to enable scsi
<darfo_> I use it. Some USB storage can use if for better speed. It is just a protocol.
<darfo_> USB Attached SCSI (USB_UAS [=y])
<ukky> My config has USB_UAS unset
<darfo_> Yes, it depend on what kind of USB Storage devices you have whether you need it.
<darfo_> Only some device support the SCSI protocol.
<markboston> ok
<markboston> oddly worded message
<darfo_> You won't need it unless some device you plug in causes the kernel to complain.
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<markboston> well i still cannot type let me see if i added everything im pretty sure i did
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<markboston> kinda stuck where i was
<markboston> obviously im messing something im just not sure what
<markboston> after i run menuconfig i do make all make modules_install then copy the image to /boot as vmlinuz
<markboston> then run dracut
<markboston> and im stuck cant type
<markboston> ivr selected xhci in config
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<markboston> is there a equivalent of emergency or rescue for rc?
<markboston> do i just do target.emergency?
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<braewoods> I guess they've never heard of run levels?
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<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: firefox: 129.0.1 -> 129.0.2
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, are you in charge of updating the handbook?
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<farkuhar> ppetrov^, anybody with a Wiki account on crux.nu can make changes to the handbook. Do you think the section on configuring the kernel should be expanded, after the recent discussions in this channel? (markboston merely the latest example)
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<uwumeowmeownyaa> Is CRUX GNU/Linux or Alpine Linux better for setting up a local development server residing in a virtual machine? CRUX GNU/Linux seems to be less buggy, but Alpine Linux has more packages...
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<remiliascarlet> Depends on what you want to achieve.
markboston has joined #crux
<markboston> I am still unable to type anything at the prompt and still getting the error about unknown file system vfat
<markboston> at this point I think the system is frozen because ive added all the xhci stuff and the drivers for the file system unless im totally doing it wrong which is possible
<markboston> is there anyway for me to get into a rescue or emergency shell so I can see what's going on?
<markboston> I am getting the flashing understscore thing at the prompt telling me to login but I still think the system is frozen since im unable to do anything
<ukky> markboston: there is no way to get into rescue mode if your kernel doesn't support your keyboard, nor vfat. Boot from install ISO and make a list of devices you need on your system. Then add all those devices to your personal kernel.
<farkuhar> markboston: the ISO also contains a modular kernel config, which should support most hardware configurations. No need to second-guess whether each driver should be built-in or a module; our friend SiFuh has done all the work already.
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<farkuhar> As a recent example, if you guess incorrectly that your hardware doesn't need CONFIG_DRM_AMD_SECURE_DISPLAY=y, then you might be stuck without any graphical session until you build a new kernel. Why take that risk with uninformed guesses, when (for just a few more hours of compile time) you get a kernel that works on almost every modern device?
<darfo_> latelyh 'vim Pkgfile' has some new-to-me syntax highlighting. lines > 80 length, underscore in dependency names, and python3
<darfo_> I can't figure out where this syntax highlighting comes from. Anyone know?
<cruxbridge> <tim> darfo_: I wrote the syntax file
<cruxbridge> <tim> how do you like it?
<darfo_> I like, I just can't figure out where it gets into vim.
<cruxbridge> <tim> the core/vim includes it
<darfo_> Does the python3 highlight imply that CRUX 3.8 will rename python3 to python?
<cruxbridge> <tim> it does not imply anything other than you should use a full path with python because pythons virtual env could mess with prt-get building stuff
<cruxbridge> <tim> it was an older ticket that was online in flyspray, reported by prologic, with the proposed fix of spelling out the complete path, which the syntax file tries to highlight
<darfo_> oic. Also I found /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax/Pkgfile.vim
<cruxbridge> <tim> but you are right, just checked, python is not highlighted
<darfo_> Ah, I say the drop python2 item in CRUX 3.8 TODO and jumped to my hopeful conclusion
<darfo_> s/say/saw/
<cruxbridge> <tim> I think we are on a good way with this one
<darfo_> me too
<remiliascarlet> Does anyone even still use Python 2 nowadays?
<cruxbridge> <tim> not really sure. qt5-webengine needed it for a long time, but I guess it's pretty much ready to be dropped. Nothing directly depends on it.
<cruxbridge> <tim> I keep it around for contrib/nextcloud-client fwiw, but I think official qt6 support there is not far from now. Not sure if there is anything else that still uses it
markboston has joined #crux
<markboston> where is that
<markboston> I checked where the handbook says it should be and that directory doesn't exist
<markboston> ukky ive done that unless im totally screwing up making the kernel
<ukky> markboston: could you boot install ISO and post, via dpaste, output of 'lspci -nnk', 'lsmod', and 'dmesg'. Please do not paste in this channel.
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<markboston> think I figured it out has nothing to do with the kernel well it possibly could I had it loaded as a module
<markboston> changed that to built in
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<markboston> but I removed efivars from the fstab
<markboston> that's why it doesn't know anything about vfat the actual firmware isn't being loaded and that's freezing the computer while it tries to figure out what's the issue or just gives up
<markboston> im used to systemd where that's loaded automatically
<markboston> do I need to add it to .rc as well?
<markboston> or is it enough to have fstab mount the partition?
<markboston> im must say the documentation isn't very clear its geared towards people that know what they are doing which makes sense but there should be a section or something for people that have only even used systemd
<markboston> well I did use sysvinit but who remembers that far back :P
<ukky> markboston: no need to auto-mount ESP partition unless you need to update files on it.
<farkuhar> markboston: you don't have to remember that far back; the file /etc/inittab is almost self-documenting. You can refer to it and learn which scripts are being launched for each runlevel. Then read these scripts themselves, which are also self-documenting.
<markboston> ok
<markboston> ill check
<markboston> it also could of not been loaded since I had it set to module although you would think dracut would add it? or do I need to specifically tell it what I want to load?
<markboston> im used to mkinitcpio
<markboston> ive barely used dracut
<markboston> need.to read dracut docs
<markboston> from what I remember I think it does load things itself and you only need to change it if you added your own thing
<farkuhar> CRUX documentation of initramfs is pretty thin. They do expect you to read the upstream documentation if you go that route. Otherwise, configure a "fat" kernel with all the necessary drivers built-in, and boot without an initramfs.
<markboston> arch's is excellent since that's the main way you do it
<markboston> ive never not used a ramfs with modern linux
<markboston> im just not that familiar with dracut
<markboston> from my memory it was a bit more complicated than mkinitcpio
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: you asked about keeping the handbook updated. Do you agree with markboston that we should include more documentation of initramfs?
<markboston> and I noticed another typo I didn't compile the kernel properly
<markboston> now wonder I have a broken system
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, i have no opinion. I was going to suggest, to write in the very beginning about `loadkeys foo`
<ppetrov^> so, users set another keyboard layout if needed
<markboston> how do I find the minimal kernel that's included
<ppetrov^> markboston, there's a user contributed (thanks SiFuh) modular kernel config
<markboston> how do I get it?
<ppetrov^> it's in /crux/kernel/contrib on the install media
<ppetrov^> last note
<markboston> how do I get that onto my system? since its not on the chroot
<ppetrov^> best would be to do it beforehand
<ppetrov^> you do your partitions, mount the stuff from /mnt
<ppetrov^> do installation, then before chroot, copy the config to /mnt/usr/src
<ppetrov^> the after you chroot to your new system, it should be in /usr/src
<ppetrov^> or
<ppetrov^> after install, chroot to your system, then start the net service and get it with curl
<ppetrov^> wait
<ppetrov^> it's this one
<SiFuh> markboston: Quick question for possible future help. You using an intel machine? Is it a laptop?
<markboston> yup
<SiFuh> markboston: Thanks. If your keyboard doesn't work after the modular kernel build, let me know.
<markboston> using linux 5-15-55 modular
<markboston> ?*
<SiFuh> All good
<markboston> k
<markboston> were getting there :D
<markboston> im still not convinced its a kernel problem but hey that's why we troubleshoot
<markboston> this system worked perfectly with arch and many other os'es in the past but I guess I could be leaving something out
<SiFuh> It's a long build and will provide every module you will ever need. You can use it to check which modules want when you want to build a lighter kernel. Or stick with the modular. Doesn't matter. But there is a slight issue some intel laptops have that require tweaking.
<SiFuh> The tweak is for a hardware issue but at the kernel level.
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<markboston> once I have that file what do I do with it?
<SiFuh> The config file? go into your kernel directory and do make mrproper. Then copy that file into the kernel directory as .config
<SiFuh> Then compile it
<SiFuh> No need to run make menuconfig.
<SiFuh> markboston: https://gitlab.com/SiFuh/Documentation/-/tree/master/Kernel-Configs?ref_type=heads I have a few here. But only choose the modular versions
<SiFuh> Mr farkuhar's keen eye found a small mishap so I ended updating many of the configs recently.
<markboston> make mrproper does nothing
<markboston> no make file
<SiFuh> cd /usr/src/linux-* && make mrproper = cleans the kernel source
<markboston> no target mrproper rather
<SiFuh> And are you in your extrazcted kernel source location?
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: /crux/kernel/contrib This is the exact location yes?
<SiFuh> markboston: If the location is correct then you will do something like this https://dpaste.com/E9NCQ2ZPC.txt
<markboston> well its compiling now
<markboston> I have a pretty beefy system so I gave it all 16 threads so it shouldn't take that long
<markboston> thanks for your help SiFuh and everyone else
<SiFuh> markboston: if the keyboard has an issue 'possibly' intermittently call my name. I have some tweaks. If not, then congratulations
<markboston> as I said its worked flawlessly in any system ive used. im not sure if it was a keyboard driver issue or a kernel freezing or incomplete setup issue
<markboston> we shall see
<SiFuh> Well those tweaks are not in arch linux so the chances are it is a kernel issue
<markboston> ah
<markboston> I see
<markboston> still all the other issues I was having its not happy
<SiFuh> You'll be fine. Load your modules and also do a lsmod and you can get an idea of what you need if you want a lighter kernel
<SiFuh> You run it a full modular kernel and never need to worry about anything else. However, if you want a compact kernel, you can use this to see what you need to build your own. I hated the idea of having to use Debian or another Distro to see what modules you need. Better to stick entirely with CRUX and not rely on another distro.
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<markboston> ok I have some updates
<markboston> kernel boots
<markboston> however blank screen do you know if the config included on the install media contains i915 and nouveau drivers?
<markboston> it seems to be a kms issue I used dracut to do early loading but it didn't seem to work
<markboston> SiFuh
<markboston> I did check the file and it seemed to have everything enabled
<markboston> so even if the discrete card isn't working I should be seeing something
<markboston> although there seems to be a weird issue where when I was on arch the Nvidia card was always connected
<markboston> probably I set that up and just forgot about it though because that's not how it should be
<darfo_> maybe boot the install media, mount the new root fs and look at /var/log/kernel & /var/log/messages for hints.
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<markboston> interesting so it is kms because adding nomodeset and it boots perfectly. I can do more troublshooting on my end now
<kh1b> markboston: fixed my audio thanks for your help, i dont know if there is a way tho for starting it automaticly i usualy do 'pulseaudio --start'
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<SiFuh> markboston: nomodeset is probably telling noveau not to load.
<SiFuh> To say it politely noveau is a pain in the dick
<SiFuh> On my systems, I strip it completely from my kernels.
<SiFuh> markboston: Anyway, the keyboard is fine right?
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<markboston> SiFuh so far so good. however I am having an issue with wifi
<markboston> after messing around with wpa_supplicant I finally got it to work however its just sitting there its not dropping back to a prompt
<markboston> in the handbook its telling me to background the process I don't know how to do that
<markboston> hmm bg huh never know about this
<markboston> learn something new everyday
<markboston> anyway thanks for the help everyone ill be back probably gonna need more help
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